The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 523 Goodbye

"This Wu Weizhong is too restless. In the past few days, he has frequently had conflicts with our Central Army. It was reported that the 57th Division clashed with Wenbai's troops last night, and almost robbed them. No casualties!"

He Yingqin reported with a blank expression that the conflicts had been going on for the past few days, and Wu Xiaoliang's troops showed no restraint, which was in his favor.

"The people of the Wu tribe rebelliously refused to obey the control. If it wasn't for the merits of the anti-Japanese war, they would have ordered them to be disarmed. At present, Shanghai has been made a mess by these Shandong local leopards, and the sky is angry. Please make a decision as soon as possible!"

He Yingqin went on to add that he had already figured out what Jiang Zhongzheng was thinking. In fact, this Wu Xiaoliang had almost become a thorn in the flesh after the victory in the Songhu Battle.At this time, what he did was just to give him a dignified excuse for raising the so-called last straw that overwhelmed the camel of public opinion.

Jiang Zhongzheng seemed thoughtful, but he just nodded his head, indicating that he knew it, without expressing his approval, and then looked up at Wang Zhaoming who was beside him.

"Ji Xin, what's your opinion?"

Wang Zhaoming was originally in harmony with Wu Xiaoliang, but the post of executive dean that should have belonged to him has become unpredictable and changeable due to Wu Xiaoliang's sudden birth.As early as when the Battle of Songhu was about to end, he had heard that several executive committee members in the party were planning to nominate Wu Xiaoliang to succeed Sun Keteng as the executive dean.This made him feel very embarrassed, what kind of thing is this Wu Xiaoliang?Think back in the early Qing Dynasty, when he assassinated the regent and participated in the revolution, then Wu did not know where he was?What qualifications do you have to compete with him for the executive dean?

But want to return to think so, but don't say so.He magnanimously stated in front of people that Wu Xiaoliang contributed to the country and the nation by repelling the Japanese, so he deserved to be the successor of the Executive Yuan. He firmly supported the opinions of the executive committee members!

However, the small tricks in private have not stopped, but unexpectedly, Wu Xiaoliang's foundation has been shaken.But immediately there was the matter of the Zongmilitary Concession, and the previous small actions played a big role, and one by one was exposed, and it became a overwhelming momentum.This time in the Kuomintang, no matter how many bigwigs of Wu Xiaoliang stepped forward, he still wasn't the first one to show up.Instead, let He Yingqin, who had conflicts with Wu Xiaoliang, take the lead, and he was happy to reap the benefits of being a fisherman.

Now that Jiang Zhongzheng asked the question, he could no longer pretend to be deaf and dumb to watch the excitement, so he coughed a few times and said calmly:

"Zhaoming only emphasizes one point, Wu Weizhong made great contributions in the Songhu War of Resistance, and people's hearts should not be chilled. The rest of Zhaoming will follow the arrangements of the gentlemen!"

Yang Yongtai, who was behind Jiang Zhongzheng, cast a sideways glance at Wang Zhaoming, who was sitting upright, and thought that this Wang Jixin was really old and cunning. He was most happy to deal with Wu Xiaoliang, but he pretended to be fair.The most shameless thing is that his statement was apparently to fight for justice for Wu Xiaoliang, but in fact it really made things worse.Emphasizing Wu Xiaoliang's achievements is just to deceive people's eyes and ears. In fact, the focus is on the other two words. The meaning cannot be more obvious. Merit and demerit cannot be offset.At least it is not Wu Xiaoliang's turn to be the chief executive officer, and Wang Zhaoming should be proud.

Yang Yongtai looked at the expressionless Wang Zhaoming again, only to feel that his piercing eyes were filled with a smug smile!Wu Xiaoliang's misfortune is what he likes to see, and he is more willing to give Wu Xiaoliang a few more kicks in this situation, but it's not his turn now, there are many people who want to kick Wu Xiaoliang a few more!

"This kind of lawless behavior must not be tolerated. It must be severely punished. The Eleventh Division is ready to fight. Once it is discovered that this person has misbehavior, it will not be soft!"

Chen Cheng specially flew to Nanjing from the army for this meeting. Although Wu Xiaoliang is also an alumnus of Baoding, he has no affection for this Shandong warlord and speaks ruthlessly!

Then several party, government and military officials spoke, almost all denouncing Wu Xiaoliang.Jiang Zhongzheng still did not make a positive statement on this, and remained silent.

Yang Yongtai understood that Jiang Zhongzheng's delay in making a statement was not because he was hesitant to punish Wu Xiaoliang. In fact, he, the number one counselor, understood Chairman Jiang's mood at this time better than anyone else, and the chairman wanted to put this Wu Xiaoliang drove him away, but he couldn't make public opinion, he had to put on a good show.

Well, it's time to add a few more steps to the committee.Yang Yongtai smiled slightly, and said in a deep voice:

"It is an unchanging truth that rewards and punishments are distinguished since ancient times. Although Wu Weizhong made great contributions in the Songhu War of Resistance, he did not restrain his subordinates in the military concession, which caused extremely bad influence in the world and plunged the Nationalist government into an unprecedented predicament. Therefore, the penalty It is inevitable, and no punishment is not enough to deter those rebellious and lawless people! If the commissioner is worried about chilling people's hearts, he can be dealt with lightly, and let him take the blame and make meritorious service!"

Jiang Zhongzheng frowned, "Oh? Please tell me in detail what Changqing thinks!"


A thin telegram ignited the air in the room, and Li Zejun couldn't restrain his anger any longer.

"Lao Jiang is killing the donkey. If we hadn't stood up in Shanghai, would he and those party-state bosses still be able to sit comfortably in Nanjing at this moment? It's a good thing now, let's work hard so that we don't fall behind. Now, what is this?"

He pointed to the telegram, his voice trembling with anger.

Yang Xiaoou seems to have been mentally prepared for a long time, "Qian Ting calm down, Lao Jiang will not be Lao Jiang if he doesn't do this, first throw out the executive director to Wei Zhongping to set up Wang Jixin as a strong enemy, and now transfer to the second army Going to Jiangxi with the 57th Division to suppress the Communist Party is the idea of ​​killing two birds with one stone!"

After venting, Li Zejun calmed down quite a bit. He sat back on his chair and said with a sneer, "Mr. Jiang really made a good idea. Chen Cheng's [-]th Division made another move today. Who is this for? Force us to suppress the bandits." Well, one can use this to consume the strength of the Shandong army, and the other is that if he wins, he can not be abolished, and Lao Jiang will get rid of his serious troubles with one soldier and one soldier, and it will be cheaper for that thief!"

"Well, we must not agree. We would rather suffer some losses than go to Jiangxi!"

Yang Xiaoou said his bottom line.

Unexpectedly, Wu Xiaoliang said a word, which made the two of them dumbfounded!

"What's the harm in promising someone Jiang!"

"What... what? Junzuo is confused?"

"Commander, is this...?"

Wu Xiaoliang smiled indifferently, "I want guns, food, and soldiers! Whatever I can ask for, Lao Jiang will not shirk! How can I miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? After passing this village, there will be no such shop!"

Both Yang Xiaoou and Li Zejun were confused, "Could it be... Could it be that they really went to Jiangxi?"


"What? Wu Weizhong agreed?"

Yang Yongtai didn't expect Wu Xiaoliang to agree so readily. Didn't he see that this is an idea that kills two birds with one stone?Those people were not easy to deal with, and the difficulty of advancing and suppressing was no less than that of the Japanese army. During this period, the Central Army suffered a lot.If things are abnormal, you are a demon, and you agreed so happily, could it be that there is something tricky in it?But after much deliberation, he still didn't come up with a reason. Maybe he really made such a decision under pressure!

But Jiang Zhongzheng said: "Changqing, take a look, Wu Weizhong took the opportunity to speak loudly!"

As he spoke, he threw the telegram in his hand on the table. Yang Yongtai just picked it up and glanced at it briefly, and then he frowned.I saw a lot of lists of supplies on the list.

"It's a good idea, but the appointed seat has to be given!"

Jiang Zhongzheng sneered and said: "Give it to him, as long as he goes to Jiangxi, he will have nothing to do with him!"

As for Wu Xiaoliang's request for things, this is also expected, but this time there are a lot of things, such as German weapons and equipment, a huge base of ammunition, high-quality supplementary soldiers, including the designation, I asked for two more divisions. Really The lion opened his mouth wide.

With a flick of a pen, Jiang Zhongzheng satisfied him completely.It happened that a group of arms fleet from Germany had just arrived a few days ago, and that batch of equipment was allocated to Wu Xiaoliang nearby. With the addition of 4000 million yuan in arms, it would be no problem to arm 10 people.

The reason why he was so reassured to comply with Wu Xiaoliang's requirements, and to satisfy them one by one, was to prevent people from being caught and hurt in public opinion, and to prevent people from saying that he was crossing rivers and demolishing bridges and killing donkeys.You will be satisfied with what should satisfy you. If you turn back at that time, the Central Army will have a good excuse to deal with him again. At that time, it will be a mistake for him to let Wu Xiaoliang talk about breaking the sky!

What's more, Wu Xiaoliang's Second Army and Seventh Division were blocked in Shanghai, with the sea to the east, the Yangtze River to the north, and Chen Cheng and Liu Zhi's armies to the west. Have something to do.Once he makes any changes, immediately cut off his supplies, and Wu Xiaoliang's tens of thousands of people will be lambs waiting to be slaughtered!

Yang Yongtai added: "It is limited to one week to complete the army!"

Jiang Zhongzheng took it very seriously, and ordered the time limit to be sent to Shanghai!On the same day, I received a call back, but it was Wu Xiaoliang's request for an extension. In it, the difficulties of all parties were listed, and the 57th Division and the Second Army were severely damaged in the First World War against Japan, and the organizational system could not be restored for a week.Regardless of combat power, if you want to restore the establishment, it will take at least half a month.Therefore, in the call back, a grace period of one more week was proposed.

"It's only a week or so, promise him it will be!"

Jiang Zhongzheng approved it with a swipe of a pen. Yang Yongtai hesitated to speak. Although there was no evidence, he always felt that Wu Xiaoliang's delay of one week was not just for the restoration of the establishment. There must be a conspiracy. Can't think of a reason why.I had no choice but to comfort myself, thinking too much!

Half a month passed in a flash. The Hebei Japanese army withdrew from Yuguan, and Zhang Xueliang regained most of Hebei. Although he completely lost control of the three eastern provinces, the outcome was much better than originally expected.At this time, Jiang Zhongzheng, who was sitting in Nanjing and had been waiting for a long time, immediately called to urge Wu Xiaoliang to leave Shanghai with his army and prepare to go to Jiangxi.

Wu Xiaoliang called back immediately, saying that the whole army will leave Shanghai today, and will leave for Jiangxi via Nanjing in the next day.After receiving the call back, the hearts of the princes in Nanjing fell to the ground. After all, there is a foreign army stationed in the core area of ​​Beijing and Shanghai. No one can eat well or sleep well.

But the wait lasted for three days, and there was not even the slightest movement. He Yingqin, Wang Zhaoming and others sent people to Shanghai to supervise them, and the news they brought back was that the army had been reorganized and was about to leave.In the end, Jiang Zhongzheng also waited anxiously. He sent a telegram and got a reply soon.But the army that was supposed to pass by Nanjing did not appear for a long time, but another telegram landed on Jiang Zhongzheng's desk.After Jiang Zhongzheng read it, there were three "Niang Xipi" in a row.

He overturned the table angrily...

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