Zhang Zhonglin saw Yu Sanhe's doubts, stepped forward and pulled him away, explaining, "The little devil came up with a small tank. We are not opponents at all. Let's go quickly. If you are surrounded in the urban area, you can't even get out." No chance."

Yu Sanhe also broke out in cold sweat. He was born in the 57th Division of the Shandong Army. He had naturally seen the strength of the armored brigade established by Wu Xiaoliang. There are hundreds of people in this area.Moreover, ordinary guns are not effective against tanks, and special anti-tank weapons must be used.Therefore, in street fighting, unless the enemy tanks malfunctioned on their own, there would not be enough people to feed their lives in such a narrow street where the battle line could not be opened.

How can this not make his hair stand on end, but what can he do with the interception before and the pursuit after?Turn around and there are defending Japanese troops waiting for them, and they can't beat them to death.But if you go up against the Japanese tanks head-on, you can't beat them, and you will die.Left and right are dead, how should I choose?

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration. Although this tank was powerful, it was huge and bulky after all. As long as it turned into a narrow road, it would naturally not be afraid of the tank.If it dares to chase in, it will not be able to turn its head or direction, but it will have to wait to die.

"Brother Zhang, we have to divide into two groups this time. You go at this intersection, and I go at the next intersection. We will meet on the South Street."

It's not that Zhang Zhonglin hadn't thought about this possibility before, but unfortunately there was no small fork in the road before, so he nodded and said, "Take care!" and led the people into the alley.

Yu Sanhe could already hear the roar of the motors of the small Japanese tanks, and he didn’t dare to drag his people to the next alley. This alley was strange, as most of the other alleys in Shanghai were lined with residential houses. This alley There is nothing but a wall or a wall and not even a door.Strange is strange, after all, retreat is important, and there is no time to think about it.But halfway through the road, the roar of the motor not only did not decrease, but became louder. Only then did he find out in despair that tanks were coming from the opposite side of the alley. And these hundred and ten people fell into a desperate situation surrounded by them in an instant.

The roar of the motor is getting closer and closer, and you can't wait to die.

"Brothers jump over the wall with me. The courtyard to the west is huge. If you jump in, you might be able to survive. Quick, quick, quick!"

Judging from the current situation, this is indeed their best choice.

Although the courtyard wall is high, it is still not worth mentioning in front of these veterans of many battles. Yu Sanhe took the lead and jumped in. Unexpectedly, as soon as his front foot landed, something jumped on his back foot, and he rolled on the ground , dodged that thing, only to find that it was a big wolfhound.He conveniently pulled out the box cannon from his waist, snapped two shots, and the dog let out a miserable grunt and then became silent again.Within a short time, the hundred people had already jumped into the yard, nearly half of them.

Two Japanese soldiers with Type [-] rifles suddenly turned out from the moon gate in the yard, which surprised Yu Sanhe, why is this not a private house?Could it be that he has just left the tiger's den and entered the wolf's den?

Yu Sanhe's premonition was right, they had indeed entered the wolf's lair again, and the Japanese soldiers flashed out from the Moon Gate one after another, and their marksmanship was extremely accurate. Although the Japanese soldiers who flashed out were shot to death every time, One or two of his brothers would always fall down, and it seemed like they were desperately trying to drive them out.Can Yu Sanhe still have other options?No, there are tanks outside the wall, and there is no way to fight back when you go out, and your death may be even worse.Stay, although these guys look like veterans, but they are still flesh and blood, and the outcome of a fight is still unknown.

"Follow me and wipe out all the devils inside! It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, once we are surrounded by people outside, we won't be able to fly out even if we spread our wings!"

"Come on!"

The hundreds of people suddenly broke out like a tsunami-like killing sound. After all, the Japanese soldiers were few in number and had no heavy weapons, so they couldn't resist the attack and retreated.When Sanhe rushed into another courtyard through the moon gate, he was grateful for the situation in front of him.

I saw that there were more than a dozen poles nailed to the small space in the yard, and there were strips of white cloth that had just been washed and dripped to dry on them, and only a dozen or so Japanese soldiers gathered together as if they were facing an enemy.

"Haha, if you don't leave a single one, it's all gone!"

It turned out that there were only these few people. When Yu Sanhe fell to the ground, the gunners stepped out and pulled the trigger. With the sound of rattling, a dozen flesh and blood bodies were immediately beaten into pieces in the wind, and fell to the ground one after another. .

The danger was relieved temporarily, and Yu Sanhe's tight string was only slightly loosened, but with a gust of wind, a strange smell wafted from the yard.He sucked his nose vigorously, and suddenly knew where it was.

Before he could speak, another door of the second courtyard opened, and more than a dozen Japanese soldiers rushed in, again in a desperate posture.After the Ninth Regiment also sacrificed a few lives, they killed all of these people.

This is actually a hospital, but how can a hospital have so many fully armed Japanese soldiers who are not afraid of death?In such a short period of time, Yu Sanhe lost the lives of more than a dozen brothers, which made him very distressed.There are not many brothers left in the old Ninth Regiment. These are the seeds for him to rebuild the Ninth Regiment in the future. Now that one is dead and one is missing, how can we not make him sad.

Just as he was about to lead the people to continue rushing in, a voice of mercy suddenly came from the yard.It turned out that the soldiers found a man who looked like a handyman hiding behind an earthen platform.

"Forgive me, forgive me, I have information to tell the military master, don't kill me, don't kill me! Here, there is a senior official of the Japanese devils in this hospital, right, right in that courtyard!"

Japanese officials?Yu Sanhe suddenly understood that if there were high-ranking Japanese officials living in this courtyard, then all doubts would be solved, which could explain why there were so many tough Japanese soldiers in this house, which was obviously not a military facility.

Yu Sanhe grabbed the handyman by the collar and asked, "Tell me, who lives in it? To be honest, let me spare you."

After speaking, he took the box cannon and gesticulated twice on the handyman's head, "If I find out that there is half a lie, I will treat you to the gun!"

Yu Sanhe suddenly felt a foul stench coming from his nasal cavity, the handyman was so unbearable, he was so frightened that he became incontinent!

"Don't, don't kill me. There are many high-ranking officials living in it. I heard that there is something called Gang Village. Anyway, it's the high-ranking officials who were injured in the Wusongkou two days ago."

Yu Sanhe laughed, it turned out to be such a coincidence, if what the handyman said was true, then these people were the senior Japanese officers who Zhang Zhonglin injured with infantry artillery outside the Wusong Fortress three days ago.

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