Okamura Ningji's attack on the city wall was indeed ruthless. Although Honma Yuichi was still suppressed lying on the ground and could not lift his head, the squadron was also suppressed in the bunker and could not get out. To some extent , This is to save the Honma United.

This shelling was to buy time for the Ninth Division. After touching the city wall, even if the Chinese squadron rushed out of the bunker, they would lose the advantage of sneak attack. When the two armies confront each other, it will definitely be the Imperial Army that wins.

Neiji Okamura thought so, while showing a satisfied smile on his face.Obviously, the artillery of the Japanese army deserved to be well-trained. The shelling operation was carried out as if a doctor with superb medical skills was performing a surgical operation. Every shell fell on the inner wall of Ye County's city wall. The explosion caused almost no accidental injury to the Honma Regiment.

But it was different for the squadron. Many of the soldiers who rushed out at the beginning were killed by the shrapnel after the explosion.Many others were injured by the shock wave of the explosion.

The Japanese army was getting closer, and Zhang Zhonglin was a little anxious in the bunker. If they didn't rush out to gain the initiative on the battlefield, they would probably be blocked in the bunker and caught by the Japanese army.

But the Japanese army also used artillery, and they couldn't use it with strength, and they would die in vain if they rushed out. Now the only thing that can save the crisis is the artillery.

"Generate power, order the artillery, and wait for the opportunity to bombard the Japanese artillery positions!"

The telegrapher didn't say a word of nonsense, and before Zhang Zhonglin's voice fell to the ground, he took a picture of the telegram.

But people are full of doubts in their hearts. Artillery is not clairvoyant. Although the artillery is set to shoot, it can fire and hit the target.

However, it is difficult to calibrate such ultra-long-distance observations at the current level, and it is generally necessary to use guided operations to obtain accurate shooting metadata.To put it bluntly, it is necessary to send scouts to go deep into the local positions to obtain accurate coordinates, and send these coordinates back to the positions so that the artillery can accurately hit the target.

Zhang Zhonglin had no idea at the moment. Although the artillery would send scouts to wander around the battlefield before the shelling, who could guarantee that the scouts near the Japanese artillery positions would not be wiped out by the Japanese?

If the scouts are wiped out by the Japanese army, even if the Chinese artillery positions have countless shells, it will not help.

When the war has reached this level, everything can only be resigned to fate.

As the time passed, the attacking soldiers of the Ninth Division of the Japanese Army were getting closer and closer to the city wall of the county. I am afraid that they would attack the city wall in less than a quarter of an hour, and it would be too late to do anything else by then.Outside the bunker, the rumble of the Japanese artillery was still blasting.

Zhang Zhonglin's hands clenched into fists involuntarily, and the palms were covered with cold sweat.

Although he has always been known for his calmness, but now it is the critical moment of life and death, and thousands of lives are in the hands of others, so he can't help but not care.


The Japanese army was getting closer and closer. Okamura Ningji was holding a telescope at the back to observe the movement on the city wall in the distance. In order to be able to clearly understand the situation on the ruins of the city wall, he deliberately set up the temporary headquarters on the mountainside of a small hill side.In this way, it not only has a high altitude, but also ensures safety from being harassed by the opponent's artillery.

Because this mountainside is located on the reverse slope of the artillery position of the squadron, the artillery shells can't fall here no matter how fierce the firepower is.

Therefore, there will be no danger of the headquarters being taken away by the artillery of the squadron. This is also after learning the lesson after the failure of the last Songhu battle. Neji Okamura obviously learned a lesson.

Facts have proved that Neji Okamura saved his life by doing this. The Yamamoto unit he sent did not find and destroy the Chinese artillery in time.Instead, the Chinese artillery's grenade accurately tilted onto the Japanese artillery position.

The Japanese artillery was unprepared for this. When the shells poured down like hail, everyone was dumbfounded. Before more people had time to scream, they were taken away by the violent shock wave and the shrapnel flying everywhere. gone to life.

What is even more tragic is that several of the shells hit the ammunition boxes of the Japanese artillery positions, which caused a martyrdom. The blow to the Japanese artillery positions was fatal, and one shot was out of control.The entire position was engulfed in flames almost instantly, and there were very few survivors!

Neiji Okamura was still surprised when he heard the sound of explosions one after another. The power of the army's howitzers almost caught up with the navy's large-caliber naval guns, and the whole earth trembled like an earthquake.

Thinking of this, Neiji Okamura's thinking froze. He hurried out of the temporary bunker and looked in the direction of the artillery position, only to see flames and thick smoke rising into the sky.

His artillery is completely finished!

Neiji Okamura was dumbfounded. What kind of tricks did the artillerymen of the squadron use to kill his artillerymen so accurately, and cold sweat was already dripping down his forehead.He immediately realized that there were squadron scouts around here.

At the same time, he was also secretly thankful that he did not set up the headquarters on flat ground like the artillery positions as before.

The headquarters is halfway up the mountain. Even if the scouts of the squadron discovered his location and calculated the exact coordinates, the Chinese artillery could do nothing to him because of the reverse slope.

Even so, the morale of the Japanese army had been severely hit, and now he urgently needed to solve two things.

The first thing is to find the Chinese artillery as soon as possible and destroy it, so as to solve this shadowy ghost, so that his rear can be stable, and the front line will not be in danger of being covered by firepower.The second thing is to take this small county as soon as possible.He was able to move quickly to the inland of Shandong, and as soon as possible to cooperate with the [-]st Cavalry Brigade that had set off earlier, to attack General China.

In Neiji Okamura's view, even if he suffered a relatively serious blow, the squadron has reached the end of its strength. If he suppresses the troops in an orderly manner, he will win the siege battle, although he has paid a considerable price. , but from a strategic point of view, quickly taking down the liquid limit at all costs is the most critical part of the entire campaign.

At the same time, the Japanese army's feint attack in the direction of Zhuqiao won a decisive victory and defeated the local defenders. They are now moving towards Ye County, and I believe they will arrive before sunrise tomorrow.

At that time, two groups of people or horses joined forces, or echoed each other from front to back, and advanced sequentially. While attacking the Chinese counties along the way, they quickly advanced towards Jinan.

However, what Okamura Neiji didn't expect was that the combat effectiveness of the squadron obviously exceeded his estimation, and the shelling on the city wall finally stopped. .Unexpectedly, this was the beginning of his fall into the abyss of pain.

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