Lao Jiang is in a good mood recently, but there are always some inappropriate voices around him, Wu Xiaoliang was killed for no apparent reason as he wished.Afterwards, his secret agents had been informed. The fact was that the mission of the team they sent had failed, and the explosives placed on the dry bridge had failed to detonate.The explosion that really killed Wu Xiaoliang was on a high ground about fifteen miles after passing the dry bridge. This is actually an excellent blasting site, but it is very close to a local town, so they decided to detonate the site. I chose the second dry bridge.

Is the other pair of black hands behind him who intend to blow up Wu Xiaoliang dead?For the first time, Jiang Zhongzheng felt a chill down his spine. He suddenly realized that he had become a praying mantis, and the real hunter was the oriole standing behind him. bomb.

But looking back, Jiang Zhongzheng was very dissatisfied with the assassination.This plan was arranged by Yang Yongtai through the political science department, but perhaps they were used to political struggles and conspiracies and were not good at assassination, so they made such a big oolong.But no matter how much you complain, it's too late. This kind of thing is definitely not suitable for He Yingqin and a group of soldiers to do, and those who are suitable to do these are two knives. It seems that you must form a secret army that obeys your orders. OK.

At the same time, Lao Jiang immediately ordered Yang Yongtai to conduct a detailed investigation after learning of the strangeness, to determine Wu Xiaoliang's own life and death.

"Commissioned seat, the results of the investigation have come out, Wu Xiaoliang has no chance of surviving."

A stack of not-so-thick documents was placed on the desk in front of Lao Jiang, and on top of it was a picture of Wu Xiaoliang's guard captain Yu Sanhe who was in a daze.Lao Jiang casually flipped to the next photo, but it was Yu Sanhe crying bitterly in front of the pile of charred corpses. The photo was meticulously photographed in almost every corner, but Lao Jiang didn't see the slightest shadow of Wu Xiaoliang in it. .Finally, he picked up the written report and read it carefully, before he let out a long sigh of relief.

He is really finished, Old Jiang muttered to himself.I suppressed the faint excitement in my heart, but on the surface, my expression remained the same, without any change.As a leader, he naturally cannot let his subordinates see his true feelings.

Now that the life and death of Wu has been determined, Lao Jiang can safely carry out his next plan.

"Send these telegrams, hurry up!"

Yang Yongtai was a little sad. The chairman no longer relied on him as much as before. In the past, he would not ask him to do chores that only attendants do, let alone call him Mr. at worst, but now Just shout and go.Yang Yongtai was hit hard by the negligence in words and actions.Indeed, I have done a terrible job this time. If I just failed, it would be fine. Now I have let the chairman take the blame for making such an extremely stupid mistake. He, who was behind the command and engaged in conspiracy and empty talk, came up with opinions.

Yang Yongtai sighed softly in his heart, picked up the stack of telegrams and walked out, he simply flipped through it, and his expression changed drastically.He actually stood there in a daze for a long while, until Lao Jiang's mentor passed by and reminded him that it was not suitable to stay here.

The trick of appointing a seat is ruthless enough. Once this plan succeeds, the Shandong army will fall apart, and there will be no day to stand out.Once the potential is achieved, even if Wu Xiaoliang is not dead, it will not help if he comes back to life.It's a pity that Wu Xiaoliang can't survive, and Shandong and Henan are doomed to chaos.

With the sound of tick-tock, several telegrams went north respectively.

Subsequently, several letters of appointment signed and sealed by the Chairman of the Military Commission rushed to their destinations along Jinpu Road and Longhai Road respectively.

The telegram was sent out in plain text, and many important officials learned the content of the telegram immediately, and they almost all did one thing in unison, that is, keep their mouths shut.This also includes Yan Xishan. Yan Laoxi has not been in Nanjing for a long time. He is not in a hurry to return to Shanxi, because Shanxi has survived several wars, so it has developed extremely rapidly. With his strong support, various factories have sprung up. Like sprouting.

The dissident elements in the army have been cleared away, and now his Shanxi is a monolith, unable to penetrate with a needle or splashed with water, which is why he can enjoy himself so leisurely.After seeing Lao Jiang's plain code telegram, he couldn't sit still.

I secretly wondered in my heart, this old Jiang finally made a ruthless move. With such a provocation, is the day when the Shandong Army will fall apart?I am afraid that the time has come for the fisherman to benefit. Lao Jiang's sphere of influence has shrunk sharply in the past six months, and it is basically limited to the Jianghuai line.

In less than half a day, these telegrams and letters of appointment had spread throughout the entire Nanjing military and political circles.

"Tsk tsk, this time the Shandong army is completely finished."

"Maybe it will be incorporated into the Central Army, Lao Jiang has a good plan."

In the former Cantonese army, several bigwigs who had lost their military power commented on Lao Jiang's strategy in the afternoon chat.

"Li Youting is the chairman of the Henan provincial government, and Dong Haibin is the chairman of the Shandong provincial government. This completely overturns the regulations agreed during the talks. Old Jiang is very cunning."

"This provocation is bad enough. If Yang Xiaoou loses the chairman of the Henan Provincial Government, he will definitely be dissatisfied, and even fight with each other at the first time. Now that General Wu is gone, no one can restrain him. And It is said that the real power in Shandong is controlled by an old man who is usually very low-key. In order to compete for such a large piece of meat, he and Dong Haibin must fight to the death, and the Shandong army is finished like this."

Many people were disappointed that Lao Jiang did not track down the real culprit, but instead took the opportunity to make trouble. A dilemma to eliminate negative effects.

In the end, though, none of this was the most explosive news.

On December [-], Shanghai Shenbao suddenly published a telegram claiming to be dictated by Zhang Xueliang himself.

"I was shocked to learn that General Wu was killed, and Xueliang was deeply saddened. However, the situation in Shandong was worrisome, and almost five people were burned. I was also shocked to learn that the Nationalist government ignored the murderers and turned them into trouble. How is this behavior different from robbers and bullies? What qualifications does the national government have to lead the country? Therefore, Xueliang declared Hebei autonomy from the national government immediately, and at the same time advocated stopping the civil war and uniting with the outside world, investigating the real culprits, and avenging the heroic souls!"

At the same time, at the end of the article, I attached a copy of Lao Jiang's appointments to the military officers in Shandong, and his sinister intentions can be seen at a glance.

Soon the major newspapers launched a verbal criticism of Chiang Kai-shek.Lao Jiang never expected that things would develop to this point.Before that, he obviously muttered about the ability of media reporters to add chaos.But these verbal criticisms are similar to mosquito bites. They are not painful or itchy. It is said that a scholar will not succeed in rebelling for ten years, but he must be given appropriate punishment. So in the next few days, a large number of newspapers were closed, and some of them published radical remarks. The editor-in-chief was also arrested by the police and sent to prison.

However, the news that really blew Jiang's mind was Zhang Xueliang's self-government statement.This dealt him a severe blow politically. With this leader, the remaining warlords with the same evil intentions will surely follow suit. Once they respond one after another, Feng Yuxiang, Yan Xishan, Liu Xiang, etc. The impact can be hard to undo.So he must express his attitude at the first time.

"Arrest Zhang Hanqing immediately!"

Jiang Zhongzheng secretly hated, why didn't Zhang Xueliang be killed together?This story starts from the early morning of the day when Wu Xiaoliang was bombed. Zhang Xueliang did get on Wu Xiaoliang’s special train, but he suffered from acute appendicitis in Pukou, so before the train started, he got off the train secretly and was sent back to Beijing. Nanjing for treatment.This incident was deliberately concealed, and the purpose was also to keep his whereabouts secret and avoid unnecessary danger.

As far as the actual effect is concerned, Zhang Xueliang did a good job of keeping secrets when he returned to Nanjing this time. It was not until Zhang Xueliang voluntarily appeared in the newspaper that Lao Jiang learned that Zhang Xueliang was not killed by the bombing, but was still in Nanjing.

A team of gendarmes sent to arrest Zhang Xueliang failed to return. It turned out that when they arrived at Zhang Xueliang's temporary residence, it was already empty and not at all popular.

After failing to capture Chiang, he quickly proceeded to the next step, throwing out a plan, announcing the removal of Zhang Xueliang from all positions inside and outside the Kuomintang, and further announcing that the Nationalist Government will choose a date for the Northern Expedition to eliminate the remnants of the Beiyang warlords' counterattack, carry the revolutionary cause to the end, and A peaceful world for the people of the world.

It's a pity that the order can be issued, but no influential newspaper in the country can confirm the news. The new editor-in-chief of "Shenbao" even said that even if he was sent to prison, he would not post such things.

The last to publish this statement was the "Nanjing Morning Post". Although the momentum was much smaller, it still sent out enough signals.A group of warlords who are about to make a move, of course, will not be so stupid as to tear themselves apart with Nanjing, but they are all ready to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Soon, news came from Anhui that Dong Haibin had withdrawn his troops and returned to Xuzhou. Even the various ministries in Shandong were abnormally mobilized frequently. Henan was relatively calm, but anyone could smell the growing smell of gunpowder.

Lao Jiang finally breathed a sigh of relief. The strategy of disintegration and disintegration has begun to bear fruit, and it is just around the corner to regain the Central Plains.

"Call Cixiu and order your department to go north immediately, advance to Xuzhou, and make sure to squeeze Dong's department back to Shandong."

Lao Jiang used the word "squeeze" because he didn't want to fight Dong Haibin head-on, because he still wanted to go back to fight in the nest!

The [-]th division of Chen Cheng's division, although suffered a disastrous defeat, still had strength, followed all the way to the north, and made great strides. They even arrived at the city of Xuzhou in one day, and their morale rose to a certain point. The Shandong army is average.According to investigations, Dong Haibin's Seventeenth Division had indeed lost its will to fight. Chen Cheng even got news that the Seventeenth Division was about to abandon Xuzhou.

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