The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 464 The Alliance Under the City

"Chairman, think twice. If you are fighting against the outside world, you must first settle down inside. If the internal turmoil is not peaceful, the external troubles will be safe!"

Yang Yongtai was suddenly emotional, and quickly persuaded him that he had just written a letter of ten thousand words to Jiang Zhongzheng before the Songhu Incident. Three points are military and seven points are politics."If Jiang Zhongzheng is fighting the Japanese to the end, then the strategy he proposed will be completely aborted. There are various indications that the Japanese will never stop easily when they use force this time. The point of tidying up.

"Changqing is bad. The strategy of making peace with the outside world has not changed. The land war with the Japanese pirates will also be a prestige battle. At that time, we will have more bargaining chips in our hands. Only when we fight and fight can we be able to handle it with ease. Now that the Third Fleet has been severely damaged, and Wu Weizhong's subordinates are very effective, all aspects are beneficial to us, if we just give up, why would we be willing?"

Yang Yongtai remained silent after hearing this. He knew that Chiang Kai-shek had been holding his breath since the "May [-]rd Massacre" in Jinan.Now that the national government is in full swing, the right time, place and people are in harmony, which is a great opportunity to avenge shame.

However, there is another but, once a full-fledged war with the Japanese, is the national government ready to resist a full-scale war? **Will you take advantage of the situation?A serious trouble in a confidant, a disease in the elbow and armpit, can become a catastrophe in the blink of an eye.

Jiang Zhongzheng said to Yang Yongtai quite excitedly: "I have made up my mind, the battle between Beijing and Shanghai must be won and lost, and then we will talk about peace and war!"

The room suddenly fell into a strange silence, both of them were silent, but the air was so tense that it was difficult to breathe.Yang Yongtai finally let out a sigh in his chest, turned around and left.


On September 18th, [-]th year of the Republic of China, the sky was terribly cloudy, and the streets of Nanjing were bleak and desolate. Pedestrians were in a hurry, and the newspaper boy shouted:

"Selling newspapers, selling newspapers! The Shenyang incident, Zhang Shaoshuai watching a play, Zhao Si's flirtatious Zhu Wukuang... Ruanrou Township is a hero's tomb, so it doesn't matter whether the East Division enters Shenyang..."

The newsboy shouted hoarsely, but people were still in a hurry, and they had long lost their curiosity. Occasionally, a person stopped to call the newsboy, bought a newspaper, shook his head while walking, and sometimes three or two people gathered together to discuss in a low voice.

"Hey! The country's most important weapon falls into the hands of this group of people..."

"How can such a playboy have the guts to fight the Japanese..."

At this time, thousands of kilometers away in Beiping, the focus of people's discussion, Huahua Marshal Zhang Xueliang was nervously holding a military meeting with the top Northeast Army.It's been a whole morning, and everyone hasn't discussed the result yet. What to do, whether to fight or not to fight, the high-level people present are discussing, but they can't come to a unified decision.Some advocated to fight back to the Northeast. The Japanese army was not strong in the Northeast. At the moment, they were more focused on the Songhu front in the south. As long as the Northeast Army worked together, they would be able to defeat the ambitions of the Japanese invaders.

Some people also advocated that the Japanese should not fight easily. If the Northeast Army turns back and fights against the Japanese invaders, it will be difficult for them to get the support of the central government in Nanjing. They may even face some people's looting and lose Pingjin and Hebei. It is better to hold on to the immediate territory. Then slowly map it.

Zhang Xueliang was so upset at this moment that he was trapped in the conference room all morning, and his addiction to smoking came up again. He felt dizzy, snot and burst into tears. How can time leave easily?People's hearts have been scattered, and it can't be worse because of him.

A group of veterans who stayed in Northeast China headed by Xiqia voluntarily surrendered to the Japanese, and Jilin fell into the hands of the Japanese almost without firing a single shot. Jilin and Fengzhou provinces fell at an unimaginable speed. It looks like it, but how long can he resist when he is far away from the pass...

He did not express his position for a long time, and the senior officials present became more emotional.

"Everyone! Everyone!"

Zhang Xueliang held back the pain, and pressed his hands down, signaling for everyone to be quiet.

"Everyone, please listen to what Xueliang said. Now the Northeast has fallen into the hands of the Japanese invaders...cough...cough..."

His breathing suddenly became short of breath, his hands covered his chest as if he couldn't breathe, his face turned pale instantly, beads of sweat rolled down his forehead and cheeks, and he finally fell onto the conference table with an "ah".


"Big guy!"

"Han Qing!"

Everyone immediately forgot about the dispute just now, and looked nervously at Zhang Xueliang's situation.

Since he killed Yang Yuting and Chang Yinhuai in one fell swoop years ago, no one dared to shake the absolute authority of the Young Marshal in the Northeast Army. If anything happened, the Northeast Army would be completely ruined.A group of people hurried forward to help Zhang Xueliang up, rubbed his temples, and patted his chest, but he just didn't wake up.

Suddenly someone had an idea and said anxiously:

"Hurry up and help him to the back house, where there is medicine..."

Some people didn't understand, "Go and call a doctor!"

Some people have long been dissatisfied and muttered in a low voice: "Where does the doctor have good medicine?"

"Hey! The young commander is like this, how can he be worthy of the old commander's spirit in the sky?"

Since Yang Yuting and Chang Yinhuai were executed in the Northeast Army, although no one dared to shake Zhang Xueliang's majesty, it also hurt the hearts of a group of old people.

After Zhang Xueliang was carried to the back house by the high-ranking officials in a hurry, someone burned a high-quality opium and waited for him to inhale a few times, and he woke up slowly, his voice was weak and soft, and the two lines of tears could no longer be suppressed Can't help but look at Zhang Zuoxiang who is guarding the bed.

"Uncle Zhang, it's hard to be good at learning. The Japanese invaders launched troubles in the three eastern provinces. There is no reason to just sit and watch them fall into the hands of the bandits. However, the Japanese army is strong and the country is a hindrance. Once the fight is over, the old man's fortune will probably be wiped out. But if you don't fight the hatred of the country and the family, how can you bear it? How should Xueliang choose?"

These words expressed the deepest thoughts in Zhang Xueliang's heart. He would never express his position like this in the conference room, but the decision will come sooner or later, and Zhang Zuoxiang cannot make the decision.He just kept silent, how could he have the heart to push the Northeast Army back to the point of no return, but if he persuaded Zhang Xueliang to preserve his strength, the enemies of the country and his family would not even be able to pass his own test.Ever since he defeated Yang Yuting, he felt that he was completely old, so he left Shenyang and went to Jilin City, intending to calm down and be his governor of Jilin.But the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop.At the beginning of the year, the Northeast Army entered the pass in a big way. As the veteran of the Northeast Army, Zhang Xueliang took him into the pass together, but he did not expect that today, such a mess happened, and the three provinces of the Northeast Army's hometown were almost lost overnight.

When the old and the young were in tears, the adjutant pushed the door open and entered regardless of etiquette.

"The big thing is bad! The Japanese invaders are approaching the city of Beiping..."

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