"What's the point of yelling? Get out!"

For the first time, Jiang Zhongzheng did not yell, but his brows were almost like a mountain, obviously restraining his great dissatisfaction.The attendant took a breather and continued to say, regardless of the chairman's attitude:

"Wu, Admiral Wu is alive again!"

"Which Admiral Wu?"

He Yingqin asked casually.

Following the attendant's blurted words and He Yingqin's rhetorical question, the chaotic meeting room suddenly became silent, and a pair of glasses were fixed on the nervous attendant.

The attendant confirmed:

"It's the Chairman of Shandong Province, General Wu Xiaoliang, member of the Military Commission!"


For a moment, Jiang Zhongzheng thought that he was a footman, leaned forward, left half of his buttocks from the chair, and asked repeatedly:

"Who is it again?"

"Wu Xiaoliang!"

"Has the news been confirmed?"

"It's true, Admiral Wu electrified the whole country 10 minutes ago!"

Jiang Zhongzheng slumped down on the chair, and it was over. Once Wu Xiaoliang returned to Shandong, those who were still in the future and the various departments of the Shandong Army who broke out in internal strife would surely die down and fail.If the Shandong Army has already fought each other and internal fighting has become a fait accompli, then even if Wu Xiaoliang is alive and returns to Jinan safely, it will not help the situation. There is no action, so there is still room for recovery for the Shandong Army.

But how did Wu Xiaoliang return to Shandong?Didn't he get killed?But Wu Xiaoliang was not observed among those who narrowly escaped from the explosion, so how could he be safe and sound?

Jiang Zhongzheng now very much wants to know what happened.He asked in a tone that seemed to be squeezed out word by word: "Who is doing this, can anyone tell me what happened?"

Who can tell him what?The high-ranking officials present at the meeting didn’t know as much as he did. Even the Premier Wang Jingwei was suspicious. Who knew what was going on behind your old Jiang’s back? It was rumored that you sent someone to blow up Wu Xiaoliang to death. It's probably reliable, but the person surnamed Wu not only didn't die, but now he returned to Jinan alive and well. Lao Jiang has been blamed for being a bit of a scapegoat these days.

Jiang Zhongzheng was unlucky, and Wang Jingwei was happy to hear about it. He even formed a preliminary idea while the big guy was stunned.Since Wu Xiaoliang from Shandong is no longer at odds with Lao Jiang, can he be pulled into his own camp for Austrian aid?Although his seniority and prestige in the party had defeated Chiang Kai-shek, every time he fought against him, he was completely at a disadvantage. To put it bluntly, he had no gun in his hand.

Although this Wu Xiaoliang is not someone who is easy to work with, but cooperating with him will only benefit him and not harm him. It is a win-win for everyone, so why not do it?Wang Jingwei was very excited by his sudden flash of inspiration, but it was only deeply hidden under that expressionless face, which was full of worries about the future direction of the party and the country.

There was a chill in the conference room, and Jiang Zhongzheng was the first to break the silence.

"Don't be dazed, let's talk about what to do, Shandong or not?"

I really want to fight, but who among the generals of the Central Army can be Wu Xiaoliang's opponent?He just went through one in his mind and couldn't think of a suitable candidate.Liu Zhi definitely can't do it, but Zhang Zhizhong can do it, but his team suffered heavy losses in the Songhu War, and now more than half of them are recruits recruited later. Only the military is irresponsible.

After much deliberation, he still spoke.

"It stands to reason that there is no turning back when you open the bow. Since you have drawn the bow to the full, you should do it for a while." At this point, He Yingqin looked around the crowd, and everyone's eyes were on him, looking forward to him. way.

"But the situation doesn't allow us to do that."

"Why? We are strong and strong, and we are afraid that he will fail?"

A few impatient people questioned at the time.

He Yingqin went on to explain:

"There are two reasons. First, the unfavorable public opinion. Since the news of General Wu's death spread throughout the country, Nanjing has become the target of public criticism. Second, Wu Xiaoliang did not die. After he reorganized the Shandong Army, the Central Army could not occupy It’s cheap at the slightest point. Therefore, when we know that Wu Xiaoliang is not dead, and we have become the target of public criticism, the possibility of victory is very small, and we may even be criticized by all walks of life.”

"We are still discussing internal fighting at this time, don't forget that the Japanese have raided Pingjin, this is the top priority!"

It was Wang Jingwei who spoke. His appearance was dignified and his words were righteous, which welcomed the approval of the vast majority of the participants. Indeed, the current priority is how to curb the Japanese army's ambition to invade China, but they even occupy Pingjin. , Is there any way to curb these hungry wolves?

At the time when the Kuomintang in Nanjing was quarreling endlessly, Jinan, Shandong.Several high-level officers of the Shandong Army were present, and the leader was Wu Xiaoliang who was "resurrected from the dead" and was wearing a general's uniform.

How did Wu Xiaoliang escape Lao Jiang's assassination?In fact, he realized long before crossing the river to Pukou that Lao Jiang might not be willing to let him go back to Jinan.Therefore, the dark chess move he buried earlier worked.So that evening, when the guards crossed the river by ferry, he hid. In the middle of the night, he came to a riverside and signaled several times with lights. Suddenly, a submarine slowly rose from the surging river. .The reason why he avoided Lao Jiang's eyes and ears was that his ultimate goal was to board the submarine and head towards the destination Jinan at the same time.

For this plan, after several considerations, he decided to tell Zhang Xueliang and return to Jinan on the submarine with him.But Zhang Xueliang had other ideas. Although walking together would avoid danger, it would be easy to pass through. Why don't he pretend to go back north with him, creating the illusion that Wu Xiaoliang is still in the team going back north.This proposal was firmly opposed by Wu Xiaoliang, but Zhang Xueliang was also very stubborn. Once he decided on the idea, ten cows would never come back.

Wu Xiaoliang had no choice but to tell him to be careful, he believed that Lao Jiang would definitely cause some troubles on his way back to Beijing.On the surface, Zhang Xueliang agreed, but in private, he disapproved of Wu Xiaoliang's carefulness. Although Lao Jiang's status in his eyes had declined, it was not to the level of outrageousness that Wu Xiaoliang said.So they boarded Wu Xiaoliang's special train, which successfully made the world think that the two returned north hand in hand.

But it just so happened that Zhang Xueliang suddenly suffered from acute appendicitis not far from Pukou. Even if he came to Jinan, he would have to be overwhelmed by surgery for this disease.Therefore, in desperation, Zhang Xueliang had no choice but to get out of the car secretly, and returned to Pukou that night, preparing to cross the river and return to Nanjing for surgery after dawn.

But when it was dawn, the ferry came, and the news came like a bolt from the blue.

Wu Xiaoliang's special train was bombed, and Wu Xiaoliang himself was killed.

Zhang Xueliang immediately realized the seriousness of the problem, so after Lao Jiang fell into trouble, he immediately sent a telegram to condemn him. At the same time, he planned to return to Beiping by sea via Shanghai, but unexpectedly, he was placed under house arrest by the local military police as soon as he arrived in Shanghai.

The situation of Zhang Xueliang was like this. After Wu Xiaoliang left the mouth of the Yangtze River in a submarine, he returned to the north day and night.In fact, before he boarded the submarine, he sent a confidential message to Shandong, telling Tantai Jize that he would return by submarine, and that if there were any rumors unfavorable to him, he must refute them among all the troops.

It was this sealed message that played a decisive role.When the news of Wu Xiaoliang's death was sent back to Jinan, there was an imperceptible undercurrent in the Shandong army. Tantai Jize forwarded Wu Xiaoliang's secret telegram to the military chiefs of the various troops outside the army, and everyone made up their minds. But at the same time, there is also a wait-and-see attitude.

The first person who felt the dilemma was Yang Xiaoou. Wu Xiaoliang had promised him to be the chairman of Henan Province before, and the peace talks in Nanjing confirmed this result.But as soon as the news of Wu Xiaoliang's sudden death came, he immediately realized the seriousness of the problem, and all the seemingly foregone conclusions would change. His army was stationed in southern Shandong to cover the rear for Dong Haibin's troops.At this time, it was sandwiched between the 57th Division and Dong Haibin. Before the situation was unclear, this was a very delicate situation.

Yang Xiaoou himself has already given up his heart to Wu Xiaoliang. Of course, this is due to Yang's own personality, and a large factor is also because of Wu Xiaoliang's absolute trust in him.But now that Wu Xiaoliang is dead, and there is no heir with an absolute advantage, the Shandong Army, a military group maintained by personal charm, is in danger of falling apart immediately.Yang Xiaoou has been up and down for more than ten years, how can he not detect this hidden danger?

But then a telegram from Jinan made him temporarily put his heart back into his stomach. This was Wu Xiaoliang's secret telegram sent by Tantai Jize.In this way, Wu Xiaoliang should be under the surface of the East China Sea at this moment. Although he was skeptical, he had no choice but to wait and see what happened.

Compared with Yang Xiaoou's hesitation, Dong Haibin, who had a good relationship with Tantai Jize, believed in it. He even discussed with him a trick of playing hard to get, and retreated to Shandong in great strides, abandoning Guzhen, Xuzhou and other strategic places .

Chen Cheng was really deceived and brought people to follow him all the way.

Unexpectedly, Dong Haibin had just entered Shandong.Then there was a message asking him to return to Jinan for a meeting immediately, and the telegram was urgent.So Dong Haibin had no choice but to leave his troops in Lunan and return to Jinan by plane.

It wasn't until Jinan that they found out that almost all the senior generals had been recalled by Wu Xiaoliang, and the room was full of the most popular figures in the Shandong Army.Even Li Youting and Guan Bingyan were present.

"You must have heard all the rumors about me these days. Lao Jiang is insane and disregarding the overall situation. Let's not mention it for now. Now that the Japanese army is about to move, I recruit everyone to communicate with you. Your respective The battle must end as soon as possible, and we must be mentally prepared to fight the Japanese."

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