In a certain house in Beijing, Yoshio Akiyama, the second lieutenant of the intelligence department, once again detected the mysterious radio waves that were frequently active a month ago, but because he couldn't bear the excitement of catching big fish, he started to panic and was scolded by Yuji Oda. After the manhunt, the mysterious radio wave disappeared for nearly a month.It reappeared today, causing the second lieutenant to let out a long breath.However, this time he still didn't intend to report to his immediate chief, Captain Oda, he always believed that he had to get up wherever he fell, so he wanted to use his own strength to capture the mysterious Chinese spy.

Only in this way can Captain Oda truly respect him, otherwise he will always be the rookie who was slapped on the head with the palm of Oda's hand and is useless.So he took the driver without telling Captain Oda to the street again in a special truck that monitors wireless signals, and this time he wanted to catch that cunning Chinese spy with lightning speed.As the mysterious radio signal became stronger and stronger, Yoshio Akiyama realized that he was getting closer to the source of the radio wave.

But the driver suddenly turned around and said to him: "Second Lieutenant Qiushan, the headquarters of the dispatched army is approaching ahead. Without a pass from the intelligence department, I'm afraid we won't be able to pass the military police guard post!"

Yoshio Akiyama couldn't hear the driver's words clearly. He was still immersed in the excitement, and he put on the big earphones that could cover his ears and asked, "What? Where are you going? Don't stop and drive over, the signal is already strong ..."

Immediately, Yoshio Akiyama found that his inspection vehicle was stopped by the military police, and he was confused by this situation.

"Why are there gendarmes?"

What he asked was why there were military police, but the subtext in his heart was, what happened, wouldn't these military police be the first to discover the Chinese spies?

But soon Yoshio Akiyama found out how wrong his thinking was.The military police politely asked the people on the car to report their identities and show their documents, and then carefully checked the documents one by one. When it was Akiyama's turn, he subconsciously took out his pocket, and the moment his hand touched the bottom of the pocket, his whole body was petrified. Overcoat, but forgot to put the ID in the pocket of the military uniform on his body.He understands that being entangled by the military police and not bringing his ID is a very serious mistake. If he gets stabbed at Yuji Oda...

Yoshio Akiyama didn't dare to imagine what kind of punishment he would face, and suddenly a bold idea popped up in his head.

"Drive, drive, turn around, leave immediately, ignore the military police!"

The driver was his confidant, and he carried out his orders thoroughly, so Qiushan dared to take this person with him on this kind of errand secretly carrying out tasks behind the supervisor's back.The driver is worthy of being Akiyama's confidant, he was stunned for less than a second, and then skillfully reversed the car violently, and then made a gorgeous 180-degree U-turn with a beautiful flick of the car body.Then the throttle roared, and he rushed away with the momentum of an off-string arrow.

The gendarme didn't realize what happened, his mouth was open in shock, and he didn't realize that a suspicious person had escaped from under his nose until the blue exhaust choked him to cough, so what's the matter?This is the dispatched army headquarters!So he grabbed the whistle hanging on his chest and blew it down vigorously, and the long whistle sounded in the night sky.Immediately afterwards, the piercing sirens echoed, and within a quarter of an hour, the entire block was under martial law, and the military police began to search for suspicious vehicles that had escaped before, and the entire inner city of Beijing was thrown into a panic.

Just when the city of Beijing was boiled by Yoshio Akiyama's little accident, in Jinan, hundreds of kilometers away, Wu Xiaoliang excitedly slapped the table, and a telegram was pressed heavily under the palm of his hand.

"The big fish has finally bit the bait, and this time I will definitely give them a gift that they will never forget in this lifetime!"

Then Wu Xiaoliang turned to the confidential secretary and said:

"Give power to the wolves, you can enter the hunting ground."


At the foot of Matsui Iwane is the pride of the Imperial Navy, the deck of the Nagato-class battleship "Mutsu".The cool sea breeze blows over the body at night, and an indescribable comfort spreads to every cell in the body.The cruising speed of [-] knots caused the bow of the "Mutsu" to split the sea under his feet, and with the ups and downs, splashes of water splashed on his face, and a strong sense of pride filled the chest of the lieutenant general.

There is no moon in the sky, and it seems that dark clouds are gathering, only the searchlights of warships sweep across the waters of the route from time to time.Suddenly, a dazzling flame erupted at the front of the fleet, followed by a violent explosion, and the night was flashed like day at this moment.

The sailors on duty on the deck were unknown, so when they saw the fire in front of them, they immediately realized that they had been attacked by an unknown person. In less than a minute, a shrill siren echoed over the "Mutsu".

Lieutenant Admiral Matsui Iwane also realized that the fleet was under attack, so he immediately rushed to the bridge, went up a few steps, and suddenly saw a captain officer coming down in a hurry, grabbed him and asked anxiously, "What happened?"

The captain replied: "The cruiser 'Jagu' was attacked by an unknown enemy ship, and the ammunition compartment exploded. The situation is very critical! Please return to the rest compartment immediately, Lieutenant General, the battle may be very tragic!"

After the analysis of several minds in the fleet, the heavy cruiser that can be rebuilt in one blow is definitely not a small ship.But where in the waters of China is there such a powerful warship other than the Imperial Kingdom?Although there are many strange places, such as not even hearing the sound of shelling and many other problems, such a powerful destructive power cannot be ignored by anyone.What shocked them even more was that none of the warships could even find a ghost of an enemy ship.

"Could it be a submarine?"

A lieutenant officer who had participated in the Battle of Songhu put forward his own opinion. In that battle, General Shirakawa Yoshinori, Minister of the Army, suffered from the loss of this underwater ship and was captured.Although the submarines suffered losses in the First Battle of Songhu, the threat of submarines to large ships still did not receive enough attention from the Naval Staff Headquarters, and the anti-submarine capabilities of the entire fleet were seriously insufficient.

In just 5 minutes, flames erupted on the sea again. This time, the Kongo-class battlecruiser "Kirishima" was attacked, but it did not seem to hit the vital parts.Just a fire on the deck.

Just when the fleet command sent an electric signal to inquire about the injury, the flagship "Mutsu" shook violently, and many people were caught off guard and fell to the ground, including Matsui Iwane who was still climbing the stairs. This guy rolled down the stairs like a rubber ball in embarrassment, and finally got stuck at the corner of the stairs, so he didn't roll down to the deck.But he couldn't stand up anymore, and when he tried to get up, there was a piercing pain in his legs and chest. He knew that his thigh and ribs should be broken.

Less than half a minute later, the hull of the "Mutsu" vibrated violently again, and was even thrown out of the sea for a short distance, and then smashed down hard, splashing waves more than ten meters high, which drenched Matsui Shigen's heart. .

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