Wu Xiaoliang had a top priority in mind, and he didn't have the heart to pay attention to the small warlord's surrender, but Li Zejun persuaded him:

"Small warlords like Yang Xiaoou, if we don't take him in and let him go to someone else, one will lose strength, and the other will inevitably hold grudges and tarnish Shandong's reputation."

Wu Xiaoliang thought about it carefully, and it really is the truth.On the surface, Li Zejun appears to be a careless and reckless person, but in fact he has a meticulous side, for example, he thought so deeply this time.So he immediately decided to meet Yang Xiaoou in person to accept his second army's heart.

"I've heard about Yi Ru's name for a long time, and I'll finally see you today. It's a pleasure to meet you, a pleasure to meet you!"

After Wu Xiaoliang finished speaking, he took a few steps forward and took Yang Xiaoou's hands, and then went to the chief seat to invite him.Yang Xiaoou was originally a defeated general, but he was actually received by Wu Xiaoliang, chairman of Shandong Province, with such a warm and easy-going attitude.Repeatedly refused to sit on the main seat.

"Sinners like Ou, I came here today to plead guilty. Duke Wei, don't let him go, don't let him go."

Then he insisted on sitting on the guest seat, and he really went to sit on the host seat because he had a good posture, and he couldn't keep his mind on it.At this time, he was already full of optimistic expectations for the future. In the previous few times when he sent his subordinates to contact him, he could only feel the indifference of the other party in a few words, but this time, Wu Xiaoliang paid so much attention to it. A big good sign.

After Wu Xiaoliang sat down, he said, "It was a last resort for Xiaoou's second army to rebel. Fortunately, I did not commit any irreparable crimes. After all, Brother Cuiya and I do not want the people of Shandong to suffer the brutality of war..."

Wu Xiaoliang waved his hand and said: "There is no need to mention the past. Brother Yiru understands righteousness. I should express my gratitude to you on behalf of the thousands of people in Shandong."

After finishing speaking, he turned to spread the newspaper he had been clutching in his hand on the table, "Brother Yiru, take a look."

Yang Xiaoou was surprised to see Wu Xiaoliang let him read a newspaper. He didn't understand what kind of medicine was sold in the young provincial chairman's gourd, so he had to pick up the newspaper and scan it roughly.This is a "Ta Kung Pao" from Tianjin. Wu Xiaoliang didn't say which news he was asked to read. The first page was a large report on the Northeast Army and the legendary major general Zhang Xueliang.Various rumors about Young Marshal Zhang were also mixed in. The most eye-catching one was the elopement between Zhang Xueliang and Zhao Qinghua's daughter.

Next to the photo of Zhang Xueliang Yingwei is a photo of a young girl in Western dress, graceful and charming. Yang Xiaoou unconsciously took a second look, but then thought, Wu Xiaoliang couldn’t be bored enough to let him watch Zhang Xueliang’s lace news, right?He must have other intentions, so he swiped down again, and a black headline jumped into view in a box under the front page.

"Japan and Shanghai provoked, overseas Chinese were killed, Mayor Wu Tiecheng..." Yang Xiaoou was extremely sensitive, and immediately understood that what Wu Xiaoliang told him to read must be this news, and he asked himself what he thought, what could this explain?So I read it carefully, and when I read that the Japanese army sent more troops to Shanghai on the grounds of protecting overseas Chinese, cold sweat immediately flowed down my forehead.

"Difficult, does Japan dare, dare to attack Shanghai?"

When this idea popped out of his mind, Yang Xiaoou startled himself, the Japanese want to attack China?Then he thought more deeply, Shanghai is Lao Jiang's backyard, hitting Shanghai is equivalent to hitting Lao Jiang's pocketbook, so wouldn't Commander-in-Chief Yan be saved from desperation?But he immediately denied another idea that was about to come up. How could he be a man of Yanzhao who would go back on his word? Now that he has taken this step, there is no turning back.

Wu Xiaoliang nodded with a smile, seeing that Yang Xiaoou seemed to be caught in the battle between heaven and man, the sweat on his face was dripping down, he didn't call him, just waited quietly.

Yang Xiaoou woke up suddenly, Wu Xiaoliang must have noticed his behavior, why did he lose his composure today?He hurriedly wiped the sweat off his face, straightened his waist and said, "Chairman Jiang has a countermeasure?" Then he felt that the question was too level-headed, and changed his words: "What should we do in Shandong?"

He said "our Shandong" is to express his position to Wu Xiaoliang, no matter what he Yang Xiaoou will unswervingly stand on the side of Shandong.But can he be worthy of the word "steadfast"?The current Yang Xiaoou doesn't care much about it, but in the following years, these four words are a sharp knife that pierced deeply into his chest.Of course, this is something to do later, let's not mention it for the time being.

Wu Xiaoliang understands that Yang Xiaoou is a smart person, and he has already thought through the whole relationship in a moment of stupefaction, otherwise he wouldn't be so gaffe.He expressed his thoughts without concealment.

"A war between China and Japan is inevitable, brother Yiru came at the right time..."

The Second Army of the Jin Dynasty took refuge in Shandong Wu Xiaoliang, which surprised everyone and questioned Yang Xiaoou's vision.Sun Chu and Yang Xiaoou's separation from Yan Feng's army caused an extremely heavy blow to the entire coalition army, and the situation for Yan and Feng was already in jeopardy.

But when everyone was looking forward to the news of the victory of the Central Army, a piece of news stirred up waves like cold water dripping into boiling oil.2300 Japanese marines suddenly attacked the Shanghai defenders. This day was July 18, 28.

The January [-]th Incident in Wu Xiaoliang's previous life broke out three years in advance, even before September [-]th, which made him confused, what rhythm is this in Japan?Did they dare to attack the hinterland of China without acquiring the three northeastern provinces? Are they too confident or too crazy?

On the day of the incident, Wu Xiaoliang led the 57th Division, the Armored Brigade, and Yang Xiaoou's Second Army to reinforce Shanghai. In his previous life, the pro-Japanese faction headed by He Yingqin in the Kuomintang Central Committee did not want to go to war with the Japanese army. The general of the No.19 Army in Shanghai had the intention of resolutely fighting against Japan, and intended to transfer him away.After the outbreak of the Songhu Anti-Japanese War, in the face of the patriotic officers and soldiers of the [-]th Route Army who were resolutely resisting, He Jing ordered Chen Mingshu, the veteran commander of the [-]th Route Army, to force Jiang Guangnai and Cai Tingkai to stop attacking.

Wu Xiaoliang vowed not to let this kind of incident happen again, what is the overall situation, what is forbearance?It's all bullshit!The pro-Japanese factions are all thinking about how to maintain the stability of the regime's rule. As for how many national and national interests and robbers have been betrayed, what does it matter?At the beginning of the revolution, these people kept saying that they wanted to abolish all the unequal treaties of the great powers, but at the critical moment they were still as incompetent as the former Qing government!So he will drive the Japanese into the sea no matter what.

The trains on Jinpu Road were speeding southward, one after another going straight to Shanghai.

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