The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 466 The Alliance Under the City

But it is not so easy to disrupt the situation. The Japanese chose to hold peace talks with He Yingqin in Beiping instead of Shanghai, where the war broke out first, which is enough to show that their focus is on the north, and Shanghai is not the main goal.

So if Wu Xiaoliang wanted to attract the attention of the Japanese government, he had to beat the Japanese army in the Beijing-Shanghai area so painfully that the Japanese would gnash their teeth.Right now, there is such an opportunity. Ever since the battleship Nagato was completely blown up and the battleships of the Third Fleet were severely damaged, the three divisions that landed at Qiyakou have panicked, and the war has been delayed for a long time. Exceeding their plan, the originally planned surprise attack, which came to the city of Nanjing overnight, has now become an offensive and defensive battle between defensive lines.The morale of the army was also seriously low due to the defeat of the navy.

Many people even became confused, thinking that there were great powers watching behind them, and he could use this opportunity to launch a surprise attack on the Japanese army.The reason why Wu Xiaoliang dared to think this way, and even dared to implement it, was because he had a trump card in his hand, that is, the armored force that could be invincible in East Asia.

Previously, due to continuous rainy days and the arrogance of the Japanese army, Wu Xiaoliang would not hastily send his housekeeper to the battlefield as cannon fodder.But the situation is different now. The Japanese army has been on the front line of Changshu for many days, and their morale has been weakened. In addition to the disastrous defeat of the navy and the news of the disappearance of the Minister of War, people have long been panicked and their morale has plummeted.At this time, all the main forces were concentrated on one point, and with the momentum of a sharp knife, they cut a hole in the attack line of the two divisions facing it. Fifth Division.

Drive these three divisions down the Yangtze River completely, and then regain Shanghai in one go.In this way, the Japanese army's actions to contain the Nationalist Government in the south will fail completely.At that time, you can free up your hands and concentrate on dealing with the threat from the Northeast, and at the same time have an explanation to the people of the country.

After experiencing the fiasco in Songhu, the Japanese cabinet will inevitably face strong domestic pressure. If it chooses to continue negotiations, it will definitely put forward more stringent demands on the national government.If the military department influences the cabinet to decide to take revenge and continue to expand the scale of the war, then an all-out war between China and Japan is bound to ignite from this, which is just in his hands.

However, the first possibility is not impossible. The Nanjing National Government may even accept even more unbearable harsh conditions.

As expected, the truce order from the Military Commission will be sent to the Beijing-Shanghai Garrison Headquarters in the next few days. Go to the armored brigade that is less than [-] miles away from the front line of Changshu, and the attack can be launched early tonight.

At the same time, Wu Xiaoliang has another plan. In addition to the military squeeze, he also plans to play the political card. Bai Chuanyi, who is secretly detained in his hands, is definitely a rare commodity. With this guy, he can strangle Japan. If they don't want to make a fool of themselves in front of the people of the world, the prominent families in the cabinet must properly meet his reasonable demands.

As for the reasonable request, if the Japanese insist on negotiating, he has two choices. The first is to use Shirakawa Yoshinori as a bargaining chip in a private transaction, in exchange for the Japanese side excluding He Yingqin from the ranks of Chinese negotiators and asking him instead Wu Xiaoliang negotiated.The second is to announce to the world that General Shirakawa Yoshinori, the dignified Japanese Army Minister, has become a prisoner of the Chinese people they despise most.

Moreover, Wu Xiaoliang has an even more brilliant trick. Once he intends to use Bai Chuanyi to turn his face against Japan, then he will sing this play to the extreme.He will convene a trial of the century with the participation of mainstream media from all over the world, accuse him, as the Minister of the Army, of the crimes against humanity committed by the army under him against the Chinese people, and conduct a fair, open and fair public trial.Building momentum is Wu Xiaoliang's forte. As long as he handles it well, it will surely discredit Japan. If he wants to make peace, the raging public opinion in Japan and the strong pressure from the army will force him to continue fighting.

As long as the Japanese dare to fight, he dared to let these island dwarfs who clamored to leave Asia and enter Europe and thought they were superior to all Asians, taste what regret is.

"Has Junzuo made up his mind, do we have to fight?"

The second army commander Yang Xiaoou's question pulled Wu Xiaoliang out of his contemplation. He still hoped to fight steadily. Now that the Changshu line of defense had been defended, there was no need to take the risk and take the initiative to attack the Japanese army.When Yang Xiaoou heard Wu Xiaoliang's idea at first, he even thought that he had lost his mind. He knew the quality of the Second Army. The defense is not bad, let alone the initiative to attack, isn't that hitting a stone with an egg?

What puzzled him even more was that Chief of Staff He had already flown to Peking for negotiations. He believed that the war between China and Japan would come to an end in the near future. With such a great effort, the army must have received a report that was difficult to obtain in the Central Plains War.His original intention was to hold the land of Shanghai in his hands, but this land belonged to Chiang Kai-shek, and he might not agree to it anyway, but he could exchange for better conditions in other places.But Wu Xiaoliang didn't think about these things at all, and he was only thinking about fighting, which is too unbelievable.

But after a few times of persuasion, Yang Xiaoou found that Wu Xiaoliang's attitude was extremely firm. Based on his understanding of him these days, he knew that his actions would change no matter how difficult it was, so he asked in the end, knowing that it would be futile but unwilling.

Wu Xiaoliang looked at Yang Xiaoou firmly, pointed at the complete map of the Republic of China hanging on the wall, and drew two big circles in the three eastern provinces and the Pingjin area with a pencil in his hand.

"Look, after this battle in the three eastern provinces, we are lost, and we may not be able to protect our sovereignty in Pingjin. The Japanese invaders dispatched troops to North China and it is time to expand the army."

When he said this, he paused for a moment, and then continued: "The Northern Song Dynasty was weak, why was it beaten to the city of Kaifeng by the northern barbarians several times?"

When Yang Xiaoou heard Wu Xiaoliang talk about the Northern Song Dynasty, he was taken aback for a moment, and then subconsciously replied: "Since the Northern Song Dynasty lost the Yanyun Sixteen States, there is no danger to defend, no matter Khitan or Jurchen, they can go south to the Yellow River without any obstacles. .”

Wu Xiaoliang clapped his hands and said: "Exactly, there will be a war between China and Japan sooner or later, and if the war ceases this time, the sovereignty of Pingjin will definitely be given as an exchange condition. They are nibbling at every opportunity, digesting one by one, why not take advantage of his inability to move after swallowing it in one gulp!"

Yang Xiaoou remained silent. He admitted that what Wu Xiaoliang said was reasonable, but all of this must be based on the premise that he can protect himself. At least in his opinion, if he is in his position, he will seek his own government, and if he is not in his position, he will not seek his own government.Some of Wu Xiaoliang's considerations have gone far beyond the considerations of a member of the military committee and the chairman of the local provincial government. These are all things that Chairman Jiang who is hiding in Xuzhou should worry about!

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