The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 468 The Alliance Under the City

Suddenly, the guard soldiers who were on guard felt the ground under their feet trembling slightly, followed by bursts of extremely unusual sounds approaching from far away, and the soldiers suddenly realized.

"Ahead comes another victory!"

What else could this sound be but cavalry?The guards and soldiers have heard a lot, but today's feeling is a little different from the past. Why is the earth trembling so violently?It's just cavalry, it's just horseshoes, it seems that the earth is going to be trampled upside down!Could it be that a large group of messengers has come?

The guard soldiers thought so, but they were suddenly startled. If there was a large group, they could not be messengers, but real cavalry!As far as he knows, the cavalry of the second army stayed on the north bank of the river as early as the beginning of crossing the river due to the tension of the ferry. Tremors, can only be, can only be...

The leading guard officer immediately broke out in cold sweat, because a thought that made his hair stand on end flashed in his mind, the Japanese are coming!

Although in the past few days, the Second Army has actually won several solid victories, and once the morale of the Second Army has been boosted, everyone will no longer talk about the Japanese as before, but he has only been engaged in security work in the rear The young officer, who had never experienced a real battlefield, thought that it might be a surprise attack by the Japanese army, his mind went blank, and he stood there blankly, like a piece of wood, forgetting to even warn.

It was the soldier beside him who pushed him, and said with an ambiguous expression: "What happened to the platoon leader today, he is out of his mind, and still thinking about the little widow last night?"

The guard officer came back to his senses, and he didn't care to respond to the teasing of his soldiers, and screamed: "Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

While shouting, he also pulled out the continuous ringing box cannon on his waist, and fired two shots into the sky, "Papa—" two shots. In his panic, he couldn't think of a better way to summon them. Wake up quickly!Because he knew that there was only one battalion stationed in Sujiayu responsible for the security tasks of the garrison headquarters. If they didn't gather everyone together as soon as possible, the enemy might be in danger of being overwhelmed.

Sure enough, when they heard the gunshots, everyone, whether they were awake or asleep, jumped up with extreme sensitivity. Hearing the gunshots around the security headquarters must have happened to something extremely unusual.

The battalion commander of the guard straightened the military uniform and didn't even fasten the discipline buckle, so he hurriedly ran out of the bedroom, and asked loudly as he ran:

"Who fired the shot? Who fired the shot? What happened?"

When he saw the second lieutenant platoon leader at the entrance of the headquarters, the box cannon in his hand was still emitting smoke, and he was furious.

"Are you crazy? Don't even look at this place? How dare you shoot here!" He said and gestured to the left and right, "Come on! Bind me and send it to the gendarmerie!"

The second lieutenant platoon leader who fired the warning hastily said: "Listen, battalion commander!" He made a gesture to make the battalion commander listen carefully.

The battalion commander was puzzled, but he still calmed down and listened. He couldn't hear it, and he jumped up in fright.

"There are cavalry! Where are the cavalry? I haven't heard any news of cavalry coming!"

Although the security battalion commander is just a battalion commander, he is very important because he is responsible for the security work of the entire security headquarters. All troop movements must be notified to him as long as they pass through the security headquarters within a radius of [-] miles.In recent days, the guard battalion has not received notice that there will be cavalry crossing the border.

Hence this question.But then, like the second lieutenant platoon leader before, he immediately realized the seriousness of the problem. If it wasn't the friendly army, it was the Japanese invaders.

Thinking of this, the security battalion commander immediately turned around, and explained while running, "Let everyone gather immediately and prepare for battle!"

He has to tell Wu Xiaoliang in the Beijing-Shanghai Security Command to evacuate this place quickly, no matter whether the sound of horseshoes is an enemy or a friend, Wu Xiaoliang, as the security commander, can't take the risk. If there is an accident, the entire Beijing-Shanghai battlefield will be destroyed The situation will fall short, and he cannot bear the responsibility.

According to his judgment, this team of cavalry was at least as large as the battalion, and they would definitely arrive within five minutes, so time was running out, and he had to seize all the time to cover the commander's evacuation.

Wu Xiaoliang also heard gunshots, and was about to go out when he bumped into a man, it was the battalion commander of the guard, and he looked nervous and anxious.

"Commander, the enemy is attacking, the matter is urgent, please follow the humble officer and evacuate this place immediately!"

Wu Xiaoliang's heart trembled when he heard these words, which Japanese army was so tricky, and even touched his headquarters in one fell swoop.But he can't go, the counterattack is imminent, if he retreats, it will seriously affect the morale of the frontline soldiers, because ordinary soldiers don't know so much inside information, they will only think that their commander is afraid, retreat, or even run away ...

If such an unfavorable mood arises in the army, what is there to expect them to win the battle?

Wu Xiaoliang understands the Second Army. Although the Second Army has a good combat effectiveness, it has a fatal weakness, that is, it is used to fighting with the wind, unable to withstand setbacks, and lacks tenacity.So at this time, his inspiring behavior played a vital role. The coach took his own risk, and dare his subordinates die?

"Don't panic, the headquarters will be fine, you deploy defenses normally, I won't leave here half a step!"


The battalion commander wanted to persuade him again, but Wu Xiaoliang stopped him with a wave.

"Go and deploy your defenses quickly, I will ask you if the battle is delayed!"

The battalion commander had no choice but to grit his teeth, turn around and leave the yard.

The tremor of the earth became more and more obvious, and the sound became louder and louder, even the sound of shouting was almost audible, Wu Xiaoliang turned his head to look at the western sky.

"It's time to come!"

But what he waited for didn't come, and what he didn't wait for came.

It really was the Japanese cavalry. When the submachine guns of the cavalry were still far away from the defense line of the guard battalion, they opened fire one after another. As the horses advanced, the firepower woven by hundreds of barrages also moved forward quickly. Wu Xiaoliang's guard battalion They are the redundant soldiers eliminated by the various battalions. They have insufficient combat effectiveness and experience. In order to send more combat-experienced troops to the front line to ensure the advantage of the battle situation, these veterans, who are no different from recruits, are here. When facing the sudden Japanese cavalry, they forgot to shoot to stop them.It wasn't until the battalion commander of the guard saw the opportunity and fired all the bullets from the box cannon, that everyone woke up like a dream.

All kinds of light and heavy firepower were fired at the same time. In the last 100 meters, the Japanese soldiers turned on their backs, but soon more cavalry jumped over.In the blink of an eye, the distance of [-] meters came in an instant. The battalion commander closed his eyes in despair, and he was humiliatedly defeated in just one round!

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