The fierce battle between the 57th Division and the Ninth Division made the two Japanese divisions besieged find a chance, and quickly made a gesture of attacking the 57th Division in Taicang, but the battle in Taicang came and went quickly.After the No.14 Division and the Fifth Division were ready, the 57th Division quickly resolved the battle.The Japanese army fell into a dilemma. If the attack was attacked from both front and back, it might collapse at any time.If there is no attack, with the depletion of food and morale, the army's hope of defeating the Chinese will be even slimmer. Naoki Matsuki, head of the No.14 Division, didn't understand when the Chinese became so powerful. After hesitating again and again, he finally made up his mind.


Before dawn, the Yangtze River was pitch-black, and the river breeze felt cool. The cramped chirping of unknown waterfowls added a touch of uneasiness to the night.In the thin river fog, two huge ships moved forward slowly, with a speed of only five or six knots, and the roar of the motor was therefore low and weak.Even so, a large number of waterfowls were startled. If fishermen who often run boats on the river see this scene, they can immediately recognize that this is a Japanese warship that often docks at Hongkou Wharf.

The sun flag fluttering on the mast of the ship looked dazzling and evil against the dim moonlight. They were ordered by Major General Gangcun to prepare for the fatal blow to the Chinese people.

He is full of confidence in this sneak attack on Okamura Ningji. He has thoroughly studied the strength of the Chinese people after arriving in Shanghai. Although the Imperial Army is an away game, the Chinese country is not monolithic. Take the distance between Nanjing and Shanghai. As far as the Chinese elites stationed were concerned, they had deep conflicts with each other. It seemed that there were several elite troops in front of the passage to Nanjing, but whether they could become Austrian aid to each other was another matter.

Okamura Ningji's eyes were all on Qiyakou on the combat map. This can be said to be the most crucial battle since the outbreak of the Songhu Incident. Thanks to the super weapon developed by the military, he firmly believed that the legendary General China will certainly not escape this time.

"Senior Ueda, the strength of the Ninth Division is really extraordinary. It is worthy of the prestigious Kanazawa Division to drive the Chinese people out of Shanghai in one day."

Although Ueda Kenkichi was accountable and dismissed because of the unfavorable war and the disappearance of General Shirakawa, Okamura Ningji still gave him enough respect and even continued to use him in the staff.After all, Kenkichi Ueda has been in China for a long time and knows the situation in Shanghai very well. Neiji Okamura has just arrived and everything is relatively unfamiliar. Having an experienced former commander as an advisor is an excellent advantage.

Ueda Kenkichi had long expected that he would be dismissed and even escorted back to his country for a military trial.But what he never expected was that the Ministry of the Army actually sent a major general who had almost no experience in commanding large formations to take his place, and this major general was promoted exceptionally before coming to Shanghai. Kenkichi Ueda, who has far more experience and qualifications than Yokomura, feels embarrassed.He had heard that Okamura Ningji, who was the head of the combat department at the Ministry of the Army, was a typical representative of the young and strong officers and one of the backbone forces.

But Ningji Okamura proved with his actions that he, the major general and the supreme commander of the Japanese army in Songhu, was not in vain. He drove out the main force of the Chinese defenders in Shanghai in one day, and reversed the already precarious situation. reversed.This blocked the mouths of many people, including Kenkichi Ueda.Since then, the former Lieutenant General of the Ninth Division and the Supreme Commander of the Japanese Army in Songhu has been convinced of this young major general.At the same time, this young officer was not as domineering as he had imagined, which greatly changed his impression of him.

"Your Excellency, Major General, this General China has always been tricky, so we must guard against it. The most worrying thing is the journey of the 24th Brigade..."

Okamura Neiji nodded after hearing this and said: "I have carefully studied this person's previous record, and there are not many tricks and schemes. It depends on luck, and luck cannot always be on his side. I believe that my luck is better than his!"

Not only did his words reveal his self-confidence, but he also disapproved of Kenkichi Ueda's overly conservative attitude and even his fear of General Shina. It seems that Senior Ueda was scared out of his wits. How could a commander who was scared out of his wits? What about leading the army to defeat the enemy?

Seeing that the young commander is full of confidence, what can Ueda Kenkichi, who is waiting for the crime, say?I have no choice but to wait and see what happens. If the battle at Qiyakou goes well, it will be auspicious. I'm afraid...


The night on the Yangtze River has turned pale, and a touch of red has appeared in the east. The slow warship will finally reach the destination of tonight's trip.The wide river beach of Qiyakou has been displayed in front of the warship with the sun flag flying on the mast through the gradually thinning fog. The densely packed soldiers on the deck have been awakened one after another. A landing operation is about to start. Are the Chinese people here? The fortification will be known in a quarter of an hour. The soldiers on the deck are full of hope for this battle. The new commander has brought dizzying surprises to the Ninth Division, so the 24th Brigade will not It's too far away, the depression of more than a month can finally be released tonight.

Major General Yamada, who was crowded among the soldiers, was not as optimistic as the soldiers under his command. This Chinese general had left a deep impression on him during the battle in Shanghai. In the early days of the battle, his brigade was almost always suppressed by the 57th Division of the Chinese Li Ze Army. Fighting, until the division withdrew from Shanghai, the situation of being suppressed and beaten was reversed. Zhang Zhizhong's Fifth Army, which is known as the elite of the Central Army of China, was no more than that. His performance in China was remarkable at the time, and promotion to lieutenant general after the war should not be a problem.

But after the defeat in the first battle of Zhabei, the brigade suffered heavy losses, and promotion to lieutenant general has become an extravagant hope. The landing battle at Qiyakou was his last battle to save face and future.But the closer he got to Qiyakou, the more anxiety surged in his heart. The river wind blew the reeds on the south bank, and as the shadows swayed, it seemed that there were countless Chinese ambush soldiers hidden in invisible places.When the two warships arrived at Qiyakou, nothing happened, and there was no sound on the river beach. Major General Yamada's heart suddenly fell into his stomach. It seemed that the myth of General China's invincibility was about to be destroyed by him. Breaking through, as long as the 24th Brigade lands successfully, nothing can stop him, because the secret weapon he brought is irresistible to any flesh and blood.

Death to General China!

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