The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 409 Iron Monster

In the scorching early summer, there was a long drought and no rain, and the Yellow River plain in western Shandong was completely dry.Feicheng once again suffered the ravages of war amidst the heat and turmoil. The temporary headquarters of the 32nd Army of the Jin Army was set up here. Commander Shang Zhen received a telegram from the Fifth Brigade of the Jin Army, the vanguard, and knew that they had arrived in Tai'an and encircled them. The strategy of Wu Xiaoliang's troops in Jinan is about to succeed.

Shang Zhen breathed a sigh of relief, and finally figured out the bad breath he had in Hunan back then. If Wu Xiaoliang didn't save the elite Jin army he brought with him, they wouldn't have been wiped out.He put down the telegram and issued orders to the generals in the army:

"Tai'an is about to be captured by our army. In order to defeat Wu Ni as soon as possible, the decisive battle originally scheduled for mid-June must be carried out ahead of schedule. The troops are ordered to set off early tomorrow morning. After arriving in Tai'an, go north on Yanjinpu Road and encircle Jinan with Wang Zhi'an's 37th Division. Take Shandong."

The senior officers of the 32nd Army were emotionally agitated after hearing the blueprint drawn by the commander, and expressed their willingness to fight Wu Ni to the death, requesting to be dispatched immediately.Shang Zhen smiled and rejected the requests of his subordinates.

"The brothers of the 32nd Army have been exhausted from running around for half a month. You need to recharge your batteries and take a rest for a day. After today, you don't even have time to rest."

The military headquarters is relaxed and optimistic. All the officers present think that there is no suspense that Tai'an is just around the corner. The only possible fierce battle is under the city of Jinan. Their opponents?

While the 32nd Army was discussing how to divide the Jinan defenders, the Fifth Brigade of the Jin Army had already crossed Jinpu Road and could see the Tai'an City Wall in the distance.This spring, there hasn't been a single drop of rain, and the entire land of Luxi has been dry and cracked. The troops rolled forward and raised dust all over the sky, covering the sky and the sun, and the whole land seemed to be shaking.

Li Yuxi, commander of the Fifth Brigade of the Jin Army, had a dry throat as if he was on fire. He stretched out his tongue and licked his chapped lips due to the continuous rush. He raised his arms and shouted.

"Brothers, Tai'an is just ahead, rest for a day after breaking the city..." This is a relatively cryptic promise, meaning that you can loot at will within a day after breaking the city, which was also commonly used by warlords at that time to boost morale a means.

After hearing the brigade commander's promise, the soldiers of the fifth brigade rushed to Tai'an City with red eyes and howled.The city wall of Tai'an had been destroyed during the fierce battle between Han Fuju and the Japanese army, so as long as they rushed into the ruined walls, victory was at hand.

Li Yuxi rode on the horse, watching the soldiers under his command shouting and charging like a tsunami, the ground seemed to be shaking more and more violently, and he faintly felt a trace of uneasiness through the flying dust all over the sky.He suddenly found that the cavalrymen rushing to the front turned their backs, and soon shunted to the two sides, followed by continuous explosions, and the speed of the sudden sound was no less than that of a machine gun.In a short time, dozens of strangely shaped steel chariots rushed into the army formation like dozens of sharp knives, cutting the fifth brigade to pieces, and the sound of crying and screaming was endless.

In addition to the sudden burst of gunfire, the rattling of machine guns also exploded like a symphony.The monster-like steel chariot spewed out dozens of tongues of flame, harvesting fragile lives like a death scythe.

The soldiers had never seen such a terrifying steel monster, and Hanyang made all the bullets in their hands, and it seemed to tickle them.The machine guns pushed past the Maxim heavy machine guns, and this human flesh harvester, which was invincible in the domestic battlefield, was also helpless in front of them.

The steel monsters let out deafening roars, and quickly rushed to the soldiers of the Jin army who were trying to block their advance. The steel tracks ran over the flesh and blood that couldn't avoid it, and crushed the heavy machine gun discarded on the road. fly.

Soldiers of the Fifth Brigade were completely devastated by the terrifying scene in front of them and began to flee in all directions.Brigadier Li Yuxi had never seen this kind of steel monster, but after all, he was well-informed, and he would not think that it was a murderous monster driven by the power of ghosts and gods like ordinary soldiers, and realized that it was a piece of Shandong Army equipment. With a new type of weapon that had never been seen before, he tried to fight with the whole army, but the hailstorm of bullets mercilessly crushed his last chance.

The large-caliber machine gun bullets smashed Li Yuxi, the commander of the Fifth Brigade of the Jin Army, into two pieces, and was then crushed into a puddle of flesh and blood by the torrent of steel.After another moment, the Fifth Brigade collapsed completely and retreated to the west.

The steel monsters stopped advancing, and the roaring roar disappeared. Teams of cavalry rushed out from behind, chasing the broken Jin army fleeing westward, and continued to harvest lives.

The cavalry brigade brigade Dari'achi is from the Zhasak Mongolian grassland. He has seen this kind of chariot in the Outer Mongolian border guards, but only a few times. Even King Dorji Khan's imperial guards have no equipment .Today, Dari Achi was completely shocked by the power of these steel chariots. The belief that the Mongolian cavalry was invincible in the world on weekdays had completely collapsed in the moment before. He asked himself that his cavalry brigade would be vulnerable to a direct confrontation with this armored brigade .

Despite the horror in his heart, he and the cavalry brigade under his command devoured the remnants of the fifth brigade of the Jin army one by one, and none of them fled back to Feicheng.

In the middle of the night, the scorching heat of the day gradually receded, but the air was still hot and dry.Shang Zhen stood in front of the map with a pencil, carefully sketching and dabbing on it.A messenger rushed into the army headquarters in a panic, and reported incoherently before saluting: "The big thing is bad, the fifth brigade is completely wiped out, and the Shandong army is coming towards our Feicheng!"


The pencil in Shang Zhen's hand fell to the table with a thud, and he asked incredulously, "Say it again..."

The messenger repeated uncomfortably: "The fifth brigade was wiped out, the brigade commander Li Yuxi was killed on the spot, and the Shandong army is coming towards our Feicheng."

He still couldn't believe it, but he slumped down on the chair involuntarily, and confirmed again: "Is the information accurate?"

"It's absolutely true, the defeated soldiers have arrived in Feicheng one after another."

A tinge of anger rose in Shang Zhen's heart, Li Yuxi, a bastard, a good game of chess allowed him to play such a virtue, he deserved it when he died, otherwise even if he came back alive, he would have to shoot him.

In a short while, other senior officers of the 32nd Army rushed to the military headquarters one after another. Apparently they also heard the news that the Fifth Brigade was completely annihilated and that the Shandong Army was coming towards Feicheng.

Shang Zhen regained his composure from the initial shock, and immediately dispatched various brigades to take the initiative to attack. He would not wait for the enemy to attack in this small county. Why should he be afraid of those new recruits in Shandong?

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