The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 530 Goodbye

Li Zejun was born as Wu Xiaoliang's guard. In the past, countless crises were hidden in his seemingly harmless foreign visits, especially when he went deep into the tiger's den.The trip to Fengtian more than ten years ago is still fresh in his memory. Before he arrived in Fengtian, he experienced a car bombing case against Wu Xiaoliang.Fortunately, due to an accident in Kuanchengzi, Meng Enyuan became a scapegoat and was seriously injured by the bomb.

And this is not the most dangerous, the assassination carefully planned by the Japanese in Fengtian City was almost successful, Wu Xiaoliang was shot in the chest in the street, if it wasn't for Zhang Huaitong's rescue, he might have died already.But this is still not the end. When passing through Kuanchengzi again on the way back to Suidong, the biggest danger finally came. The local warlords colluded with the Japanese to carry out a mutiny and controlled the train station. They wanted to arrest Wu Xiaoliang and others. He was brave, so he escaped with his life, and returned to Suidong after many twists and turns.

When returning to Suidong, the Suidong Army faced the life and death of foreign enemy invasion.It is through all these difficulties that they have come all the way to today. How can Li Zejun rest assured that Wu Xiaoliang, who has no reliable guards around him, will take the risk alone?

"Brother Yiru doesn't need to go, but Zejun must follow you to Nanjing!"

Li Zejun looked at Wu Xiaoliang almost pleadingly, what he saw in Wu Xiaoliang's eyes was rejection, but in his heart he felt a little lucky, hoping that he was wrong.

Unexpectedly, Wu Xiaoliang laughed suddenly, and patted Li Zejun on the shoulder, "Qian Ting was too worried, of course you are the most suitable candidate to go to Nanjing, but the 57th Division cannot do without you, Shandong cannot do without the 57th Division, so you must Stay here, understand?"

Then he said: "How about this, among your subordinates, choose some people to go with me!"

After all, Wu Xiaoliang couldn't bear to ignore the kindness of his old subordinates, so he proposed a compromise.Although Li Zejun was resentful, he had no choice but to accept it.

This time he sent Yu Sanhe, who has been promoted to the commander of the new first brigade of the 57th Division. Yu Sanhe is a native of Linzi. A man of duty.This time the defense of the Songhu Fortress was so brave and witty, I believe he is absolutely qualified for this task.

Of course, he couldn't bring a whole brigade with him, but the majestic leader of the army was going to Nanjing, and a regiment of followers was indispensable.

The special train was ready in the early morning of the next day, and he bid farewell to the seeing-off crowd and boarded the train after all the followers had boarded the train.The whistle roared, the steam spewed out, the special train started slowly, accelerated gradually, and finally disappeared into the vast night.

He didn't sleep all night, but Wu Xiaoliang didn't feel sleepy at all. He sat in front of the window, watching the occasional lights outside Sichuan and galloping behind him. He seemed preoccupied. It is determined to win.But whether it was a minefield or an abyss ahead, he couldn't tell.Whether this is a trap tailor-made by Lao Jiang is still unknown. As for whether they can have enough chips to consolidate the security of Shandong and win the qualifications to govern Henan, the key to all this is not in Nanjing, but in the The outcome of the battlefields in Henan, Anhui, and even Hebei.

Rather than saying that Wu Xiaoliang went to Nanjing to negotiate this time, it would be better to say that he went to Nanjing to hear the results. If he wins, everything can be negotiated, but if he loses, what bargaining chip will he use as a bargaining chip?

There was a sudden and brief shaking of the car body, which disturbed his thoughts. The night outside the window was still as dark as ink. The reason why they chose to set off in the early morning was just in case. They had informed the Nanjing side that it would be two days later at seven o'clock in the morning. Jinan departed on time, in fact, it was early in the morning to prevent someone from taking the opportunity to do something wrong.There were endless car bombing cases all over the country. Meng Enyuan, who was bombed for him before, was far away. Zhang Zuolin's car bombing in Baiqi Fort caused a sensation throughout East Asia, and even the world.

In this era when one person's life and death determine the survival of one party's power, how could he not cherish his own life!

There was a sound of sliding the door of the carriage, and an unfamiliar aide-de-camp entered the lounge where Wu Xiaoliang was, "Report to the Commander, urgent call from Jinan!"


Hearing that it was an urgent call, Wu Xiaoliang's heart skipped a beat, what could be a big deal at this time, why do you have to call urgently?

"The request for Zhang Hanqing's special train of the Northeast Army has been approved, and it has been allowed to go. I am hereby calling Junzuo!"

It was Zhang Hanqing who wanted to cross the river, and Wu Xiaoliang's hanging heart fell back steadily into his stomach.The action is really fast, why is Zhang Xueliang rushing to Nanjing in such a hurry, he has no choice but what is he doing for it?

Thinking of this, he glanced at this unfamiliar attendant adjutant, why did the Xindao adjutant arrange a newcomer here, just in case...

So he squinted his eyes to look at the adjutant in front of him. It turned out that he was only eighteen or nine years old, but he spoke with an authentic southern accent. He didn't remember that there were southerners in the adjutant's office. shot a cold light that made people tremble all over.

The adjutant seemed to have noticed the cold light in Wu Xiaoliang's eyes, subconsciously took two steps back, and stammered and asked: "Sir... long... officer, do you have any other orders? If... If not, the humble I just backed off..."

There was only one dim wall lamp lit in the compartment, and shadows were swaying in the whole room. Wu Xiaoliang stared at the attendant and adjutant, his hand was slowly touching his waist in the dimness, but it was empty, and he couldn't help cursing inwardly. , who has been in a high position and pampered for so many years, why did he ever use him to charge into battle?This habit of carrying a gun has long been thrown away, but he did not expect to encounter such unimaginable things today.

Wu Xiaoliang's thoughts suddenly turned, how did this person get in?What's his purpose in sneaking in?How can we get rid of him?But in the mouth, it seems that he is doing homework with him.

"Is this your first mission? Don't be nervous, young man. You can sit on the chair opposite. If you are bored at night, you can chat with me." He pointed to the chair on the opposite side of the carriage wall to the aide-de-camp.

Only then did the aide-de-camp react from his initial panic, and he retreated to the side of the carriage and sat down.This time Wu Xiaoliang found another flaw, this person is not even a soldier.Soldiers in this era pay attention to sitting upright with their backs straight and their hands on their knees.On the other hand, he sat down on the chair, his back leaned against the back of the chair habitually, and his hands were clasped together, twisting and kneading constantly, as if he was still very nervous.

Wu Xiaoliang was taken aback, why is he such a rookie?He couldn't help but be confused, just such a person was almost 90.00% sure that he wouldn't pose any threat to him.

"Who sent you here? For what purpose?"

Now that he has made the judgment that this person is not a threat, Wu Xiaoliang doesn't want to waste time with him anymore, and directly exposes him.

Compared with his cold tone, it is obvious that what Wu Xiaoliang said when he exposed him caused a greater shock to this person.

"Chang... long... the officer found out? It's... it's my sister..."

"Sister? What sister?"

"It's Sister Tasia!"

Wu Xiaoliang was stunned, what happened to her?Tasia was the real name of the red-haired girl Anna back then, and since he happened to meet her in the French Concession that day, he kept Tasia by his side.Tasia did not refuse, and readily accepted his request.However, Wu Xiaoliang instinctively sensed that there was still a huge secret hidden behind Tasia, a secret she didn't want to tell.

The silver photo box that Qian Mingjun brought back from Yekaterinburg, as well as the unimaginable description of their mission, originally pointed the clues and the truth to Tasia, but she suddenly left without saying goodbye without leaving a letter It disappeared without a trace.Since then, he has been looking for her continuously for ten years, but he has found nothing.

Wu Xiaoliang knew that Li Zhenqing must know Tasia's life experience and secrets, but he strictly guarded the secret and refused to say a word.If we hadn't met by chance in the French Concession, I'm afraid we might never see each other again in this life!

It had been a thorn in his heart for years.But now is not the time to think about these things. As for the young man in front of him, he also knows that he is a little brother adopted by Tasia in Shanghai, but he has never seen him before.

"I see, how did you get into the train?"

"It's Uncle Li..."

It was Li Zejun. In fact, he had already guessed that this was Li Zejun's masterpiece after knowing that the young man was Tasia's younger brother. Li Zejun probably wanted to give himself a surprise, but the surprise almost turned into a shock!

When he was in Suidong, Li Zejun was in charge of Tasia's security, so the two have known each other since then, and it is reasonable for him to help today.

"Where's your sister?"

With the soft click of the carriage door, a plump and beautiful figure floated into the carriage.



Two days later, the special train arrived in Pukou.The Nanjing side was obviously very shocked by Wu Xiaoliang's early arrival. They didn't even have a decent preparation for the reception, and they didn't know if the Nanjing side didn't think that Wu Xiaoliang could reach Pukou safely?

In any case, after receiving the news of the arrival of Wu Xiaoliang's special train, the Pukou side immediately notified and asked Jiang Zhongzheng for instructions on how and on what scale to greet and send the nationalist general across the river.

There are only two words in the reply call, "as usual"!

The person in charge of Pukou is just a brigade commander, and he is only a major general in terms of military rank. He is not of the same order of magnitude as Wu Xiaoliang. If he follows the instructions of Nanjing, it will be a complete cold reception. He can't guarantee that the man who once defeated Japan The devil's General Wu did not go into a rage after receiving a cold reception.He, a little major general, couldn't bear it, and he absolutely didn't want to get involved in the fights of the gods above.

But General Wu's attitude was unexpectedly approachable, and he smiled at him and said, "I can't blame you. You arrived early, and it's reasonable for you to be unprepared. As for the reception, you can avoid it. Please arrange it for us as soon as possible." Let's take the ferry."

After listening to Wu Xiaoliang's words, the major general felt as if he had received an amnesty, but one wave was just flattened, and another wave rose again...

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