The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 460 The Alliance Under the City

Most of the sailors in the boat were thrown onto the criss-crossing pipes because they were not mentally prepared, screaming in pain again and again. Zhang Liangzuo barely stabilized himself because he firmly grasped the handles around the conning tower, so as not to fall Too embarrassing.

The captain's face changed drastically, and regardless of the mess that fell, he roared in a muffled voice: "Stop draining water immediately, the submarine is hooked!"

Thanks to his rich experience, there was a precedent of being hooked by underwater debris in training before, which almost caused a major accident of boat destruction and death.Therefore, he could realize the crux of the problem in time, thus preventing a possible tragedy from happening.

After the submarine stopped surfacing, it increased its horsepower to get rid of the entanglement of debris on the bottom of the river, and then slowly went upstream along the Yangtze River Estuary at a speed of five knots.The reason for not leaving at full speed is that too much speed will cause a surge of noise, which increases the chance of the submarine being detected.

Suddenly the underwater monitoring sailor hissed loudly, and nervously reminded everyone: "Oops, a destroyer is coming from the direction of nine o'clock ahead."

Everyone's heart tightened upon hearing this, what should we do?

"Stop immediately!"

The captain ordered without the slightest hesitation.

"500 meters... 400 meters... 300 meters..."

The monitoring sailors whispered the distance between the destroyer and the submarine. As the number got smaller and smaller, everyone's hands became tighter and tighter, and the palms were even sweaty.Zhang Liangzuo found it strange that it was extremely rare for a destroyer to patrol alone in the extremely dogmatic Japanese navy. Most of them carried out patrol missions in formations of two or three ships. What was the reason for this?Maybe it's just a fishing boat on the water, or maybe it's a troop carrier.

But the sailor's report made him nervous.

"200 meters... 100 meters... 80 meters... 50 meters..."

Suddenly the sailor lost his voice and said: "Oops, the opponent is slowing down...something entered the water...stopped..."

Everyone understands that the anti-submarine ship on patrol stops and slows down halfway. Apart from the cause of the failure, there is only one possibility, that is, the target has been discovered.

Zhang Liangzuo's heart suddenly rose to his throat.

The lieutenant and deputy captain suddenly became excited, waved a pair of big hands, and said out of breath:

"It's death anyway, it's better to fight, it's better to hide under the water until you die!"

The emotions of the sailors were suddenly detonated. Everyone did not want to die like a coward, and they all petitioned Zhang Liangzuo: "Commander, let's fight with the little devil!"

"Yes, fight! Let their shit army minister be buried for us..."

"The destroyer started again, and accelerated... 40 meters... 30 meters... 20 meters..."

This time the captain was also completely infected by the tragic emotions in the boat.


While Zhang Liangzuo was reporting the number to the sailors, his thoughts turned and he saw that even the captain had lost his composure. He interrupted him with a wave of his hand, and said firmly:

"It's just an ordinary steamer on the water. Don't panic. After it passes, we will be completely safe when we enter the Yangtze River!"

The commander had already spoken, and the sailors had no choice but to carry out the order. The lieutenant and deputy captain wanted to say something more. The sailor's report made everyone stop what they were doing, and quietly waited for the fate to come.

"Ten meters... five meters... three meters... one meter..."

The command room was terribly quiet, and no one dared to breathe out, as if the breathing was a little louder, and the air would be ignited and explode.

"The target is far away, five meters... ten meters... 20 meters..."

After the sailor finished speaking, a burst of suppressed cheers erupted in the command room, and everyone seemed to be pardoned.Zhang Liangzuo made the right bet this time. If the destroyers above were indeed the submarines, they would surely be discovered, and they might die without a place to bury them.

After the unidentified ship on the water was far away, Zhang Liangzuo ordered the submarine to start again, and moved forward slowly at a speed of five knots. The periscope rose out of the water, and a shallow white track was drawn on the river under the darkness of night.

The Wusong Fortress is getting farther and farther away, and the sparse lights on the Wusongkou River are gradually shrinking and gradually disappearing.They are safe, the submarine has sailed out of the danger zone, the next thing they need to do is to drive into Zhoujiaba, hand over the captives to Wu Xiaoliang, and the mission will be considered a success.

After being out of danger, due to the high tension all night, everyone was exhausted and fell asleep, but they still stuck to their posts and did not dare to be negligent.After driving slowly like this for a full hour, the listening sailor once again issued a warning to everyone in the cabin.

"Oops! Another destroyer... No, it should be two... Huh? Strange, why does it seem to be one again?"

Zhang Liangzuo, who was in a semi-obscure state, suddenly jumped up, "Determine the exact location and number!"

The sailor listened for a long time, and finally shook his head helplessly. He really couldn't tell the strength of the target on the water.Zhang Liangzuo secretly thought, this might be another ordinary small riverboat, so he decided to gamble again.

"Periscope rises, surfaces..."

Although Yu Sanhe had already made plans to meet the Japanese destroyer, he still had luck in his heart, but the cruel reality shattered his expectations.It's pitch black in the periscope, but the gleaming gun barrel of a destroyer really makes people shudder.

Zhang Liangzuo cursed inwardly that it was unlucky, what should come will always come, walked a few steps to the podium, spread out the map, picked up a pencil, used the ruler, protractor and compass to draw on the map, and used the pencil to do calculations from time to time , when the pencil wrote the last word and tapped on the map, he uttered an order that stunned everyone.

"Put away the periscope, float five meters up, and open the hatch of the torpedo tube No. [-]. The torpedo is set to a depth of one meter and is ready to launch!"

After a series of orders were issued in succession, Zhang Liangzuo saw that everyone was still in a daze, so he couldn't help saying angrily:

"What are you still doing in a daze? Execute the order immediately!"

Everyone just woke up like a dream. They didn't understand that the commander had strongly opposed the confrontation with the Japanese destroyer before, why the change was so sudden at this moment?They didn't know that Zhang Liangzuo planned to avoid it this time, but after a few seconds of weighing, he still gave up this unrealistic idea.

At this time, the surface of the river is getting narrower. As long as the destroyers pass by, 90.00% of them will be found. Instead of waiting for the [-]% luck, it is better to take the initiative to attack and block them. The winning rate will always be higher than that [-]%!

The captain was the first to understand Zhang Liangzuo's intentions, and secretly thanked Zhang Liangzuo for his observation, otherwise the situation would be dangerous.

The moment the sailors received the order, they skillfully put down the periscope and drained the water in the drainage tank, and the submarine began to float up. After reaching the predetermined depth, Zhang Liangzuo ordered again:

"Turn twenty degrees to three o'clock and wait for launch!"

After all, he took out his pocket watch and stared nervously at the second hand as it approached the time he had calculated with a pencil...

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