The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 46 Gaming Chips

Acting President Feng Guozhang arrived in Beijing on August [-], and that night he went to Dongchang Hutong to pay a visit to President Li Yuanhong, and made a gesture to welcome him back to the presidential palace.He earnestly took Li Yuanhong's hand and said, "Guo Zhang came to welcome the President, and he is still here."

Li Yuanhong knew in his heart that he came to Beijing this time to win the president, so he was just putting on a show to show the world that although he was defeated, he still had to act, and he responded with sincerity. Said: "Yuan Hong is old and confused, and it is difficult to be the president. Brother Hua Fu has made great contributions to overcoming rebellion and rebuilding the republic. The succession of the president is what everyone expects." After finishing, Feng Guozhang left.

Duan Qirui was worrying about how to place Wu Xiaoliang at this time, and Xu Shuzheng suggested that his mixed regiment be incorporated into the Beijing-Tianjin Garrison Command as the direct military force of the Anhui troops in Beijing.The Anhui forces headed by Duan Qirui in Beiyangzhong are all located in Zhejiang, Shandong, and Henan. Most of the Zhili stationed are pro-straight people, and the governor of Zhili Cao Kun is a general of the straight line. Bargaining is because there is no direct line of troops in the direct and stretched.Wu Xiaoliang was born in Baoding Military Academy, so it is the best choice to train him as a direct general.

"Mr. Zhi can follow the example of Wu Weizhong as regimental commander. Appoint him as brigade commander with a low rank and high rank, and then be promoted to major general in due course. This way the resistance may be less." Xu Shuzheng suggested.

Such an extraordinary promotion of a military cadet will encounter resistance that can be foreseen.After several considerations, Duan Qirui decided to expand Wu Xiaoliang's No.15 mixed regiment into a mixed brigade. He pushed the signed letter of appointment in front of Xu Shuzheng and said, "Since Wu Weizhong is given a brigade, he deserves it. He has made the first contribution in conquering the rebellion and overcoming Beijing, so he is still worthy of being a major general, so go to Feng Huafu for his seal."

Feng Guozhang looked at the letter of appointment sent by the Ministry of the Army and shook his head again and again. Even if he intends to cultivate cronies, Duan Zhiquan's appearance is too ugly.Who is he, Wu Weizhong? A military cadet who just emerged last month is now about to be appointed as a major general, which is ridiculous.But he will not forcefully push back like Li Yuanhong, he has made up his mind, and only needs one word "delay".

Xu Shuzheng had expected that Feng Guozhang would not nod his head easily, and let the two great gods fight in person. Feng Huafu is not Li Songqing who can handle it at will. He holds the military power in several provinces, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, and Hubei are all under his control. However, it is better not to provoke him as the undersecretary of the army and the secretary-general of the State Council.And that Wu Weizhong, Zhigong blamed him for being reckless, he kept him in the cold for several days, tempered his temper, and refused several times to see him, but he should see him.

Wu Xiaoliang’s No.15 mixed regiment was still stationed at the Temple of Heaven. According to the agreement, the military students would go back to school to resume classes after successfully rebelling against the rebellion. However, the official document from the Ministry of Army was delayed. Whoever dared to say that it was disbanded would disband and win the battle according to the usual practice. There are also awards and honors. There is no movement in these due procedures, and there are already complaints among the students.He spends so much time comforting the emotions of his classmates every day, how could he know that he has become a bargaining chip in the battle between the two great gods of Beiyang.

Wu Xiaoliang has already made up his mind not to return to the military academy. This mixed regiment is his promotion rank, and it is impossible to give up, but he will not force other students. Once the Ministry of the Army has an official document, he will take a voluntary vote in the regiment , Let the students decide to stay or not.He had a premonition that Duan Qirui would definitely use him to the fullest. Although he would inevitably be branded with the Anhui faction, and the Anhui faction would inevitably be affected by the defeat of the Anhui faction in the future. will lose the war.

Fu Zuoyi and Wu Xiaoliang reported the same idea, "Brother Weizhong, the soldiers can return but you and I cannot. The No.15 mixed regiment has become our foundation and we cannot give up easily..." He was afraid that Wu Xiaoliang would disband all The decision to return to school was based on persuasion, but Fang Qidao had a different opinion, "Brother Yisheng's words are wrong. We study for revolutionary ideals, and the country has no responsibilities. Love stack fame and fortune?"

Fang Qidao has ideal romantic feelings all the time in his bones. In his opinion, at this time, it is time to "flick off the clothes and hide the merits and fame".

Wu Xiaoliang and Fu Zuoyi deeply disagreed, but neither argued with him. Wu Jingshan once teased that Fang Qidao's sharp tongue was comparable to the world's fastest knife, so they would not wash their necks and hand them over to be slaughtered.

The next day, Wu Xiaoliang went to see Duan Qirui again, but was rejected again, but unlike the previous few times, Secretary-General Xu Shuzheng received him.

Xu Shuzheng is proud and conceited by nature, he has never looked directly at anyone in the Beiyang government except Duan Qirui, but looking at the young military officer sitting upright on the sofa in front of him is very distasteful to him.Just because of his earth-shattering events, he couldn't help but admire him.

"Zhi Shuai has decided to expand your No.15 mixed regiment into a brigade. You have to be prepared in your heart. Feel free to bring up any difficulties." Xu Shuzheng said with a serious face.

This sentence really surprised Wu Xiaoliang, it was expected that Duan Qirui would reuse him, but it was absolutely beyond his expectation that Duan Qirui would promote a student who had just graduated from the military academy to a major general and brigade commander with such a large amount of money.

Xu Shuzheng saw the shock that he had foreseen on his face, and continued: "After expanding into a brigade, your department will be incorporated into the Beijing-Tianjin Security Command and stationed in Nanyuan."

Wu Xiaoliang immediately stood up and saluted Xu Shuzheng, "Thank you, Zhi Shuai, for your love. Xiaoliang will serve the country loyally, and death will not follow."

"Very good. It is the duty of our soldiers to be loyal to the country. Weizhong, don't disappoint Zhishuai's high expectations." Xu Shuzheng frowned slightly when he heard Wu Xiaoliang only talk about serving the country. He still has to beat him, and he has to drink water from the source. Everything he has today is thanks to Zhishuai.

Xu Shuzheng was very interested in talking today, and in a blink of an eye he talked about the European War. Not surprisingly, the government will order to join the war against Germany and Austria. The regret of being a soldier is that he cannot expand the territory for the country. However, the country is weak, and the governors of the provinces compete with each other Fighting against one's own family is hard work, there is only one road to a strong country, and that is to unify China.Speaking of excitement, his voice began to rush.

Infected by Xu Shuzheng's emotions, Wu Xiaoliang blurted out: "Your Excellency, China will be unified within 40 years, but the lands invaded by Mongolia and Tsarist Russia are hopeless."

Xu Shuzheng slapped the armrest of the sofa fiercely, "Why wait for 40 years, with me assisting Mr. Zhi, we can achieve success in ten years.

Wu Xiaoliang sighed in his heart, ten years later, Duan Qirui would have become a Yugong, and you would become the wronged soul under Feng Yuxiang's gun, turned into loess, what are you talking about unifying China

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