The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 430 Shelling Nanjing

Naturally, He Yingqin would not accept the kicked ball, and he kicked Yu Sanhe towards the civil court.This embarrassing group of people in the court, they also face the political risk of trying the anti-Japanese soldiers.

Sure enough, the storm was intensifying. On the second day after Yu Sanhe was transferred to the district court, Shanghai "Shenbao" began to introduce the details of the 57th Division and the Second Army's bloody battle with the Japanese army in Shanghai, and even every detail. , Every bloodshed and sacrifice, until the entire Zhabei District was destroyed by the fierce Japanese artillery fire into rubble and ruins, it was really sad to hear, and the listener wept.

Soon, major newspapers in Nanjing reprinted it one after another. For a while, the news that the 57th Division and the Second Army fought against the Japanese in Shanghai became widely known to the citizens of Nanjing. The key object of the blockade, so the citizens know very little about this foreign army. When the case of the 57th Division looting the ammunition depot occurred, the citizens suffered from the soldiers after many years of war, and naturally they would resent the bandits and soldiers. Vent to the 57th Division,

But the citizens are the most innocent and kind-hearted. When they learned that these people were patriotic officers and soldiers torn from the Songhu Anti-Japanese War, they easily forgave them.

When the citizens discussed this matter in twos and threes, they all looked inexplicable and puzzled.

"I heard that the 57th Division fought the hardest in Shanghai, and more than half of them died in the battle. It didn't let the Japanese devils take a step forward."

"I heard that the Japanese devils were driven back several streets!" Then he pretended to be mysterious and said, "Do you know who arrested the Japanese commander?"

Everyone loves to hear such secret things, and immediately someone gathered around and stretched their heads and asked, "Who is it?"

"Come on, don't be a fool..."

The man looked smug, and said slowly: "I have a relative who works in the court. He is the mastermind of the arms robbery that caused a commotion a while ago. What is his name..." He thought for a while and slapped his forehead, "Yes, called Yu Sanhe"

It turned out to be him. He was a great anti-Japanese hero. The anti-Japanese hero went to rob the arsenal.

The matter has been raging for a few days, but an unknown tabloid revealed a shocking inside story. The reason why the 57th Division snatched the ammunition depot was entirely because the Nationalist government refused to give supplies to the 57th Division, which suffered heavy losses. previous aggressive behavior.

So far, the truth of the whole incident has been sketched out in a rough outline, and people suddenly realized that the instigator of all this for a long time turned out to be the authorities, and the kind and simple people prefer to believe that the authorities have persecuted them too much. As a last resort, they robbed the ammunition depot, because only when they had enough ammunition could they set foot on the anti-Japanese battlefield to fight the Japanese devils again.

The idea is simple, but logical.In just a few days, the direction of public opinion in Nanjing City turned 180 degrees, from accusing the 57th Division to accusing the authorities of being stupid.

In order to get rid of this hot potato as soon as possible under pressure, the court immediately opened a court hearing on the case of Yu Sanhe's chief envoy robbing the ammunition depot. On the day of the trial, a large number of citizens spontaneously gathered outside the gate of the court to support the capture of the Japanese commander. Official Yu Sanhe.

The trial on the first day was almost just a cutscene and ended hastily. In the 57th Division's garrison, Li Zejun smiled at Wu Xiaoliang and said:

"Such a big handwriting, it looks like the style of the chairman."

Wu Xiaoliang chuckled, neither admitting nor objecting.

"Citizens have the right to know the truth of the matter, but I can't interfere with what they do. The power strife within the national government is just the tip of the iceberg. Only when we are strong can our opponents have scruples and won't fight everywhere. Let's fight against each other."

Li Zejun nodded in agreement. If it hadn't been for the rush to the Songhu battlefield to fight the Japanese, they would have firmly controlled Shandong and Henan.

Wu Xiaoliang seemed to see through Li Zejun's thoughts, "Qianting, it's no pity to lose the place of the Fourth World War in Henan. Even if it is in our hands, the burden is still greater than the harvest. Why bother with it?"

Indeed, Henan is located in the Central Plains, connecting Shanxi and Hebei to the north, Hubei and Anhui to the south, and Shaanxi to the west.If you get it, you will be surrounded by Yan Xishan, Feng Yuxiang, and Jiang Zhongzheng on three sides. It's no wonder they won't be dragged to death by this piece of fat in Henan.

Li Zejun understands that the situation in the Central Plains has been settled, and Feng Yan's team-up is not Jiang Zhongzheng's opponent in Nanjing after all.

"Shall we just watch Yu Sanhe be sentenced?" He brought the topic back to Yu Sanhe. He wanted to save this general, so he asked Wu Xiaoliang for his opinion.

Wu Xiaoliang smiled indifferently: "Qianting don't need to worry, within three days, Yu Sanhe will definitely be acquitted!"

Li Zejun asked in surprise, "Why are you so sure that you will be acquitted within three days?"

"I spilled all my money and made such a big commotion in Nanjing City, and I have to get some rewards back."

Only then did Li Zejun understand that the original intention of Wu Xiaoliang's effort was not only to restore the reputation of the 57th Division, but more importantly, to rescue Yu Sanhe.Under the pressure of strong public opinion, the judge must not dare to impose a severe sentence.

Wu Xiaoliang sighed softly in his heart, public opinion interfering in the judiciary is a last resort, this is an extremely unhealthy state, but in a country like China where the rule of man is greater than the rule of law, public opinion can still successfully influence the judiciary after all.

In the end, the court was forced by the trend of public opinion in Nanjing and sentenced a result that left everyone dumbfounded.In view of the lack of evidence in this case, the accused suspect was acquitted in court.

The citizens originally wanted to protest, but now they felt exhausted after being punched hard, and the group of people in the Military Committee gritted their teeth secretly in hatred.

Just when everyone thought that Nanjing should return to calm, the shocking sound of cannons made the whole city of Nanjing tremble. The citizens and members of the military committee were all confused. Where did the artillery fire?

It wasn't until someone stumbled down from the top of Nanjing City that people learned that the warship flying the Sun Flag had already sailed up the Yangtze River and arrived at the foot of Nanjing City. It was this warship that fired the shocking shot.After the first shot, the Japanese ship corrected the point of impact, and the 305 mm caliber naval gun on the turret spewed out daunting tongues of flames, launching a plowing bombardment on the entire city of Nanjing.

Suddenly, the sky over Nanjing changed color, and the clouds of battle were dense.

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