At the end of the meeting, Jiang Zhongzheng, who is a landlord, should entertain several members of the military committee who came from afar according to the usual practice. Angry, so the virtual ceremony of the banquet was put on hold, and no one dared to mention it again if Lao Jiang didn't speak.

Wu Xiaoliang absolutely doesn't care about a banquet, what he's thinking about now is how to get out of Nanjing, he has taken advantage of it and has to be on guard against Lao Jiang's dog jumping over the wall.Zhang Xueliang put on a senseless posture. Even if he got to the point of publicly tearing apart his face with Lao Jiang, he didn't believe that his ally would harm him.Until now, only Little Six can be so optimistic and still trust people as before.But what you believe is not human, and it may even endanger your life, so it is not open-minded, but a complete idiot.Therefore, the matter of leaving Beijing must be low-key, but how low-key should be done remains to be discussed.

Just when Wu Xiaoliang was racking his brains to think about how to leave Nanjing without anyone noticing, Jiang Zhongzheng's official residence Lao Jiang was losing his temper, but his way of losing his temper was different. It is a language that is only used when the anger level is not high. Once the anger reaches the extreme, he will not say a word.He just had a cold face, as if everyone in the world owed him money.But Yang Yongtai beside him didn't think that what he felt was the resentment that others owed him money.It was a bone-chilling chill, as if the warm room was about to freeze.Originally, he was the one who was beating the side drums to make the leader make up his mind to get rid of Wu Xiaoliang, but looking at the situation in front of him now, it seems that he no longer needs to say anything. The leader already hates Wu Xiaoliang to the bone, and the end must be to get rid of Wu Xiaoliang soon.

But Yang Yongtai didn't want to sit dryly in this awkward atmosphere, which made him sweat profusely, as if sitting on pins and needles.

"Is there a fixed plan for the appointment?"

He knew that Jiang Zhongzheng had been silent for more than an hour, definitely not just sitting in a daze, his mind must be running at high speed, and he might have thought of dozens of ways to get rid of Wu Xiaoliang.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Zhongzheng let out a sigh of relief, and sighed: "Can there be any plan? Can Henan and Shaanxi come back?"

This surprised Yang Yongtai, why did he hear the desolation in the leader's words?This is not something a leader should say. In Yang Yongtai's impression, Jiang Zhongzheng was full of fighting spirit no matter how big the setback was. What happened today? Did the sun come out from the west?

Apparently it wasn't the sun coming out from the west. Before Yang Yongtai woke up from his astonishment, Jiang Zhongzheng continued: "In order to fight against the outside world, we must first settle the inside. This is the first problem to be solved by the party and the state. The Jiangxi government can't delay any longer. How can Wu Weizhong and Zhang Hanqing's treacherous plan succeed if they are restrained and dragged back? We must take strong medicine, and we must wipe out the rioters south of the Yangtze River within a year."

Yang Yongtai wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, and said to himself that what the leader thought was right, but he didn't take Yan Fengwu as a foreigner, and the foreigner should be Japanese.However, this is also applicable. After all, regardless of Yan Xishan, Zhang Xueliang or Wu Xiaoliang, they have already separated from the Nanjing central government. After all, they are all the old and young of the Beiyang government. Eliminate the separatist warlords of all parties by force, and eliminate all corrupt political forces in the country. Only in this way can we achieve the great success of fighting against the outside world and securing the inside.

At that time, if the country is no longer constrained by Wu, the national economy can vigorously develop industry and commerce, and the military and national defense will implement a policy of elite troops. In less than ten years, the Japanese will no longer dare to easily use force against China.But is it possible for the Nanjing National Government to unify China by force in a short period of time?At least not in his view.

However, there is still a shortcut. Since the leader himself is not on the right path, Yang Yongtai must guide him well.

"Wu Weizhong has already decided to leave Nanjing the day after tomorrow. Why don't we make preparations in advance so that we can welcome him grandly?"

Jiang Zhongzheng said with a lot of thoughts: "There is no need for farewell, the joke has already been seen by others, why bother to make a laughing stock..." But at this point, he suddenly found a trace of unusual flavor in Yang Yongtai's words , so stared at him.

"The people below are all ready?"

What Yang Yongtai got in the first half of Jiang Zhongzheng's speech was heartbreaking disappointment, but the culture in the second half made him ecstatic and overjoyed.But on the surface, he still looked calm.

"The special agents are ready, and they can only appoint an order. They have made inquiries. After Wu Weizhong crossed the river, he took a special train and left by Jinpu Road. The south of Bengbu is still under the control of the government, and everything along the line can be tampered with."

Unexpectedly, Jiang Zhongzheng waved his hand, "No way!"

Yang Yongtai was almost choked up by Lao Jiang's words, why not?Leaders should not be such pedantic people, and that set of pedantic views should have no market among leaders.However, Lao Jiang's next words made him feel better.

"Let the secret agents work harder. Let's do it after passing Xuzhou. We must not let the government bear a bad reputation."

It turned out to be another false alarm. Now that the leader agrees with his proposal, it will be easy to handle. This time, will you escape back to Shandong with your life?It has not been a day or two since he planned to kill Wu Xiaoliang, and today he finally got his wish.

Yang Yongtai said silently in his heart, brother Qian, brother Qian, brother, I have finally succeeded so far, and I can be regarded as worthy of your entrustment back then.

On December [-]th, the special train from Shandong blew its whistle at Pukou and started slowly heading north. When the train dragged the white dragon backwards and disappeared on the vast plain, a few sneaky people at the corner of the railway station The crowd huddled together and murmured, then quickly dispersed and disappeared into the crowd.

At this time, Yang Yongtai was sitting in the mansion, waiting for the shocking news to be published in the newspaper tomorrow.

The train headed north and quickly passed Xuzhou. None of the passengers in the train could have imagined that what awaited them was explosions and blood.With a loud noise, the first three carriages of the special train were overturned into the sky by the huge air wave, and then fell heavily on the ground, becoming like doughnuts, and the people inside could not survive.The rest of the carriages were not much better. The explosion and the fire quickly spread in the carriages, and only a handful of people could escape. Even the rails were broken and bent by the bombing, which shows the violent power of the explosion.

The guard soldiers who escaped by chance, desperately clawed at the ruins and cried: "Commander, Commander!"

Yu Sanhe was one of the guards who narrowly escaped to death. When the explosion hit, he happened to be patrolling the carriage at the rear of the carriage. This place is not a wilderness place. There is a market town not far away. People, these townspeople who came in a hurry did not stand aside and watch in surprise, but after seeing the accident scene, they joined the rescue operation without even taking a breath.The fire was finally extinguished, and the deformed carriage was also disintegrated. All the living people were rescued, and the dead people were still digging out, but Wu Xiaoliang and Zhang Xueliang were definitely not among the living people.

When boarding the train at Pukou, Zhang Xueliang chose to take the Shandong special train with Wu Xiaoliang to go northward, and planned to visit Jinan. After all, Wu Xiaoliang has developed so impressively in Shandong in less than two years. Observe and study carefully, since the burden of the Northeast Army cannot be shaken off, they have to plan for their future.Who knows that this decision will catch up with this unfortunate accident.

The townspeople shook their heads, tsk tsk regretfully, but Yu Sanhe, who calmed down, knew that this was definitely not a bad accident, and there must be a pair of invisible black hands behind it.It was hard for him to believe that the life and death of the wise and courageous commander was so unknown. The meaning of the unknown life and death at this moment was very simple. Looking at the pile of ruins in the express train compartment, if there were still living people inside, I am afraid that even ghosts would not believe it.

Fear and despair surged in Yu Sanhe's chest, but as long as the commander's body was not found, he could not give up hope. He commanded the surviving guards to strenuously search the special train compartment, searching inch by inch, trying to find that their commander was still alive .

At the same time, a few people among the spectators furtively took a few photos, but the flashing spotlight still caught the attention of the townspeople outside the circle.

"Huh? What's this thing? Why are you shaking your eyes like this?"

The man holding the camera smiled awkwardly: "This is a camera. I'm a reporter. This time it's a car accident. It's a big news. I need some pictures to accompany it."

Although they don't understand what it means, some townspeople also vaguely feel that this news is the excitement of watching someone's car accident. This reporter is too disgusting. It is sad enough that so many people have died. Does The Wounds entertain the bored?

The townspeople are simple and honest, and there were a few people who were furious at that time.

"Hand over that shiny thing of yours, and don't take the photos in it away!"

They have never seen the market again, but after all, they are out of the developed Jianghuai area, and they know a thing or two about cameras, knowing that this thing can capture real scenes on a piece of paper.

How could the man be willing to give it, as soon as he stuffed it into his pocket, he wanted to squeeze it out.However, he was suddenly grabbed by the neck from behind, and his feet were off the ground, and his whole body was suspended in the air.On the other side, someone immediately snatched the bag hanging from his shoulder. The camera was pulled out from it, and then thrown on the ground. One of the townspeople lifted his foot and kicked it to pieces.

This kick landed on the camera, but the heart of the man who kicked twitched. The hope of being promoted to a major was shattered. Why did the task assigned to him fail?Isn't it just to take a photo?How could you make such troublesome people react so much.

The things in the pocket were poured out, and the townspeople flipped through them randomly, and suddenly someone picked up a small hard-covered blue book.

"Hey, this book is very delicate..."

Literate people took it over and glanced at it, and their face changed drastically.

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