The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 55 Cai E enters Hunan

After Fu Zuoyi and Fang Qidao led the main force of the Fourth Mixed Brigade to leave, Wu Xiaoliang immediately organized the recruit battalions formed by the former defeated soldiers to conduct drills in batches to confuse the Sichuan army on the south bank. The movement of the Sichuan army.

For a whole day, the Sichuan army had no intention of attacking, and only sent a small group of troops to harass them non-stop, but they were all repelled by the battalion directly under the brigade headquarters.Wu Xiaoliang asked the operator several times, but there was no news about Fu Zuoyi and Fang Qidao.This is the first time he has let go of the problem and handed it over to others to solve it. The situation is no longer under his control, and he is a little anxious.Wu Xiaoliang wandered around the room for the entire afternoon, and simply stopped thinking about it. He took off his military uniform, put on a gray robe, and put a brown hat on his head. He checked the Browning m1900 automatic pistol repeatedly to make sure there was no problem. into the holster at the waist of the robe.

He only brought two guards with him. When he left the gate of the camp, Yin Chengfu, the battalion commander directly under him, happened to be patrolling the camp. He saluted and asked, "Brigade Commander, where are you going? Can you send more guards?"

"No need, if I haven't come back after an hour, I will take someone to look for it at Nandukou, Baishui Town, five miles to the west."


After leaving the barracks, Wu Xiaoliang led the guards and headed west along the main road.At dusk in early autumn, a round of red sun slanted to the west, pulling the shadows of the three people far away.It takes a quarter of an hour to speed up the footsteps of Wulidi. The South Ferry Crossing of Baishui Town is located in a transportation hub, with the army at its side, the people are still coming and going, and the tea stalls and restaurants on the roadside are still open to welcome customers.

Wu Xiaoliang sat down in a tea shed near the ferry, and asked for a large pot of herbal tea. First, he poured a bowl to quench his thirst.Although the two guards were dressed in plain clothes, they still stood upright as if they were in a military camp, watching the surroundings vigilantly. Wu Xiaoliang smiled and said, "You two also sit down and drink some tea to quench your thirst. This behavior attracts attention. Let's go privately in microservices, keep a low profile."

The guard muttered to himself what it meant to be low-key, and sat down around the table with his buttocks next to the edge of the bench.Wu Xiaoliang picked up the teapot and filled the tea bowls in front of them. This is a habit he developed in his previous life. He has not adapted to the hierarchical rules of this period even though he travels through time.

The brigade commander personally poured tea for the guards, which was unimaginable in the highly hierarchical Beiyang Army. The two were terrified, flattered, and at a loss.Wu Xiaoliang was obviously aware of the embarrassment he had brought to them, and said with an embarrassed smile: "Drink, quench your thirst, this is not a barracks where you can just do whatever you want." The two of them seemed to be amnesty, and they whispered in their hearts: The brigade commander is not very old , really kind.

Suddenly a timid and very small voice said: "Sir, can you give me some saliva?"

He was a thin beggar with tattered clothes and his face was so dirty that he couldn't see his true face. He clasped a pair of small hands full of dirt and bowed awkwardly.Wu Xiaoliang didn't hear his words clearly, and looked at the little beggar in doubt, seeing that he was covered in filth, but he was not dull like ordinary beggars, his eyes were clear and bright, full of expectation.

"Sir, can you give me some saliva?" The little beggar immediately understood that the other party hadn't heard what he said clearly, so he repeated it with a higher volume, and licked his chapped lips after speaking.

Suddenly Wu Xiaoliang picked up an empty bowl, poured it full, and handed it to him.

"Drink, it's not enough." He said while patting the large copper teapot.

The little beggar bowed again and again to thank him, and stretched out his hand to take the tea bowl. A small half of his white arm was exposed, and as his hands were retracted, they were quickly covered by the wide sleeves.Wu Xiaoliang wondered, how could a beggar be so clean?Another question came to my mind, Mishui was right in front of my eyes, ordinary beggars drank it with their heads down, but this little beggar was a bit particular, maybe he was a down-and-out son.But seeing that he didn't have any malicious intentions, he didn't want to make trouble, took out a silver coin from his pocket and handed it to him, "Take it and buy some food."

The little beggar obviously didn't expect this gentleman to be so kind, and there was a trace of vigilance in his eyes, and he hesitated whether to take it or not.Seeing this, Wu Xiaoliang grabbed his right hand and stuffed the silver dollar over it, "Take it, buy stuttering, there is going to be a war ahead, stay away from here."

The little beggar held the money in his hand, and he didn't notice that the two companions of this kind gentleman touched their waists and looked at him vigilantly.

When the noise came, the little beggar was startled. He lowered his head and hid under the long table. A group of people approached from a distance, jumping around all the way. First, a bald man saw the little beggar and shouted:

"Brother, the little bastard is here!"

A group of people came up to arrest them, but before Wu Xiaoliang could say anything, the guard on his right quit, and stepped forward to block the villain, "My husband is resting here, please take a detour." He said politely, The bald head raised his face and scolded with disdain: "I don't care about your husband and youngsters. When you get to this place, the dragon will have to coil up, and the tiger will have to lie down. Get out of here, and don't get in the way of me arresting people."

After the bald man finished speaking, he wanted to catch the little beggar, but suddenly felt something pressing against his forehead, and another guard pointed at the big bald head with a Browning m1900.He took it seriously and said with a smile, "If you have something to say, say it well, if you have something to say, say it well." While talking, he stepped back, seeing that the gunman did not move further, he retreated to the street and ran away.

The little beggar shivered under the table and refused to come out. Wu Xiaoliang realized that there was a story in it.Just when I wanted to ask carefully, I heard gunshots from the street, and the passers-by on the street ran and stomped in fright, and the sound of crying suddenly broke out.Wu Xiaoliang thought, he came back quickly enough, grabbed the little beggar and dragged him out, pushed the table over the shed, took out a Browning M1900 pistol, and took cover next to the water stove, while two guards hid behind the table to block the brigade. In front of the long body.

There were more than a dozen people outside, who dared not come in at the intersection, and a voice shouted: "My friend, if you hand him over, it will be a face for me to cross the river."

Wu Xiaoliang hates bullying others the most, "Whoever crosses the river dragon or crosses the river worm, you have to ask me if I agree to the gun in my hand." After finishing speaking, he pulled the trigger outside.There were screams outside, and all kinds of old foreign cannons and bird guns opened fire. Although the guns were earthen guns, there were enough people, and the three of them were suppressed and couldn't hold their heads up.

Wu Xiaoliang secretly regretted that there were fewer people with him, and was thinking about countermeasures, when there was a sudden scream outside, the sound of gunshots was dense, and the sound was actually twenty rounds of shell guns, and a group of gangsters ran away in the blink of an eye, disappearing without a trace, leaving only a few Dead bodies and blood everywhere.

"The people inside, come out, the bandits have been beaten away." The voice was very familiar, Wu Xiaoliang got up and lifted the table away, only to see the person speaking with a long robe and top hat, full of smiles, who else could it be if it wasn't Jiang Fangzhen?The person behind him is also wearing a robe and top hat. He is tall and thin. It is Cai E, the commander-in-chief of the Sichuan Army, followed by four followers, and the gun in his hand is still smoking.

Wu Xiaoliang bowed to the ground, "Thank you, Mr. Cai and Mr. Jiang, for your help!"

Jiang Fangzhen withdrew his smiling face, and said coldly, "If I knew it was you, I wouldn't bother with this business."

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