The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 40 The Edge of the Vortex

Yang Yuting, chief of staff of the Fengtian Governor's Mansion, and Xu Shuzheng were classmates. He once wrote a letter to him, asking him to pay attention to a student named Wu Xiaoliang in Baoding Military Academy, and pointed out that this person is a well-known industrialist in Fengtian, with the spirit of writing and serving in the army. It is commendable that the country's turmoil needs such promising young people who are determined to serve the country.

Xu Shuzheng was ambitious at a young age, proud and conceited, and became the Deputy Minister of the Army at the age of 34. How could he believe that this person is good in a letter?However, Wu Xiaoliang really succeeded in attracting his attention. Being able to command a company of student soldiers and capture a company of the President Yuan Da's royal model regiment was enough to show that this person has quite a commanding ability and potential, so he decided to take him into custody. Thoughts for your own use.

The hearts of the Baoding Military Academy were fluctuating, and the students of the fifth batch of the military academy were busy pleading with Wu Xiaoliang, and even the principal Yang Zude signed the letter of pleading.The military academy is under the Ministry of the Army, and the school itself has no right to deal with major incidents such as riots and fighting, especially when it involves the model regiment, which involves factional struggles, so it is extremely sensitive.As for coordinating the conflicts among various factions, a mere Ministry of the Army cannot resolve them. In the end, Premier Duan Qirui of the State Council will have to intervene in person.Therefore, the key to protecting Wu Xiaoliang is Duan Qirui.

The little military students are unable to complete this arduous task anyway, they can only hope that the joint letter can impress Duan Qirui.Principal Yang Zude has agreed to the students' request and will personally visit Duan Qirui and deliver the letter on his behalf.

What worried Fang Qidao and other students the most was that Wu Xiaoliang was no longer in the military academy at all. After he was arrested by the Eighth Division that day, his whereabouts are still unknown. Even the principal Yang Zude couldn't tell where he was.

Wu Xiaoliang is currently gnawing on the pig's trotters in the headquarters of the Eighth Division, his hands are dripping with oil, and he keeps screaming.

Wang Ruxian smiled and looked at him in a panic, "Weizhong, there will be results in the next few days, so you must be mentally prepared!"

"It's a big deal to be expelled, and the students will follow you." Wu Xiaoliang wiped his mouth with oily hands, his face full of indifference.

"What good is an old man who has lost power like me? The Eighth Division will move to Tianjin Machang soon. I'm afraid I will resign soon, old man."

Wang Ruxian looked lonely, and asked instead:

"What if it goes to a court-martial?"

Wu Xiaoliang picked up another pig's trotter and gnawed it fiercely. With his mouth full of meat, he said vaguely: "This is the end, what are you thinking about so much, as long as there is meat to eat..."

"Okay, it's a good material without changing the color of the top of Mount Tai." Wang Ruxian applauded repeatedly, and then said: "There are rumors that Xiao Xu from the Army Department is pleading for you. It’s also possible in Baoding.”

"Xiao Xu?"

Seeing Wu Xiaoliang's puzzled face, Wang Ruxian explained: "Listen well, I will tell you the story of Beiyang. There are three masters in Beiyang: dragon, tiger and dog. Wang Pinqing hides his secrets and calls them dragon; Duan Zhiquan is angry and powerful. Feng Huafu called it a tiger; Feng Huafu called it a dog; Duan Zhiquan was also known as Da Duan, and Xiao Duan was Duan Xiangyan, who was known as the escaped general. There was also Da Xu and Xiao Xu. Undersecretary of the Army Xu Youzheng who operated the intercession”

Wang Ruxian stroked his beard under his chin and said with a smile, "Weizhong entered Baoding, and Xu Buwu even called to talk to you..."


In Xu Shichang's private residence in Siwutiao Hutong in the east of Beijing, Xu Zibing begged:

"Daddy, just help him again..."

Xu Shichang smiled wryly. He spoiled this daughter. The wild boy he met somewhere made a huge mess. Although President Yuan is dead, his lingering veins still exist. The model group has not been disbanded several times. the result of.Wu Xiaoliang disarmed others and caused a dispute, who would take the risk to bear this responsibility for him.

"Bingbing, this time is different from the past, the water is very deep, my father has no military power in his hands, and talking is getting more and more useless."

"Then what should we do?" Xu Zibing asked worriedly, with tears streaming down his face.

"It's inevitable to be expelled from school." Xu Shichang leaned on the single sofa, sinking his whole body into it, looking very tired.

Xu Zibing obediently came to his father's back and gently kneaded his shoulders, and said softly: "Father, why don't we go back to our hometown and leave this smoky Beijing city."

Xu Shichang closed his eyes, "Can you be willing not to be a reporter? When your father objected, you fled to Fengtian. And that wild boy, can you let go?"

Xu Zibing was at a loss for words.


The military school students have been running for many days without seeing any movement from the Ministry of the Army. Yang Zude always said "waiting for the agreement".

The model group was transferred from Baoding Military Academy because it greatly disturbed the teaching order. Everything seemed to be settled, but Wu Xiaoliang still had no news. Fang Qidao began to organize students to petition the school, demanding that the innocent students be released from the public investigation results.

Yang Zude was very strict to comfort him, and only said that there must be a conclusion in a few days, so the military students dispersed their doubts.

Sure enough, a few days later, Wu Xiaoliang was sent back by the Eighth Division in a car, and he seemed to have gained a lot of weight.At the same time, the official document from the Ministry of the Army was also sent, and only the leader of the student team who caused trouble was given a warning.The big guy was dumbfounded, he didn't expect to be dealt with so lightly.

Some secretive people speculated about the background of platoon leader Wu, and some people said that he was a cook, and he couldn't believe it even if he was killed.

There are people who are depressed, like Chen Xiuyan, who originally saw his rival in the vortex of factional struggle and was about to be crushed as a pawn, but unexpectedly, he was punished with a warning, which was neither painful nor itchy.He even murmured to himself, don't these guys really have a backer?

There are those who can't help but like Fang Qidao, Fu Zuoyi, Wu Jingshan...

Fang Qidao gave Wu Xiaoliang a bear hug, and then let go of his hands to look carefully over and over again. Fu Zuoyi joked: "Don't look at Zhizhi, there is not a single part missing on his body." Then he said: " Brother Wei Zhong, you miss me so much."

On October [-], the fifth year of the Republic of China, the newspapers widely reported that Feng Guozhang, one of the three Beiyang masters, was elected vice president. People were discussing whether this Beiyang tycoon could reconcile the conflict between President Li and Premier Duan.The feud between the Presidential Palace and the State Council is now a well-known secret in the streets and alleys. The barometer of the struggle between the palace and the court is the two secretary-generals. When Duan Qirui wanted to appoint Xu Shuzheng as the Secretary-General of the State Council, President Li Yuanhong was afraid that he would be domineering. After mediation by Xu Shichang, he reluctantly agreed.Xu Geng hated Li because of this, and his behavior became more and more arrogant. The Secretary-General of the Presidential Palace couldn't bear it, so he resigned and replaced him several times.

The openness of the contradictions between the government and the court is a sign of the expansion of the conflict between Sun Hongyi, the chief of internal affairs, and Xu Shuzheng. In the two cases of appointing Guo Zongxi as governor of Jilin and investigating Hu Ruisen, governor of Fujian province, Xu bypassed the chief of internal affairs and dealt with it without Duan's consent. .As a result, the two were at odds with each other, and in the end they both resigned from their posts to give up.And Li and Duan also moved from behind-the-scenes competition to the front stage.

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