The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 534 Goodbye

The war was finally imminent, and Jiang Zhongzheng finally slowed down his attack on Jiangxi. Perhaps the balance of the serious troubles in Lao Jiang's heart was gradually tilting towards him.For Feng and Yan Shoushu's generation, although Yan Xishan supported the reconciliation by telegram, he just used his words to add obstacles to Lao Jiang at the critical moment, and Feng Yuxiang even wanted to take advantage of the fire.Neither of these two people can be pointed out. Zhang Xueliang is the only one who is likely to stand on his side now. Although Zhang Xueliang was flickering and vacillating when he was in Pukou, he still agreed half-heartedly and would not make any big moves against Shandong. , At most, wait and see.

In this way he might be able to move Yang Xiaoou's Second Army southward from the northern defense line to support the Seventeenth Division fighting hard on the Luyu-Huizhou border.However, he still needs to be sure before he can feel at ease, otherwise, if there is an emergency, it will be the joint of life and death.

Wu Xiaoliang immediately lost interest in continuing to play, and asked the adjutant:

"Has Deputy Commander Zhang arrived in Nanjing?"

"Still in Pukou, I'm not in a hurry to cross the river to Beijing!"

"Take a telegram and ask him if he has made up his mind."


The adjutant was ordered to send a telegram to the telegraph room. The short-wave radio station they carried with them sent it to Pukou District without any problem, but the other party did not reply for a long time.Until the evening, three urgent telegrams were sent, but there was still no reply.

The guard captain Yu Sanhe, who followed Wu Xiaoliang to the south, rubbed his hands anxiously, half talking to himself, and half comfortingly said:

"Couldn't it be that Deputy Commander Zhang's subordinates were playing around and delayed our telegram?"

Wu Xiaoliang even thought about it during the day, but after dark, he had completely cut off this hope, and he understood that this was Zhang Xueliang's silent rejection.I'm afraid after tonight, maybe it's tonight that his Northeast Army should attack Jinan in a big way!


Zhang Xueliang, the deputy commander of the National Revolutionary Army, the leader of the Jiangbei Northeast Army, was temporarily stationed. Zhang Xueliang was finally relieved that Zhang Zuoxiang was not there. No one could question his decision. In the afternoon, Wu Xiaoliang sent three urgent telegrams. The news also spread that the army came out to attack Wu Xiaoliang.This is a big matter, he didn't want to make decisions by himself, so he called his confidant, Ai Yu Xuezhong.

"Wu Weizhong sent another telegram. According to Xiaohou, which side should the Northeast Army take?"

Yu Xuezhong's eyes sparkled, and he replied without hesitation:

"The commander-in-chief has already made up his mind, why bother to ask Xuezhong again, but since the commander-in-chief asks this question, Xuezhong's answer is to stand on the side of the winner!"

If you are on the side of the winner, which side is the winner?Blind people can see that the Nanjing Nationalist Government led by the Chairman is Zhengshuo of the Republic of China, with 10 direct descendants of the Central Army under its jurisdiction, far superior to Shandong Wu Xiaoliang in terms of financial and military strength, so the victory or defeat has been decided long before the start of the war. .

Zhang Xueliang looked closely and continued to ask.

"Xiaohou prefers Nanjing?"

At this time, Yu Xuezhong stopped hesitant to speak and flickered, and began to be straightforward.

"Xue Zhong's view is of course to beat the dog in the water with Nanjing, and to do it immediately. If the overall situation is settled before attacking the Northeast Army, I am afraid that there will be only soup left. But if we do it now, the situation will be different. When the time comes to win Shandong in one fell swoop, who would dare to underestimate our Northeast Army?"

Yu Xuezhong was short of breath and his face began to flush, and he became more and more excited as he looked forward to the future battle situation.


Wu Xiaoliang's temporary residence in Nanjing, Zhang Xueliang finally called back around [-]:[-] p.m.Yu Sanhe entered the room excitedly with the telegram in his hand. Wu Xiaoliang thought about the current battle situation for a whole afternoon. He finally figured it out and refocused his hopes on himself. After all, it is unreliable to rely on outsiders. The interests are at stake, if you agree, you will get together, if you don't, you will separate. You can't expect them to rescue themselves at the risk of sacrificing their own family. This idea is too naive and unrealistic.

"Commander, Deputy Commander Zhang called back, and he agreed to remain neutral between us and Lao Jiang, just wait and see, not help..."

Wu Xiaoliang finally breathed a sigh of relief. If the news had come in the afternoon, he might have jumped up happily, but at this moment he had already figured it out, and Zhang Xueliang's watching from the sidelines was just icing on the cake, and whether he would succeed or fail in the end would depend on it. Is it tough enough?

Yang Xiaoou's second army was finally able to get out of trouble and go south. Wu Xiaoliang drafted several telegrams and sent them out, making a decisive deployment for the entire battle situation.However, Yu Sanhe had a question from beginning to end.In his imagination, Wu Xiaoliang should be very excited when he learned that the Northeast Army finally fulfilled its initial promise, but he only saw a faint response in his expression, even a sense that it should be so.But in the afternoon, there was no news from Zhang Xueliang, and Yu Sanhe clearly felt the anxiety in Wu Xiaoliang's heart.

How could one afternoon's mentality change be so great?Although he is rough on the surface, he is actually quite delicate in his heart and is extremely sensitive to many details. Otherwise, Li Zejun would not have sent him to be the captain of Wu Xiaoliang's guard to escort him all the way to Nanjing.

Although Yu Sanhe noticed Wu Xiaoliang's changes before and after, he also knew what to ask and what not to ask, but what shocked him was that Wu Xiaoliang gave orders one after another. , If you win, you lose nothing. That kind of gamble.

Wu Xiaoliang ordered what to do against Gu Zhutong's troops in Xuchang. Guan Bingyan's armored brigade and cavalry division launched an attack overnight.The battle in Henan will start from this.

The situation in Shandong made him even more horrified. The Second Army marched into Anhui to reinforce Dong Haibin's 57th Division, and tried to firmly nail Chen Cheng's [-]th Division to Anhui, preventing them from entering Shandong.This is not over yet, Li Zejun's [-]th Division will use its main force to cross the river and launch a surprise attack on the Northeast Army on the opposite bank. It only needs to defeat its defense line and make it retreat, and there is no need to chase after it.

"Didn't... Commander, Deputy Commander Zhang agree to stand on the sidelines? We... are we doing this..."

Wu Xiaoliang tilted his head and smiled, this Yu Sanhe fought well in the Songhu Fortress, he admired it very much, so he attached great importance to him on weekdays, and discussed the current situation with him from time to time, so he dared to question his orders.However, Wu Xiaoliang is not the kind of arbitrariness. Many times he even encourages his subordinates to question their own decisions, so that they can consciously cultivate the habit of looking at problems from the overall situation.

"Are you saying that we are doing this unjustly?"

"Return to the commander, yes... yes!"

This answer is very straightforward, which is obviously contradictory.

Wu Xiaoliang smiled, and asked:

"Then tell me, if you were to command the battle, how would you give the order?"


Yu Sanhe raised his right hand and touched the back of his head. He was a little bewildered, and smiled embarrassedly. He had never thought about this problem before, but it is always wrong to keep one's word, otherwise, who would dare to form an alliance with him in the future?

Wu Xiaoliang couldn't help but find it funny seeing him like this, for a man of iron blood killed in the rain of gunpowder can still have this look.

"Previously, intelligence pointed out that the Northeast Army was electrified to promote cooperation, but the troops on the north bank of the Yellow River did not decrease but increased. Do you know that just last night another brigade left Beijing Nanyuan and went south? What does this mean?"

Yu Sanhe really didn't think about it deeply. These telegrams were included among the hundreds of telegrams sent every day. There is a report from Jinan on the freezing of the Yellow River.

When the Yellow River was frozen, the barrier in front of the Northeast Army disappeared, and large troops could directly step on the frozen river to attack the south bank.If... If you don't plan ahead, once the Northeast Army crosses the river, Jinan's troops will be empty, and the consequences will be disastrous.

Moreover, Yu Sanhe suddenly thought of something suspicious, that is, they sent three urgent telegrams, but the Northeast Army did not reply until ten hours after the first urgent telegram. Isn't the ten hours of delay very intriguing?

"No wonder the commander asked the division commander to attack immediately!"

Yu Sanhe suddenly realized.

Wu Xiaoliang raised his wrist to look at the time, "At quarter to eight, your commander's first shot should have fired, Hanqing should be jumping angrily..."


"What? Dingfang's two brigades can't stand it anymore, how is this possible?"

Zhang Xueliang's voice was distorted, or trembling and sharp.He didn't expect that Wu Xiaoliang would see through the plan he had discussed with Yu Xuezhong to delay the attack. In order to delay the time, he deliberately delayed the call for a few hours, but he didn't expect that Wu Xiaoliang would take the opportunity.According to the habit, Zhang Xueliang used the early morning as the time to launch an attack, while Wu Xiaoliang played his cards completely unreasonably, choosing a bastard time of [-]:[-].

What's even more bastard is that in order to prepare for the battle at three o'clock in the morning, Wang Yizhe deliberately ordered the main attacking troops to rest in place, leaving only the supporting troops to monitor the south bank.Under such circumstances, the Shandong Army launched an attack without warning, and suddenly tens of thousands of artillery shells were fired from the south bank, and tons of shells were poured on the Northeast Army's position like hail, completely suppressing them. Come, until the shelling stopped, the sound of the charge of the mountains and tsunami sounded on the south bank.

Wang Yizhe had never seen such a prodigal army that fired artillery, and the shells seemed to cost nothing. The Northeast Army is known for its infantry cooperation, but it has never fought like this!After sighing with emotion, he was horrified to find that his team was unable to organize a defense line in a short period of time.Since the main attacking force was resting before, everything was chaotic after the shelling began. Within an hour after that, both senior and junior officers lost control of the troops and were helpless.

Moreover, after the shelling ended, this situation continued like inertia.Therefore, after the two armies came into contact with the sword, the Northeast Army, relying on its large number of people, fought for an hour, but couldn't stand it anymore...

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