At this glance, Yamada forgot to look at the injuries of Fujita, who was lying on the ground. In the gradually dissipating mist, a vast expanse of water appeared indistinctly. How could this situation not shock him? ?

What the hell is this place?To the north is a big river several kilometers wide, to the south is the Yangtze River, and to the east is a vast expanse that looks like the sea!A thought suddenly popped up in his mind, and his body felt cold instantly. This place is not a peninsula, but an island!In fact, many years of experience have told him that the land under his feet is most likely an island.Because it is impossible to have such a large river on both sides of the peninsula, the only explanation is that this is an island at the mouth of the Yangtze River.

As a result, a voice jumped out of Yamada's mind again, and they were probably trapped on an island.And there are at least more than one battalion of Chinese soldiers stationed on this island. The 24th Brigade is hungry, exhausted, and even infected with some unknown strange disease. Can you defeat these Chinese soldiers who are waiting for work? ?

The soldiers didn't understand Yamada's thoughts, so they carried Fujita on their backs and continued to move forward, but they ran only a few tens of meters away. Just like Yamada's shock at the beginning, there were bursts of despair in their chests, and the looming sight in the fog in the river ahead It is a sea.

At this time and this place, there is really no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth, what should I teach them?

Fujita, who was on the back of the Japanese soldier, foamed at the mouth, convulsed for a while, and soon fell into a coma.After a few minutes of confusion, Yamada quickly regained his composure and immediately called everyone to stop.

"Since the matter has come to this, please let me fight with you, for the honor of the imperial kingdom, and for His Majesty the Emperor!"

At this moment, even if Yamada doesn't express his opinion, the soldiers are already aware of their current situation. If so, let's fight to the death!

"Long live the empire!"

"Long Live His Majesty the Emperor!""

The soldiers shouted slogans, as if they were bracing for the last battle.


The first battalion stationed in the small fishing village was the third battalion of Hu Zongnan's Brigade, which was taken in and reorganized by Wu Xiaoliang after the disastrous defeat on the Changshu battlefield. The battalion commander was the heroic Zhang Zhonglin.This Zhang Zhonglin also said before that he is Zhang Lingfu, the well-known commander of the 74th Reorganized Division in Wu Xiaoliang's previous life.That's right, it was Zhang Lingfu, the commander of the Reorganized 74th Division who was shot dead in Meng Lianggu, and Zhang Lingfu who killed his wife in a fit of anger and was imprisoned.In order to fight against the Japanese, regardless of his injuries, Zhang Lingfu lost a leg and turned into a lame general.

Of course, Zhang Lingfu was not called Zhang Lingfu at this time, but Zhang Zhonglin.

Now Zhang Zhonglin is anxious and depressed, complaining again and again, complaining about being dispatched to this clumsy Chongming Island, and from time to time secretly cursing the Commander Wu who he thinks is avenging his personal revenge.At this time, Zhang Zhonglin is still unaware of his ups and downs in the future.Perhaps it can be said that the ups and downs that are about to happen have quietly changed since he met the person who "revenges private revenge", but he still doesn't know it.

The guards broke into the door and said happily: "Battle Commander, there is something wrong! The patrol team in the north has set off signal flares, three in a row, the scale is not small!"

Zhang Zhonglin's eyes lit up immediately. This was definitely a surprise. In his opinion, the commander of the Japanese army had to be so stupid to lead the army to land on this small, shitty island.The combat effectiveness of the Japanese army is second to none in the world. How could there be such a fool among their commanders?If Yamada knew the weird thoughts in Zhang Zhonglin's mind at the moment, he would probably be so angry that he vomited blood.

However, Zhang Zhonglin will not be disappointed because the Japanese commander is an idiot. It is nonsense to meet any opponents. He wishes that the Japanese commanders are all idiots!At that time, when he fights, it will be like chopping melons and vegetables, and that will be the greatest joy in life.

"Brothers, follow me!"

The soldiers around him were all gearing up, looking eager to try, and rushed out after hearing the commander's order.

Zhang Zhonglin's third battalion was originally affiliated to Hu Zongnan's first independent brigade, which was the model brigade handpicked by Jiang Zhongzheng.It's a pity that the Model Brigade suffered heavy losses from the No.14 Division in the First Battle of Hejiabang, and was eventually defeated.But the Model Brigade did not earn its name in vain after all, and the No.14 Division also killed one thousand enemies and lost eight hundred.If the battle had progressed to this level, it would not have been considered a defeat, and it could even be said to be a tragic victory.

But tragedies often happened under a series of inconspicuous coincidences. The battle was fierce and the number of soldiers was greatly reduced. In order to stabilize the defense line, Hu Zongnan decided to go to the front line to boost morale.Originally, it was only planned to give a brief speech in the headquarters of the Second Regiment, which suffered the most losses, and then meet a few soldier representatives to finish the job.But the jeep broke down halfway, so he had to walk forward with the staff.

When passing a certain section of the position, he was led by a fierce quarrel. It turned out that there was a dispute between the two companies because of the seized materials.Hu Zongnan didn't take this kind of trivial matter to heart at all, and the referee solved it after three times, five times and two divisions. By the way, he also inspected this position.

In the end, the bad thing happened in this inspection. I don't know whether Hu Zongnan was on a whim or some kind of muscle was wrong. He ran to the lane at the forefront of the position, and it happened that the direction of the Japanese army's position happened to shoot again. The bullet hit him in the chest, and Hu Zongnan fell to the ground without a groan, and a catastrophe was caused.

In fact, the bullet fired by the Japanese army was not a coincidence. Early in the morning, they had someone specially assigned to keep an eye on the Chinese garrison positions. Once they found an officer in range, they would shoot and kill them. It happened that a major general entered the field of vision of a certain shooter. , How can such a good opportunity be missed, so this lucky and unlucky bullet hit the chest of the commander of the model brigade of the Central Army.

The Model Brigade was thrown into chaos, and the Japanese army launched a charge that night, and the Hejiabang position fell with a drumbeat.However, Zhang Zhonglin was in charge of the position where Hu Zongnan's accident occurred. After the defeated soldiers retreated to Changshu, someone would naturally want to attack him.

Zhang Zhonglin knew that he could not escape the responsibility of his crime, and that there was no one left in the whole battalion, and all thoughts were lost, so he closed his eyes and prepared to die.Unexpectedly, at this time, the garrison commander he had looked down upon so much rescued him and replenished the third battalion.Since the Independent Brigade was completely dismantled, almost the entire system was eliminated, and Wu Xiaoliang did not intend to replenish it with the limited number of recruits on hand, so the third battalion was temporarily placed under Song Xilian's teaching corps.

After Taicang encircled the No.14 and Fifth Divisions of the Japanese Army, Wu Xiaoliang transferred out his third battalion and sent them to Chongming Island for garrison.As a result, I have been waiting until now, and finally the emperor paid off, and sent a group of idiots to the door, so there is no reason to let them go.

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