The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 403 The situation changes suddenly

The action of the central government in Nanjing surprised people from all walks of life in Shandong. It not only brought back the 100 million yuan of arms presented by Chairman Wu, but also donated another 100 million yuan of arms, and the power generation was another encouragement. What Shandong has done has been praised as a model for inheriting the legacy of the former Prime Minister.

The officials in the provincial government were confused by Chairman Jiang's trickery. In their impression, Jiang Zhongzheng had always spared no effort to weaken the small local warlords. Now he not only expanded the Shandong Army, but also gave money and guns.Is this still the Chairman Jiang in everyone's impression?However, doubts belong to doubts, which are all good things, and you can accept it if you can't figure it out.However, the threat from Henan did not lessen. Han Fuju expanded his army by [-] troops, eyeing his neighbors covetously, and Shandong, where he suffered the most, was the first to bear the brunt.

Although he was ordered to lead his troops into Hubei to deal with Li Zongren, he still pulled some of his troops down the Longhai Line and showed off to Wu Xiaoliang.Unexpectedly, Han Fuju just showed off, and hurriedly transferred his troops to the south on the Jinghan line. It was a false alarm, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Now that Jiang and Feng have teamed up again, people from all walks of life, including Wu Xiaoliang, believe that not long after Li Zongren's defeat in Guangxi, Feng Yuxiang took Huguang like a bag.Unexpectedly, shocking news came from the Huguang area in April. General Li Mingrui led the reorganized No.15 Division and the 67th Division to defect, announcing their separation from the Guangxi Clan.

This major change turned the situation on the battlefield instantly. Li Zongren was defeated in the blink of an eye and fled to Hong Kong alone. Most of the two lakes returned to the arms of the Nanjing government without fighting.However, Feng Yuxiang's Northwest Army, especially his subordinate Han Fuju's [-] troops, had already drawn their bows and led their troops to break through Wusheng Pass, approaching Yingshan and Anlu.

The local defenders who returned to the Nanjing central government's army line were naturally unwilling to raise their hands to surrender to Han Fuju. After fierce resistance, they had no choice but to retreat south.As a result, Han Fuju's [-] troops went straight to Wuhan.

The central government of Nanjing immediately sent a telegram to strongly condemn the Han Ministry’s attack on friendly forces. Jiang Zhongzheng scolded Feng Yuxiang:

"Mother Xipi, Feng Huanzhang is a hungry wolf. He ordered Li Mingrui to resist resolutely. The Central Army will arrive in no time."

Soon Liu Zhi's First Army, located in Jiangxi, was transferred to extend Jiangxi and marched into Wuhan.Jiang and Feng fought unannouncedly, and fought fiercely in Xiaogan and Huangpi for several days, regardless of the outcome.

At the same time, Feng Yuxiang also received a telegram from Jiang Zhongzheng protesting and accusing him of starting a war against his allies, and he was so angry that he also cursed Jiang Zhongzheng.

"Mr. Jiang is really a capricious villain. The Northwest Army can't get up early and catch up late. Since you are unkind, don't blame us for being unrighteous. It's not yet known who will beat his mother!"

Therefore, Song Zheyuan and Pang Bingxun of the Northwest Army quickly moved south along the Beijing-Han line to support Han Fuju who was blocked from attacking Wuhan.At the same time, the troops of Gu Zhutong, Chen Cheng, and Wei Lihuang on Jiang Zhongzheng's side also entered Hubei to reinforce Liu Zhi. For a while, nearly 60 troops from Jiang and Feng gathered along the Beijing-Han line in Hubei. The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and the war was about to break out again.

Compared with Huguang and Jiangxi, where the war clouds are clouded, Shandong, located north of the Longhai Line, is another prosperous scene. Land reform, rent reduction and interest reduction have been carried out on a large scale across the province, and a group of criminals have been severely punished. The local tyrants and evil gentry who belonged to the common people were applauded by the common people.

However, Zhu Wusheng, secretary-general of the provincial government, was full of bitterness and complained endlessly. Since Wu Xiaoliang moved the provincial government from Linzi back to Jinan, he no longer concurrently served as the county magistrate of Linzi, and handed over the post of county magistrate to the Linzi Farmers Association. Chen Sanshui, who was born in raw water, became the full-time secretary general of the provincial government.

Although he is the secretary-general, he is the direct person in charge of Wu Xiaoliang's two major policies of land reform and rent reduction and interest reduction, and because he is in the capital of Jinan Province, the powerful clans are deeply rooted, and the soil is especially bad, so he faces pressure and criticism. It was dozens of times that in Linzi.But he withstood the pressure and made iron cases one by one.

However, there was another public case recently, which made him not know how to start.Because this matter involved Ding Weifen, who had just been elected as an executive member of the Kuomintang Central Committee, and he was also a member of the Shandong Provincial Government. This person can be regarded as a veteran of the Kuomintang. Influence.Such a person, even if his family is involved in the law, is not something that a mere secretary-general of the provincial government can handle.

This matter was originally simple. It was a case of land embezzlement. The big landlord seized the land of the small landlord. The attitude of the living horse doctor came to Jinan from Rizhao to file a complaint.The Ding family in Rizhao had registered with Zhu Wusheng long ago. The two major policies of the provincial government faced heavy resistance in Rizhao, and so far there has been no progress.In desperation, he had no choice but to ask Wu Xiaoliang for instructions.

Wu Xiaoliang originally hated the local inferiors for relying on the local entanglement and the fish and meat of the common people, but now he dares to fight against the government.He knew how many pairs of eyes in the whole province were staring at him. If the Ding family was not dealt with, the good situation in Shandong would come to naught.

"Don't be under pressure. What are you afraid of when you have the army backing you up? Just follow the relevant laws and regulations. Anyone who dares to stop them will follow the military law."

Wu Xiaoliang thought for a moment, and then added: "You don't have to do it yourself, the province cannot do without you, transfer Linzi county magistrate Chen Sanshui to be the magistrate of Rizhao county, and at the same time give him the name of the provincial government's inspector of southern Shandong. The number is to investigate and deal with the local local evildoers who openly oppose the government. Also, to send a power call to Commander Li of the 57th Division, ordering him to transfer a brigade to Rizhao County."

Hearing Wu Xiaoliang's deployment, Zhu Wusheng felt chills, the troops were mobilized, Rizhao might see blood!However, how could he know what Wu Xiaoliang was thinking.

Wu Xiaoliang had no choice but to send heavy troops into Lunan. The Ding family had colluded with Han Fuju when he pretended to be the chairman of the provincial government, providing him with funds and food. Annexed large tracts of land.He was originally a vested interest. Now that Wu Xiaoliang is in charge of Shandong, he wants to reform the land and reduce rent and interest. Make it return to Shandong.

Therefore, it must be suppressed by means of thunder, so as to deter those local tyrants with evil intentions.

Three days after the robbery case broke out in the Ding family, Wu Xiaoliang once again held a high-level military meeting, because in view of the sudden change in the situation, he decided to make a big move.

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