On December [-], Chiang Kai-shek finally summoned all the members of the Military Commission in Beijing to hold an interim meeting. This member is equivalent to the standing committee members of later generations. A first-class warlord.

Wu Xiaoliang was also one of the committee members. The five major domestic warlords, Jiang, Feng, Yan, Zhang, and Wu, were all present except Feng Yuxiang who did not come to Nanjing for some reason.On the surface, this impromptu meeting looked grand and abnormal, but in fact it could play a very limited role. All the games had already been played on the battlefield, and everyone knew the result.Chen Cheng's performance on the Anhui battlefield was too incompetent, and it was almost a certainty that Lao Jiang would lose control of Henan and Shaanxi.Some people are going to watch the excitement, while others refuse to attend because it harms their own interests.

The former is Yan Xishan, and the latter is Feng Yuxiang.In the two Central Plains wars, Feng Yuxiang suffered disastrous defeats. His routine ending of resigning from the field and going abroad is basically a foregone conclusion, and Yan Xishan in Shanxi is much wiser because of his winking in the later stage, not only keeping his old nest in Shanxi He even gained a lot of benefits, at least part of the area north of the Yellow River controlled by Feng Yuxiang, he can justifiably annex it.

Among the several members of the Military Commission, Zhang Xueliang was the one whose strength suffered the most. During the two Central Plains wars, a conflict broke out between China and Japan, and the Kwantung Army took the opportunity to occupy the four eastern provinces.The Northeast Army who lost their hometown can only live in Hebei, but at least they still have a base, so they won't become bereaved dogs.As for the grievances and grievances between him and Wu Xiaoliang, in the eyes of outsiders, it is really bloody. The two people who originally criticized each other and suppressed each other suddenly recovered in just a few days, as if they were different people. Brothers I'm afraid that's the case.

Jiang Zhongzheng did not mention the Henan issue, but raised a motion on the issue of the four eastern provinces.

"The loss of the four eastern provinces is the greatest loss of the nation. The people of the country are in grief, and we should also learn from it. Now someone must stand up and take responsibility for this matter!"

After speaking, the meeting place where there were talking and laughing immediately became silent, and Lao Jiang suddenly pointed his sword at Zhang Xueliang, which was unexpected by everyone.After all, Lao Jiang was Zhang Xueliang's ally brother, and the relationship between the two was very harmonious before, so the gun was turned too quickly.

"Baichuan, tell me your opinion!"

Jiang Zhongzheng directly called Yan Xishan's name when no one answered.

Yan Xishan coughed, he was one of the ten million people who refused to speak, but when he tapped on his head and kept silent, his marks were on the contrary.

"The Japanese are wolfish ambitions. We will work together with one heart and one mind. If Japan is attacked, I, Yan Xishan, will agree with both hands and feet. Money will pay money, guns will give guns, and people will pay people!"

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Wu Xiaoliang meaningfully, then lowered his head and did not speak again.Lao Jiang originally asked Yan Xishan's opinion on how to deal with the loss of responsible persons in the four eastern provinces, but this old fox would gossip about him, but you can't say what he said was wrong.

Jiang Zhongzheng directly named Wu Xiaoliang again.

"Don't be silent in Weizhong, talk about your opinion."

Wu Xiaoliang picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip of tea, and said slowly: "I think the most urgent task is to strengthen the defense of Hebei, restrict and closely monitor the movement of the Japanese troops stationed in North China, so Han Qing's Northeast Army must be strengthened. There is no delay."

Lao Jiang was a little short of breath, impetuous for a while, and he was always good at pulling one faction against another, but he also ended up being a loner among all factions.No way, Feng Yuxiang and him fought the first Central Plains War from close allies and enemies in just two years.Zhang Xueliang is also his newly formed ally brother, who also parted ways a few days ago after a short honeymoon period, but this time it was Wu Xiaoliang's corner.As for Wu Xiaoliang, he was originally single-handedly pulled up, and he has always been obedient. However, after the Songhu War, he felt that this person might be too powerful and might be difficult to control, so he started to weaken him. Taking the initiative, the Nanjing side was greatly passive.The two officially broke up because of this, and this was the battle between Henan and Anhui.

Lao Jiang felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart. It seems that the situation that his government orders do not go out of Jianghuai can no longer be changed. Even if he does not recognize Wu Xiaoliang's actual control over Henan and Shandong provinces, he will still firmly control these two provinces in hand.Seeing Wu Xiaohao's relaxed appearance, Lao Jiang felt as if he had eaten a fly.There is nothing to do with this white-eyed wolf for the time being, and everyone should not object to cleaning up Feng Yuxiang.Even he himself gave up the right to speak at the temporary meeting of the military committee, so there is no need for Lao Jiang to be polite to him.

"Hebei's defense must be strengthened, but the great battle in Songhu has wiped out the reserves of the past few years, and the central government has more than enough energy."

Jiang Zhongzheng said that the topic changed here, "There is one more thing that needs to be agreed upon by everyone, the opinion on how to deal with Feng Huanzhang who dared to provoke a civil war. I suggest that Feng Huanzhang is an important member of the party and state after all, and it is not appropriate to forcibly dismiss him. I sent a confidential message to urge If he is decent, he can go to the field on his own, and the Northwest Army left behind will be taken over by the central government, and the post of chairman of Shaanxi Province will be assigned by the central government..."

Zhang Xueliang, who had been silent all this time, suddenly intervened, "Chairman Jiang advocated that I, Zhang Xueliang, agree with both hands in the first half, but I have reservations in the second half."

This is a blatant opposition to Jiang Zhongzheng, and it is also a counterattack against Jiang Zhongzheng's remarks just now. Of course, the deeper reason is that Wu Xiaoliang and he have already decided in private that the Northeast Army will come. To control Shaanxi, if Lao Jiang's people take over, I'm afraid I won't even have a way out if there is an emergency.

Yan Xishan still bowed his head, sipping a few sips of tea from time to time, Zhang Wu's proposition was about to come out, he was secretly happy, and he was ready to see the two join hands to make Lao Jiang suffer.Sure enough, the shot was fired by Zhang Xueliang.This is not over yet, Zhang Xueliang pulled the muzzle to Henan again.

"The position of the chairman of the Henan provincial government cannot be left vacant for a long time. Yang Xiaoou, the commander of the Second Army, has made great contributions in the War of Resistance in Shanghai. I am a leader in terms of ability and character. I recommend him as the new chairman of the Henan provincial government."

Speaking of Yan Xishan's traitorous general, Yan Laoxi nodded for the first time, and said in a low voice: "Well, he is quite suitable." I just don't know if this is talking to himself or to Jiang Zhongzheng.

Lao Jiang had a gloomy face. Needless to say, he was completely defeated in this round of competition, and no one could recover from three to one.He gouged Zhang Xueliang with resentment, this flamboyant young man scraped off enough silver dollars for him, but in the end turned his back and invested in Wu Xiaoliang, his tens of millions of dollars was a waste of money.

He couldn't take advantage of any advantage, so he changed his target again.

"If Hanqing thinks that Feng Huanzhang's Northwest Army is not suitable for reorganization for the time being, then he should first transfer his troops to Jiangxi to suppress the bandits. The central government has been using troops here for more than a year, and the situation has not improved. With this new force, I believe that the eradication of the Communist Party is just around the corner. "

This proposal hit Zhang Xueliang's heart. He had no reason to object, and he even agreed, because he plotted against the Northwest Army in Shaanxi, which was the biggest resistance and obstacle for the Northeast Army. Now, Lao Jiang wants to transfer Lao Feng's men to Jiangxi to suppress the bandits. Not sinister.Mobilize Feng Yuxiang's troops to suppress the bandits, win and eliminate the traitor he has long feared, and lose can just take this opportunity to weaken Lao Feng's subordinates.

Of course, his inner monologue is not enough for outsiders to understand.But everyone here didn't understand his intentions, but Yu Jilili nodded in agreement. Feng Yuxiang has indeed been tossing hard this year, and everyone has no opinion on how to deal with him, including Wu Xiaoliang.

Seeing that no one objected, Lao Jiang further put forward his views.

"Shaanxi can order Wenbai's 88th Division to take over. The Fifth Army also made great contributions on the Songhu battlefield. For the post of chairman of Shaanxi Province, Yu Liangzhen can be temporarily acting."

Originally, Wu Xiaoliang thought that Chiang would withdraw from Zhang Zhizhong, but who would have expected that it would be Yu Jishi who was pushed out this time. Yu Jishi was Lao Jiang's favorite student. It seems that Lao Jiang was still on guard against Zhang Zhizhong, otherwise it would be impossible to promote the division commander through the army commander .But Lao Jiang's ugly appearance is what everyone likes to see. The more absurd his request is, the happier the big guys are.It's sad enough that Lao Jiang has been mixed up to this point today, and his popularity is so bad, Wu Xiaoliang thought viciously.

Just the day before, he had asked Zhang Xueliang to transfer a brigade of the Northeast Army to take the train along Jinpu Road to Xuzhou, transfer to the Longhai Line, and then head west straight to Kaifeng. The arrival of this brigade would deal Feng Yuxiang a fatal blow.

The Northeast Army changed from a division to a brigade, so this traveler is actually equivalent to a division in strength.

In the end, Yang Xiaoou became the chairman of the Henan Provincial Government, and everyone agreed with Jiang Zhongzheng's proposal that Yu Jishi should take up the post of Chairman of the Shaanxi Provincial Government.This result can be said to be happy for everyone, only Zhang Xueliang is a little bit disappointed. After all, the expected position of chairman of Shaanxi Province has not been obtained. Well, when there is no absolute advantage in strength, learning to compromise properly is the truth.

But just before Jiang Zhongzheng announced the end of the meeting, Wu Xiaoliang interrupted his speech by clearing his throat.

"Everyone, Xiaoliang has another opinion. In view of the increasingly serious threat of the Japanese invaders to the provinces along the Yellow River, I suggest that Xingyuan be established in the northern provinces, and the military and political affairs of the provinces under the governor's jurisdiction."

The venue was in an uproar. Although there were not many people who could speak, there were quite a few people sitting on both sides of the venue and listening.

Old Jiang's eyebrows twitched, he immediately realized what Wu Xiaoliang was up to.Sure enough, Wu Xiaoliang's next words confirmed his guess.

"Establish the Central Plains Military and Political Chief Office, with jurisdiction over Shandong and Henan. The Northwest Military and Political Chief Office, with jurisdiction over Shaanxi, Gansu, and Ningxia. Shanxi Military and Political Chief Office, with jurisdiction over Shanxi, Suiyuan, and Chahar..."

Zhang Xueliang agreed on the spot, and he immediately discovered Wu Xiaoliang's intentions in this proposal...

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