After Han Fuju woke up from the shock, he suddenly discovered that this large group of cavalry was not the Shandong Army.The military uniform of the Shandong army was light gray, while the uniform of this group of cavalry was khaki. He turned his head eighteen times and couldn't figure out which army it was.

Because it is common sense to infer that only the Northeast Army’s military uniform is khaki, and the hinterland of Henan is Wu Xiaoliang’s territory. How could he tolerate the intervention of fully armed cavalry from other forces?But if it's not the Northeast Army, then who is it?

Han Fuju didn't have much time to figure it out. The cavalry cavalry Tie Liu who rolled up the smoke and dust rushed to the front of the formation in a blink of an eye. He could even clearly see the facial features of the soldiers on horseback, with their sabers raised flat and their reins pulled Tight, with their legs clamped tightly around the horse's belly, they were accelerating.A burst of despair flashed in Han Fuju's eyes, followed by daring and determination.He jumped up from the ground and ordered loudly:

"Everyone disperses and retreats, retreat fifty miles and gather!"

Soon Han Fuju's voice was covered by the roaring iron hooves, and only a few people around him could hear his orders. The soldiers under his command were already in chaos and fled in all directions. His orders were no longer needed. .Han Fuju felt a sense of sadness in his heart. He thought this was a great opportunity to make a comeback, but in the end, he was still in the mirror, and his defeat was worse than ever before.

The adjutant grabbed Han Fuju cheating with a crying voice, and lifted his precarious body.

"Commander, you can't fall down, you are the last hope of the brothers!"

Hearing this, Han Fuju seemed to be stimulated, jumped up again, and said to himself: "Yes, you are right, I can't fall down, as long as I am still there, I can still pull up a team! "

Seeing that Han Fuju seemed to have regained his former self-confidence, the adjutant hurriedly persuaded him: "Commander, let's withdraw. If we keep the green hills, we won't be afraid of running out of firewood. If we don't withdraw, it will be too late!"

"You're right, let's withdraw!"

In the chaos, the adjutant was extra careful, and took off his military uniform, insisting that Han Fuju put it on.Han Fuju couldn't resist, so he had to make an exchange with the adjutant in a hurry, and the two of them got mixed into the chaotic army and rushed west all the way, as long as they escaped from the chasing range of the opponent's cavalry, they would be safe.

But Han Fuju became more and more desperate as he ran, and the cavalry behind him lingered like tarsal maggots. They didn't seem to be in a hurry to cover up the attack, they just fell indifferently, and occasionally interspersed with the broken soldiers fleeing westward to reap their lives. Most of the time, they are attacking with their tails, just like herding sheep.Han Fuju couldn't figure out why this was, but the situation in front of him didn't allow him to stop and think about it. He saw the cavalry make another penetration, and a large area of ​​soldiers collapsed wherever they passed.He was suddenly horrified to find that the cavalry who came in this time went straight to a large group of rout soldiers mixed with him and his adjutant.

Did they find something?

Han Fuju was beating a drum in his heart, but he couldn't run faster if he wanted to. After the rout lost its organizational structure, there was no formation at all, sometimes loose, sometimes dense, and the situation they were in now belonged to the latter, with people crowded and people fighting each other.No one can run fast, and it is impossible for anyone to slow down.

The stream of khaki-colored cavalry was getting closer and closer like a harvester. Despair filled Han Fuju's heart again. Is this going to end?

Unexpectedly, when the group of cavalry rushed to the front, they circled around them, only to hear someone shouting loudly:

"Listen up, put down your weapons, surrender and avoid death!"

The rout soldiers were stunned for a moment, but they heard the soldiers on horseback yell again:

"Surrender to avoid death!"

This time the defeated soldiers just woke up like a dream. They thought they were going to see Lord Hades, but who would have thought that these vicious and murderous spirits would also show mercy and let them go.Although it is disgraceful to surrender, it is always better to go to see Hades.The rout soldiers threw their weapons to the ground in a hurry, knelt on the ground and raised their hands above their heads, praying that these fierce spirits would fulfill their promise and surrender without killing.

Seeing the surrender of the broken soldiers, the cavalry in khaki uniforms did not kill any more.Han Fuju and his adjutant also followed the group, knelt down and pretended to surrender, but he did not throw out the only weapon on his body, and there was a Browning automatic pistol hidden in the leggings under his trousers, which was ready to save lives at a critical moment , or in other words, ready to die.

In the distance in Xiaotuposang, a tall officer in a fine military uniform and a black cloak reined in his horse and stood still, as if he was watching the movement of the large group of rout soldiers.The colonel officer behind him asked in puzzlement:

"Master, why did you let that group of rout soldiers go? It's better to kill them to save trouble. By the time of Tongguan, this group of people should be almost eaten away!"

The tall officer raised his eyebrows, pointed to the direction of the rout, and asked:

"Look at those people, what's the difference?"

The colonel officer, after watching for a long time, shook his head, still puzzled.

"I'm humble and dull, I can't see it..." When I said this, I suddenly seemed to think of something, "Could it be because the proportion of officers in this defeated army is high?"

The tall officer smiled: "Maybe, Han Fuju is among these people."

"Han Fuju?"

The colonel’s eyes lit up. If he could capture Han Fuju alive, it would be a worthwhile trip. Originally, when everyone came to Henan, they were full of complaints, and instead of fighting the little devils, they retreated to the south of the Yellow River to beat the Chinese themselves. Because of the serious resistance in the team, this attack was partly persecuted by the division commander, partly begged, and everyone rushed all the way here.

Others don't understand, but the colonel thinks he understands the painstaking efforts of the division commander.As the commander of the first army, the deputy commander cannot be easily withdrawn, but the strategic deployment has been done long ago, and someone must be there to carry it out, so the division commander was appointed general, which he did not expect. He thought it was such an important task. No matter what, I had to leave it to the direct descendants of the deputy commander, who would have chosen their No.17 Cavalry Division.

If Han Fuju can be captured, the Northwest Army will be greatly affected, and morale will be low, and the situation will become more and more favorable to them.

"Teacher, I'll go take a look!"

Thinking of this, the colonel officer couldn't stay any longer, he wanted to personally go to the group of rout soldiers mixed with many officers, and was going to identify a few big fish.

As soon as the colonel's horse approached, he heard a burst of cheers from the cavalry.

"Damn, caught a big fish."

I saw an officer being pushed out of the crowd. The Northwest Army deserves to be called the Huazi Army, and the dignified officers also wore ordinary gray cloth military uniforms, so the general stars on the shoulder straps looked even more dazzling.

"Head, he's a lieutenant general, a real big fish!"

When several soldiers saw the colonel and officer driving their horses, they happily asked for credit.

The heart of the colonel and officer was beating faster, he was really thinking about something, who else could be a lieutenant general in this team except Han Fuju?After a closer look, the lieutenant general had been pushed down to the ground by several soldiers, kneeling on his knees, still struggling vigorously.

"You guys let him go, and the defeated general has to show him some face."

Only then did the soldiers let go of the lieutenant general who had been pushed to the ground.

The lieutenant general struggled to get up, he didn't look straight at anyone, but stood on the spot with his head held high.

"Are you Han Fuju?"

The lieutenant general's eyes seemed to be ignited with raging anger, but he snorted coldly but didn't respond.But in an instant, the lieutenant general's attitude changed, and he said coldly: "I am Han Fuju, you can just arrest me, the others are implicated by my money, I hope you let them go."

The lieutenant colonel was overjoyed, if the person in front of him was really Han Fuju, then the others would be of no use at all, so why not let him go!Just as he was about to argue, he heard a thick voice behind him reprimand:

"Lie, you are not Han Fuju!"

The colonel officer was stunned, turned around and said, "Teacher?"

The tall officer ignored the colonel, but drove forward and pointed at the lieutenant colonel standing on the ground.

"Han Fuju is too old to be confused, and you look like you can pass it, but you dare to speak boldly, and you underestimate our Northeast Army..."

One person shrank in the group of broken soldiers. Hearing the tall officer claiming to be the Northeast Army, coupled with the Northeast accent, he finally confirmed that this group of cavalry was undoubtedly the Northeast Army.It's really a thousand calculations, and it can't be counted that the surname Wu is cooperating with Zhang Xiaoliuzi.With the two of them joining hands, Feng Yuxiang may also fail to succeed and follow in his footsteps.Thinking of this, he couldn't help but fight a cold war. Could it be that the Northeast Army suddenly appeared in Luoyang, and Zhang Xueliang was planning to plot Guanzhong?Or it could be said that Wu Xiaoliang supported Zhang Xueliang in plotting Guanzhong.

The current situation is such that a fool can see that North China will be unable to defend sooner or later under the Japanese army's massive invasion. Refundable.The world's warlords, including Feng Yuxiang, were all waiting to see Zhang Xueliang's joke, and he mentioned this matter more than once in the military meeting, which he was impressed with.

He suddenly thought maliciously, if Feng Yuxiang knew that Zhang Xueliang planned to occupy Guanzhong as a base after he withdrew from North China, how Commander Feng would feel!

While he was thinking wildly, he suddenly felt his neck tighten, and he was picked up by the collar, and then he was thrown on the ground fiercely, and someone else was dragged out one after another.Han Fuju understood that he was picking out all the officers, and had discovered his true identity from time to time, so he calmed down a little.

The adjutant was really tough, he was beaten up by the Northeast Army, but he still gritted his teeth, planning to die without revealing the whereabouts of the real Han Fuju.A few soldiers of the Northeast Army seemed to beat them harder, but they were waved away by the tall officer.

"There is no need to waste time. Han Fuju will definitely be among this group of people. I will kill anyone who doesn't pull me, and leave no one alive." He paused for a while and continued: "Then power on the whole country, Great victory in Luoyang, killing Han Fuju..."

What was said later, Han Fuju didn't hear clearly, because he was horrified to find that the Northeast Army had already started preparing to kill people after receiving the order.The adjutant also panicked at this moment, he was really afraid that the Northeast Army would come up with a single-minded effort and kill them all, and it would not be a pity to die, but what should the commander do?Having lost his mind, he involuntarily looked at Han Fuju in the crowd, hoping that the commander could show him a way.

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