When He Yingqin returned to the General Staff, he still had lingering fears. If Japan went to war in an all-out way, the party-state would be in a more passive position, because the party-state does not yet have the strength to withstand such a war.what to do?Suddenly his heart moved, he didn't have a single card in his hand, and the captured Japanese lieutenant general was a good opportunity.After making up his mind, he immediately sent power to Luoyang.

The squadron sank the Japanese cruiser that dared to go to the Nanjing city to provoke.This is the majestic teacher of China, and anyone who dares to violate the might of God will be crushed to pieces.Standing on the north city gate, Wu Xiaoliang frowned, looking at the cheering people in the city, his heart was still heavy, and there was a hint of worry in his heart.

The Japanese Navy dared to challenge the U.S. Navy. In the previous World War II, the battleship with the largest tonnage and the most powerful firepower in the world came from the Japanese Navy.China's sinking of the Japanese cruiser with fortress artillery only confirmed the unbreakable law that warships should never challenge the fortress. As long as the defenders are not incompetent or incompetent like the Qing army, they will inevitably leave an indelible lesson for the invading warships.

Suddenly, the adjutant looked flustered and hurried over.

"It's not good, it's not good, Japan, the Japanese army has arrived at the city..."


Li Zejun's expression suddenly changed, and Wu Xiaoliang's heart skipped a beat, as the worst premonition came true.But Zhang Zhizhong is not an incompetent person, and his fifth army is also the trump card of the central army's trump card.How could it be possible that the Japanese army slipped under the city of Nanjing without any warning?

Even though Wu Xiaoliang was used to the wind and waves, his expression suddenly changed. This was definitely beyond the prior estimate, and exceeding the estimate meant that the war was beyond his control, so what made Wu Xiaoliang suddenly change color was that the war was very likely to be out of control. This fear of the unknown made him extremely worried about the future of Nanjing City and the people, officers and soldiers in the city.

After being stunned for a moment, Wu Xiaoliang issued a series of orders.

"First, sound the alarm in the city, close all city gates and prohibit everyone from entering or leaving. Second, all combatants of the 57th Division and the Second Army are on combat readiness. Third, immediately report the specific location of the Japanese army, as well as the size and designation of the Japanese army. Fourth, immediately contact Commander Zhang Zhizhong of the Fifth Army to learn about the situation on the Songhu battlefield.”

The adjutant checked the phone log and reported immediately.

"The Japanese army has already passed Yanziji. It is only about an hour away from Nanjing City. The scale and designation are unknown. The strength of the army is about one brigade or one division. The specific situation is waiting for the follow-up investigation report."

After the initial shock, Wu Xiaoliang has gradually recovered his calm. He knows that the leader of an army must never show the fear and apprehension in his heart, and the burden of guarding Nanjing falls firmly on his shoulders. Don't be careless.

Although the strength of the Japanese army is unknown, it is still possible to determine the general situation of the opponent.There is no news of Zhang Zhizhong's defeat, so there is only one possibility. This Japanese army did not come from the Songhu battlefield. From this, he opened up a question. From a tactical point of view, this Japanese army stabbed Zhang Zhizhong's ass. A pincer attack, the Fifth Army must be difficult to deal with, and it must be defeated.

However, judging from the current situation, the Japanese army, on the contrary, did not formulate a combat plan to wipe out the Fifth Army on the Songhu battlefield. Instead, they attacked the enemy and directly attacked Nanjing, the capital of the Republic of China.Of course, from a strategic point of view, besieging the capital of a country will definitely shock the opponent far more than annihilating an army.

Based on this judgment, Wu Xiaoliang decided that he could not defend Nanjing, but must take the initiative to attack and cooperate with the Nanjing defenders in a defensive counterattack.

"The 57rd Brigade of the [-]th Division went out of the city and moved in the direction of Yaohua, waiting for an opportunity to attack the Japanese army."

After finishing speaking, Wu Xiaoliang turned his head to look at Li Zejun.

"Qian Ting, you need to personally direct this operation, I don't worry about others."

Li Zejun nodded solemnly.Wu Xiaoliang said again:

"Don't confront the Japanese army head-on. Launch an attack from the enemy's flank or rear. I will cooperate with you to send harassment troops. In short, your mission this time is to harass, not wipe out the enemy. You can look for opportunities to expand the results of the battle while ensuring your own safety. If the Japanese army is fierce, then absolutely don’t love to fight, and run as far as you can. The 57th Division is the seed of the National Revolutionary Army, and you can’t make unnecessary sacrifices. The frontal confrontation will be handed over to Nanjing’s thick city walls and the artillery in the rear.”

Li Zejun led his people down the city wall and immediately started preparing to leave the city, while Wu Xiaoliang returned to the temporary headquarters temporarily located in the city gate. No one thought that Wu Xiaoliang, a member of the military committee, had already entered the house.

Wu Xiaoliang pulled an adjutant who was on the phone and asked, "Have you contacted Commander Zhang Zhizhong?"

The adjutant was startled, and when he found out it was Wu Xiaoliang, he said helplessly, "The phone is still disconnected. It is suspected that the Japanese army cut off the telephone line between Shanghai and Nanjing."

Wu Xiaoliang was angry, knowing that there might be a problem with the telephone line, he didn't immediately report and send someone to fix it, but he had to wait for himself to ask before taking any action. This kind of work efficiency couldn't help him not to get angry.

"Immediately send someone to repair it, even if it is found in Shanghai, I will reconnect the short circuit."

The adjutant trembled in fright from Wu Xiaoliang, who had always had a pleasant face, and responded incessantly: "Yes, yes, I will send someone there."

This temporary headquarters is the establishment of the Garrison Command, so the personnel are all members of the original Garrison Command. They are used to the work style of passing the buck and doing less, so it is naturally difficult to use it, but Wu Xiaoliang is only a member of the Military Commission. , although the power is great, but it can't take the lead and reorganize the staff department and adjutant office of the headquarters.

While hesitating, Wu Xiaoliang's train of thought was interrupted by the sound of hurried footsteps. He looked up and saw that the person who came was He Yingqin's personal adjutant. Very standard military salute.He opened the official document held under his left arm and read aloud:

"The Japanese army invaded the city. The situation is critical. Wu Xiaoliang is hereby appointed as the temporary Nanjing garrison commander."

After reading, He Yingqin's adjutant closed the official document and said with a blank expression: "I will leave everything to Commander Wu." Then he walked away.

Wu Xiaoliang was stunned once again, which song He Yingqin sang, but all the capital security commanders are the direct descendants of the direct descendants, and at best he is only a collateral descendant with a good relationship with the Central Army. In a seemingly urgent situation, I really feel relieved to let myself be in charge of Nanjing's safety.

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