The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 437 Wusong Fortress

Before Jiang Zhongzheng's plan could be implemented in the future, the next actions of the Japanese army completely disrupted his position.

"President, more than ten Japanese warships have passed on the Yangtze River today, and my humble guess is that they are going to Hankou."

He Yingqin was respectful and reported the changes in the military situation today with a serious face.During the day, he personally took people up to the city to check it out. Several cruisers wandered on the river for nearly an hour. During this period, they fired a burst of artillery randomly before retreating slowly. Obviously, they had no intention of bombarding Nanjing.But the warships and light cruisers heading west made his heart feel a little heavy.

Jiang Zhongzheng frowned silently, sitting on the chair like an old monk in meditation, He Yingqin knew that he was thinking about how to deal with it, and in the past difficult years, he always sat quietly in the room whenever he encountered major problems.

"What do you think about transferring Wu Weizhong to Hankou?"

He Yingqin's eyes lit up, and he immediately praised: "It's a very good plan to be appointed. Use Wu Weizhong's long-stored troops to replace Gu Mosan and Liu Jingfu's exhausted troops. Hankou will have no worries." Transferred Wu Xiaoliang to Hankou to guard against the Japanese army , can just use this as an excuse to drive this hateful guy out of Nanjing City.

Jiang Zhongzheng didn't speak any more, but picked up the thick telegrams on the table, opened the top one, glanced at it and threw it on the table angrily, humming coldly.He Yingqin took the courage to pick up the message and glanced at the ten lines, and couldn't help taking a breath.

"Zhang Hanqing's resignation is because he doesn't want to leave the Beijing-Tianjin territory. It's because Wang Zhaoming has been cheap for nothing."

Jiang Zhongzheng pondered and said: "It's normal for Han Qing not to want to come to Nanjing to perform his duties. The country is troubled, and he himself has troubles in the Northeast. But the candidate for the executive director needs to be discussed."

"Then let Sun Zhesheng, the son of the former Prime Minister, do it?"

"Sun Zhesheng is indeed a good candidate. I'm afraid he may not want to be the chief executive who was appointed at this critical moment."

He Yingqin didn't take it seriously, "Sun Zhesheng wanted to take the position of executive dean a long time ago, isn't he fulfilling his wish now?"

Jiang Zhongzheng did not argue with him, but looked worriedly at the battle map on the wall, "I don't know how Wenbai's Fifth Army is doing? Jingzhi immediately called Zhang Xianghua and ordered his Fourth Division to reinforce Shanghai. Wu Weizhong's 57th Army Master, you can retire and take a rest!"

He Yingqin's expression didn't change, but his heart felt a burst of complacency. What he said just now had an effect. It seems that the committee is going to transfer Wu Xiaoliang away from Beijing and Shanghai.It's strange to say, for some reason, as long as that guy is in Nanjing, he always feels like he's sitting on pins and needles.Especially in the previous several intentional or unintentional confrontations, He Yingqin ended in complete defeat, which had a serious impact on his popularity and prestige within the party.Later, he conducted a self-summarization and introspection, and in the end he still underestimated this shallow outsider, and his own weaknesses were also very obvious. He was impeccable in party affairs, but he was still weak in military affairs. If he had an army that could obey his orders , I believe that Wu will never take the lead as a guest army.

"It's clear from the seat, Yang Yiru's second army was originally deployed by Yan Laoxi'er, and it didn't belong to the Shandong battle order. Why don't you take this opportunity to reorganize it?" This will kill two birds with one stone. This will save Wu Xiaoliang's strength, and save these local small warlords from having the opportunity to fight against Japan to expand their strength, and finally challenge the central government when they are too big.

Jiang Zhongzheng was noncommittal about this, but he was a little worried about letting a unit that originally belonged to Yan Xishan defend Nanjing. If these guys staged a mutiny at a critical moment, the central government of Nanjing would have to let them take care of it.

"Well, there is no need for reorganization. Now is the time when the country is in peril, and people's hearts are important. However, it is not suitable for the Second Army to stay in Nanjing anymore. It was also an expedient measure before. Let it go to the front line in Shanghai and transfer Gu Mosan from Jiangxi Come back." He paused for a moment, then sped up his speech and said, "Well, let's generate power immediately, and let Weizhong go to Hubei as soon as possible to stabilize the local situation. If it wasn't for the outbreak of war in Songhu, Feng Huanzhang's Northwest Army is now afraid. It's gone. Niang Xipi, he has to thank the Japanese for helping him!"

"It's a clear lesson from the seat, it's just that Wu Weizhong went to Hubei, so he must have a reputation, right?" If Xiaoliang wanted to have a good name in Hubei, he had to appoint him as the chairman of Hubei Province, but he was already the chairman of Shandong Province, so the two cannot be strengthened. In the end, it is very likely that he will be removed from the post of chairman of Shandong Province.In this way, he lost half of his foundation.

Jiang Zhongzheng glanced at He Yingqin and said: "Jingzhi is very thoughtful. Hubei is the heartland and must not be handed over to outsiders. Just let the 57th Division go to Hankou. Weizhong, I will stay in Nanjing first. I have other arrangements." Said He waved his hand, indicating that He Yingqin could step back.

He Yingqin responded and prepared to withdraw to implement the several decisions discussed by the two of them just now, but Jiang Zhongzheng stopped him suddenly.

"Go and call Weizhong, I still have something to tell him."

He felt tired for a while, and hurried out with a cry.

Wu Xiaoliang didn't know about Jiang He's secret discussion. At this time, he looked worried, and stood in front of the battle map in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, carefully analyzing the current situation.In the morning, clear information had been obtained that a large group of Japanese troops were heading upstream along the Yangtze River from Japanese warships. The target was self-evident. It must be the three towns of Wuhan, and the first to bear the brunt must be Hankou.There are several elite troops there, so I'm not really worried.What worried him was that the spies lurking in Shanghai sent back a secret report that another large group of Japanese soldiers entered the Yangtze River Estuary in warships at noon, but now it was nearly dark and there was no sign of Japanese soldiers.

An ominous premonition soon filled Wu Xiaoliang's mind like a rising tide. He analyzed each place along the Yangtze River, and finally his eyes fell on Qiyakou. The tidal flat here is wide and gentle, which is really the best place for landing. land.In the blink of an eye, he was sweating profusely. If the Japanese army really landed here, Nanjing and Shanghai would be completely cut off, and Zhang Zhizhong's Fifth Army in Shanghai and his Seventh Division would face the danger of being flanked by front and back.

He immediately picked up the phone and wanted to call the operator: "I'm Wu Xiaoliang, immediately answer the chairman's office!"

Soon Jiang Zhongzheng's voice with a slight Jiangsu and Zhejiang accent came from the receiver.

"Weizhong? I happen to want to see you..."

Wu Xiaoliang unceremoniously interrupted Jiang Zhongzheng's conversation. The situation was already extremely critical and he really couldn't stand a minute of delay.

"Commissioner, reliable news, the Japanese army is likely to land at Qiyakou tonight, our army must make immediate deployment..."

There was a terrible silence on the other end of the phone...

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