The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 400 Rapid Development

Who is Tanaka Yoshiichi?This person once presented an eloquent memorial of [-] words to Emperor Showa, among which the notorious sentence "To conquer the world, you must first conquer China; if you want to conquer China, you must first conquer Manchuria" came from this memorial, which was written for Tanaka .Although he took positive measures against the negative attitude of the previous cabinet and adopted positive measures in his China strategy, he suffered a crushing defeat in domestic politics after all.

On the last day of 19 AD, Japanese Prime Minister Tanaka Yoshiichi formally submitted his resignation to the emperor. On the evening of the same day, he died mysteriously in the prime minister’s mansion before he could move out. There are many rumors about the death of the former Japanese prime minister in Japan. It is said that he died of illness from being frightened and frightened, and some people said that he died on the belly of his lover...

On the same day, a major event happened in Northeast China. This event was not only of great significance to China, but also marked the failure of Japan's foreign policy toward China. The whole country of China rejoiced, while senior Japanese officials were distraught, as if they were mourning.

On December 17, the 31th year of the Republic of China, Zhang Xueliang, the leader of the Feng faction warlords, officially electrified the whole country, and the three northeastern provinces changed their flags and subordinated to the jurisdiction of the Nanjing central government.The Fengjun was renamed the Northeast Frontier Army, and Zhang Xueliang became the security commander of the Northeast Frontier Army, and concurrently served as the deputy commander of the Army, Navy and Air Force of the Nationalist Government.

Since the unification of China, Chiang Kai-shek is issuing an order to reorganize the army across the country. At that time, the army under the name of the Nationalist government has about 84 armies and more than 220 divisions with a total of 65 million people. , Downsized into 85 divisions, [-] people.

Among them, Wu Xiaoliang's Shandong Security Force was incorporated into the National Revolutionary Army sequence. What surprised everyone was that not only did it not shrink, but they were given the designation of two divisions.They are the No.17 Division of the National Revolutionary Army and the 57th Division of the National Revolutionary Army.

In contrast, Feng's subordinates who were not from Jiang's direct lineage received very little. Henan Provincial Chairman Sun Liangcheng's troops were reduced to the temporary first division of the National Revolutionary Army. The designation of the No.20 Division of the National Revolutionary Army. Before that, he strongly opposed the reduction of the army into a division, but now it seems that he has taken a big advantage.

Jiang Zhongzheng's intention to win over Wu Xiaoliang was very obvious. Not to mention the promotion to general, he gave back the designations of the two divisions, and most importantly, he allocated 1000 million yuan for the reconstruction of Shandong after the war.Although Wu Xiaoliang is as rich as a country, the 1000 million is not a small number after all, it is worth a lot.

Surprisingly, Wu Xiaoliang neither used the 1000 million for military expansion, nor locked it into the treasury.Instead, with a swipe of the pen, 500 million yuan was allocated to He Siyuan, the director of the Education Department, for the construction of education.Another 500 million yuan was allocated to the newly established Industrial Department for the construction of factories.

In terms of primary education, Wu Xiaoliang proposed two three-year plans. The first three-year plan was to build primary schools throughout the province, popularize primary and secondary education, and implement free compulsory education.At the same time, high salaries are introduced to educate talents from other provinces to fill the vacancies of teachers.The second three-year plan is to make the province's middle school penetration rate reach 50%, and middle schools are completely self-funded, but the government will provide subsidies in the form of subsidies.In terms of advanced education, a comprehensive Shandong University was established to train high-level professionals from all walks of life, and a military academy was established to train excellent military commanders for the army.

A large sum of money invested in education has brought Wu Xiaoliang rave reviews, so he, the chairman of Shandong Province who has just entered Jinan, has won unanimous praise from all walks of life.Of course, Wu Wu Xiaoliang's move is definitely not for show, but he really needs a large number of literate and high-quality soldiers.Time is running out, and there are only less than nine years left before that day, so he must try his best to accumulate strength to deal with the outbreak of war.

Although Wu Xiaoliang has already started to prepare in many ways to prevent the incident from happening eight years later, judging from the current situation, he has intervened several times, and the incident he wanted to avoid will inevitably happen in the end, so he can only do it first. final preparations.

It has been more than a month since the provincial government moved back to Jinan. Various official affairs and official documents piled up like a mountain. There are too many things that need to be solved by the chairman of the provincial government. He hates himself for not having two heads and four hands, which can be handled twice as fast.

Tantai Jize walked into Wu Xiaoliang's office. Since the provincial government moved back to Jinan, he has been appointed as the director of the newly established Industrial Department. A large number of machine containers transshipped from Tianjin have arrived in Jinan via the Dongying Yanjiao-Jinan Railway .After Tantai Jize took office, two projects were launched at the same time. The first project was an automobile factory, and the second was an aircraft factory.Both projects were extremely expensive, and the 500 million allocated by Jiang Zhongzheng in Nanjing was like a drop in the bucket, so he came in such a hurry to ask for funding.

"Sir, the funds are exhausted, and the humble official is here to ask for funding assistance!"

Now, when Wu Xiaoliang hears who wants to allocate funds, he feels his head like a fight. He doesn't know if he doesn't take office. He didn't know until he took office. In three years, the good and bad Shandong has been tossed and riddled with holes.Although Liangda is rich, it is a commercial company after all, and such endless large investment cannot be rewarded, just like killing a chicken to get its eggs.

Wu Xiaoliang had already calculated that the 500 million allocated to Tantai Jize was enough to support these two projects. After all, a large number of machines were not counted, so the allocation was rich and surplus. What he cared about was allocating He Siyuan, the Minister of Education, provided the other half of the funds.

"Zhongwuna, you know the financial situation of the provincial government. Now Shandong is full of waste, and money is being used everywhere. It is different from Suidong. We have to learn to live with our belts tighter."

Tantai Jize blushed, and Wu Xiaoliang's words hinted at reproach. It is true that he developed a habit of spending money lavishly in Suidong, but throwing money at him is the most effective way to get quick success. He wants to build cars and airplanes. It is far from enough to have these two factories. First of all, the steel factory must be equipped.Although Jinan originally had an iron factory, the equipment was outdated and the skills of the workers were backward. The quality of the steel produced could not be used for industrial production at all, and at most it could meet the requirements of batch farm tools.This is also one of the reasons why he had the cheek to ask for money this time.

"Sir, I admit that there is a problem of spending money like water, but it is spent wisely. I personally did not waste half a penny. The automobile factory and the airport need qualified steel. The original iron factory in Jinan has outdated equipment and backward technology. , can’t meet the requirements at all. This is beyond the budget, but the current funding gap of the iron and steel plant must be made up. Please let me know how to solve it.”

How else can it be solved?Naturally, it was to send a telegram to Sun Jiayu, adjust the funds, and adjust the equipment.

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