Facing the pressure of the Japanese soldiers, Wu Xiaoliang felt unprecedented pressure, a pressure that he had never experienced in the past when he was in a desperate situation.In the previous ten years, whether in Fengtian, Beijing, Hunan, or Suidong, there were many battles and incidents where life was hanging by a thread, but even if he failed, it was only his own failure.But this time, he shouldered a mission that was too heavy for one person, so he had to treat every detail carefully and cautiously.

There was only Wu Xiaoliang in the office, which was rare and clean. Without discussing the situation and chattering reports, he leaned on the back of the chair as if sneaking away, seemingly closing his eyes and resting his mind, but in fact his brain was still working.

Wu Xiaoliang sent Yang Xiaoou to inspect the defense line on the south bank of the Yellow River three hours ago, Li Zejun accompanied him, and the latter returned to the Gaomi garrison of the 57th Division after the inspection.He was most worried about a fortress called an enclave on the north bank of the Yellow River. The local staff strongly advocated abandoning it, but it was preserved only with his strong advocacy.Although everyone in the staff department didn't say it, they knew in their hearts that the troops stationed in the fortress were in danger.

Once the war started, the fortress on the north bank became a nail inserted into the Japanese front, so as long as the Japanese army launched an attack on the south bank, they would inevitably pull out the fortress on the north bank first.At that time, the entire regiment in the North Shore Fortress may only have a picture of a deadly battle left.

Thinking of the word "death war", Wu Xiaoliang smiled wryly. Chinese characters are really broad and profound. The order of the two words "death war" and "war death" are just reversed, but the artistic conception they want to express is completely different.In yesterday's meeting, he gave the regiment an order to fight to the death. Everyone knew that an order to fight to the death was equivalent to labeling all members of the regiment as dead in battle.

It was extremely necessary for the North Shore fortress to delay the pace of the Japanese attack, and someone had to make this sacrifice. The so-called kindness does not control the soldiers, probably nothing more than that.Wu Xiaoliang opened his eyes, got up and came to the military map on the table, and picked up a report on the mobilization of Japanese troops on the North Bank.

According to reliable sources, the Japanese army in North China did not increase significantly in a short period of time. Except for a large part of the army that was withdrawn from the Songhu battlefield and reorganized and rested, the rest were basically the Kwantung Army that went south from the northeast and the original Garrison troops in North China.However, this report focuses on another point of analysis, that is, the reorganized North China Front Army actually mobilized more than 5 puppet Manchukuo soldiers from outside the customs, and most of these puppet Manchukuo soldiers were reorganized from the former Northeast Army. .

Yang Xiaoou believed that these Puppet Manchukuo soldiers could be won over. Many of their generals were officers of the Northeast Army, and they had feelings for the Zhangs and their sons and the Northeast Army.Zhang Xueliang could secretly send people north to instigate rebellion against them. If successful, it would undoubtedly be a heavy blow to the Japanese army.

But Wu Xiaoliang did not agree to do so. He had doubts. The commander of the North China Front Army, Toshiichi Terauchi, was a soldier who acted extremely meticulously, with a steady style and sophisticated methods. How could he show such obvious flaws at the beginning of his tenure? The only explanation That is, he is not afraid of this flaw, and even exaggerated his judgment a little. It is very likely that this guy is hiding in the dark and waiting for the fish to take the bait.

Therefore, Wu Xiaoliang chose to wait and see.There is another reason for making the choice to stop with silence, he cannot be led by the nose by Terauchi Shouyi.The squadron must take the initiative to do something, not passively defend and wait to be beaten.

Moreover, the news from the south is equally depressing. The situation in Shanghai has deteriorated further. The Japanese army wandering in the open sea finally launched a landing battle. drove the invaders back into the sea.But how long can these flesh and blood survive, because Wu Xiaoliang noticed that the Japanese navy's large-caliber naval guns almost never fired, and the first few attacks were carried out without artillery support.Therefore, these several landing battles should be tentative attacks, and they should be a steady and steady strategy adopted after the attack lost its suddenness.

Wu Xiaoliang is still puzzled, because this explanation seems reasonable, but in fact it is still very far-fetched.With the combat effectiveness of the Japanese army, concentrated superior firepower to cover the Shanghai defense zone of the Chinese defenders, and then gathered superior forces, it is entirely possible for the Japanese army with excellent military literacy to go down in one go.They just didn't do this, but chose a plan that seemed reasonable, but seemed a bit stupid.

This should not be a mistake. The Japanese army may have acted rigidly, but it was by no means stupid.Then there is only one possibility for the explanation to focus on behavior. They must have another purpose. Wu Xiaoliang judged that they should be waiting for something.But what are you waiting for?reinforcements?Secret weapon?

There was a sudden movement in the confidential room next door to Wu Xiaoliang's office. The secretary quickly pushed open the closed door, holding a piece of paper in his hand.

"Sir, a secret message."

Wu Xiaoliang took the telegram from the secretary, which was an untranslated telegram because the secretary did not have a code book that could translate this telegram.He waved his hand to indicate that the secretary could go out.After the door was secured again, Wu Xiaoliang went to the desk and opened one of the cabinet doors, and a safe was in sight.

The password book was in the safe, Wu Xiaoliang took it out, and leaned over his desk to translate the message word by word.

In Beiping, Kengo Mizukawa sat opposite a Japanese soldier who was also a major general and drank. The major general took a sip of sake, smacked his tongue in enjoyment, and held the wine cup in his hand.

"There may be Chinese spies in the staff."

The major general's face was flushed, and he was a little drunk. His name was Kitamura Ikki, and he was attached to the staff headquarters of the Northern China Front Army.However, his department was inherited from the garrison army before the reorganization, and the reason why he stayed in the post was excessive.With such an important position, the ambitious general in the temple will naturally be replaced by his own person, and that person is the newly promoted Major General Kengo Mizukawa, who is sitting opposite him.To him, Kengo Mizukawa was not only his replacement, but also his classmate at the Imperial Army University, so he talked more unconsciously when he was slightly drunk.

"Mizukawa-san, don't say it. I only told you this. Chief of Staff Okabe asked me to secretly investigate the files of all the soldiers in the staff department the day before yesterday. It even goes back to before I was ten years old. This is unprecedented in the Imperial Army. Action, it is said that it is the order of the general in the temple."

Mizukawa Kengo looked as usual, but his heart was already turbulent, could it be that he was showing his feet?Just as I was about to recall carefully whether there was a fatal mistake before, I heard Bei Cun say again: "As far as I know, the general in the temple has released a smoke bomb this time, and we must make good use of the next Chinese spy..."

Kitamura Kazuki raised his neck and took another sip of sake, and stuffed another piece of sushi into his mouth.

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