Miyake Miyake understood that this was the bombardment of the Chinese who became angry after discovering that the strategy to lure the enemy into a deep place had failed. There was nothing terrible about it. The most dangerous moment had passed. Even if the Chinese attacked in full force now, what was there to be afraid of?Soldiers of the Royal Army will not fear any attack on land.

Unexpectedly, after this cannonball, the whole beach fell into the previous silence again. The soldiers who were digging fortifications with shovels all stopped and entered a state of alert. The dark land sticks out.

As a result, no more shells fell, and no Chinese soldiers appeared.

It took a quarter of an hour for the beach to resume its previous busyness after all this nervous tossing, and the soldiers who had just landed on the beach gathered on guard were scattered away.The soldiers privately speculated that the shot just now should have been a mistaken shot by the Chinese army.

Faced with this inexplicable situation, Miyake Miyake suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart. Was the Chinese shot really a mistake?If it was a mistake, why did it land on the beach where he landed?Moreover, there was a lot of movement in such a big battle, even if the Chinese people's detection ability was even lower, the imperial army had come under their noses, couldn't they be aware of it at all?

Amid Miyake Miyake's misgivings, the beachhead was quickly established without any accidents.He let out a long sigh, it seemed that he was worrying too much.The boat was pulled onto the beach, his feet landed on the sand, and the sense of security returned to his body. After all, it was the army. The feeling of not being able to get up and down on the sea really made people feel uneasy.

Just as Miyake Miyake was hesing, the soldiers of the communication team jumped out of the boat with the latest wireless high-power walkie-talkie radio on their backs.This is an important piece of equipment for him to communicate with the headquarters, so the entire communication team was organized into his own personal action sequence.

Miyake Miyake picked up the walkie-talkie from the radio, put it to his mouth and shouted loudly: "Successful login, request for the next step plan! Successful login, request for the next step plan."

A few vaguely recognizable voices of confirmation came from the messy electrical sound of the radio loudspeaker.

"Allowed to execute, allowed to execute..."

On the deck of a warship in the distance, Neiji Okamura was observing the situation on the coast with a telescope, but it was already dark, and he could only see faintly flickering fires.

The commando did not encounter any resistance, and such a smooth landing far exceeded his expectations, and a strange premonition also filled his chest.Is it a trick of General China?

After thinking about it several times, I really can't think of any mistakes.

"Kuribayashi-kun, it's time to go!"

Standing behind Ningji Okamura, the commander of the cavalry brigade Tadamichi Kuribayashi waited for these words, and it was time for Miyake Miyake to show his skills when he gained a firm foothold on the beach.

Kuribayashi Tadao didn't care about the Chinese defenders in Ye County. He only cared about the Chinese general in Jinan. As long as his cavalry brigade set foot on land, he would go straight to Jinan without stopping.As for the rest, he believed that Lieutenant General Gangcun and Major Miyake would take care of it for him.

The horses on the ship are already very disturbed, let alone a manned boat like a commando for landing.The cavalry was transported with a newly equipped large landing ship. This kind of ship had a shallow draft, and the front bow was flat and could be opened directly forward at an angle of more than 0 degrees.

The double signals of signal lights and radio stations quickly sent dozens of landing ships, and these ships that originally hid behind the battleships quickly rushed out of the queue and headed towards the beach at high speed.

At the same time, Kuribayashi Tadamichi also rushed to the beach in a small boat with his subordinates.

Standing on the shore, Miyake Mitsuji immediately noticed the sound of the engine humming on the sea, so fast.He was a little dumbfounded when the cavalry brigade landed. Shouldn't the infantry be sent to raid the defenders of Ye County in one fell swoop and take this important place?Why did you send the cavalry?The order is not wrong, is it?

But he immediately understood, how could Lieutenant General Okamura make such a low-level mistake, it seems that the previous plan has been revised, the attack on Jinan will not wait until after taking Ye County, it seems that Lieutenant General Gangcun is still impatient.If it is an ordinary army, for such an order that does not conform to common sense, the commander of the relatively independent brigade at the first level in the battle sequence can completely refuse to implement this kind of plan and choose a plan that is more in line with the rules.But their identities and circumstances are doomed that they cannot choose to follow this path.

These defeated generals no longer have any foundation in the army. They can only hug together, just like the only way to survive on a cold desert island is to hug together for warmth. Therefore, even if Miyake Miyake had any objections, he still chose Acquiesced to cooperate with the orders of Lieutenant General Gangcun.

Okamura Ningji's order was conveyed from the radio, the plan changed, and Miyake Mitsuji's mission also changed accordingly.The beachhead will be defended by the Ninth Division that has landed one after another. His brigade's primary task is to cooperate with the cavalry brigade's actions and cover its rear. As a backup infantry, it will follow the cavalry brigade to attack Jinan all the way.

A daunting and tempting task.

Miyake Mitsuji thought to himself.If they serve as the follow-up infantry of the cavalry brigade, they must keep a considerable distance from the cavalry, so it is definitely a very severe test in terms of marching speed.If he was a soldier of a Division A division, he would never have any doubts about it. The physical strength and tactical quality of the soldiers were the best in the Imperial Army.

Now the soldiers he leads are transferred from reserve to active duty. He has no idea how far the usual training can go, and how well he can perform this mission. In fact, this is also a big taboo for military strategists. Know the limits of your soldiers.

But there is no way around it, it is not easy to have such a chance to clear up his past shame, he really has no right to pick and choose.

While he was struggling, a tall officer came to him. It was the commander of the cavalry brigade, Tadamichi Kuribayashi.

"The attack has begun, Miyake-kun, please leave everything to me!"

With just this one sentence, Kuribayashi Tadao bowed slightly, stepped on his horse neatly, and rushed into the darkness.

Miyake Miyake was not familiar with Kuribayashi Tadao, and the only few conversations he had were on Okamura Neiji's ship, and they were limited to general exchanges.Looking at his solemn and polite manner, he is really different from those young men.

Let's go, Miyake Miyake immediately issued an order for the whole army to move out, all the luggage was left on the beach, and everyone marched lightly.And in order not to reveal their whereabouts, the whole army cannot raise fire and can only move forward in the dark.

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