The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 605 The Special Train Was Bombed

It is understandable that Zhang Xueliang is anxious, he has lost his place, and now he is fighting with Xiaoxiao under the fence, it is very rare for him to be able to bear his temper until now.

"Depart for Tongguan tomorrow, don't make Zhang Hanqing wait too long." Wu Xiaoliang's inspection of Henan has already been completed, there is no need to delay any longer, time is extremely precious right now, and one moment cannot afford to be wasted.

Li Youting wanted to protect Wu Xiaoliang all the way to Shaanxi, but Wu Xiaoliang let him stay for safety reasons.

"Jing Cong doesn't have to go to Xi'an. Luoyang was raided by Japanese invaders, and people's hearts are not stable. Henan needs you to stay and sit in town. Especially on Longhai Road, you must not take it lightly. If something goes wrong, the entire westward strategy will be hindered."

"Since the Japanese army was able to sneak attack Luoyang City, they are fully capable of launching attacks everywhere along Longhai and disrupting our communication lines. This will never be allowed to happen. Jing Cong, you have a heavy burden on your shoulders."

Wu Xiaoliang's words were earnest, but Li Youting felt pressured. Originally, he had lost his face when the accident happened in Luoyang. Wu Xiaoliang did not pursue the responsibility of this matter. Now that he is earnestly entrusting him, how can he remain indifferent?Immediately stated that the safety of the Longhai Line in Henan must be protected.

Wu Xiaoliang pondered for a while and said, "In this case, it's better to set up a special road guard army. Supervise by section and mobilize in a unified way. It will be under the command of your garrison headquarters."

Li Youting responded one by one, and reported some local problems in Henan, and then he got up and left.

Early the next morning, Wu Xiaoliang and hundreds of people took a special train to Tongguan. The mourners were everywhere along the way, the cold wind was blowing, and the eyes were full of bleakness.Wu Xiaoliang withdrew his gaze, this kind of troubled times has become commonplace, in the history of catastrophes, Henan has always been the first to bear the brunt, and in the end it was the common people who suffered the most.If he remembered correctly, since the Republic of China, there have been severe droughts and floods in Henan. There have been natural disasters and man-made disasters. He just doesn't know when the wars will end, and when will the people live and work in peace and contentment?

Such a simple wish is actually out of reach.Wu Xiaoliang is no longer the Wu Xiaoliang who just came to the Republic of China. He is full of eager expectations for everything, and he can't wait to flex his muscles and build a rich and powerful Great China that makes the world's powers can't help but look sideways.But the reality is bloody. More than ten years have passed, not only the original wish has not been realized, but the Chinese nation is still inevitably drawn into the abyss of war.

According to reliable information, the Japanese army has begun a large-scale conscription in the country, and the army has more than tripled from the twenty-odd standing divisions. You can think clearly with your toes what to do after expanding so many divisions.The Japanese army's full-scale invasion of China is inevitable, so he has to win and lose repeatedly on the second line. The Shandong-Henan defense line along the Yellow River should be able to defend it with all his life, but what about Shanghai?What about Nanjing?As long as the Japanese army launched the Second Songhu War and attacked Nanjing all the way, his troops would definitely not be able to get away and rush to rescue.

Then, with Jiang Zhongzheng's temperament, the preservation of his direct line must be the first priority, so the fall of Nanjing will become inevitable.Once Nanjing falls, Shandong and Henan will face a desperate situation, and it will only be a matter of time before they retreat.

Although Jiang Zhongzheng is not enthusiastic about the National Reconciliation Conference now, when he becomes the target of the Japanese army, I am afraid that he should take the initiative to lead again.

Suddenly, Wu Xiaoliang felt the train under him vibrate, and the white porcelain teacup on the table slid towards the edge of the table. Fortunately, he blocked it quickly with his hands and eyes, so that he didn't fall to the ground and smashed into pieces, but then there was harsh metal friction The sound of piercing people's eardrums hurts.

The door of the carriage was pushed open from the outside, and the head of the security guard rushed in nervously, and was relieved to see that Wu Xiaoliang was safe and sound.

"Chairman, something serious happened. Someone blew up the rails, and the front of the car was almost blown up. Fortunately, the driver braked in time!"

Someone is going to blow him up!This was the first reaction in Wu Xiaoliang's mind, and then he wanted to go out to see the situation for himself.This is not the first time someone wanted to blow up him. In Fengtian and Xuzhou, people wanted to blow up Wu Xiaoliang's special train, but he was lucky and fateful.

However, the head of the guard stopped Wu Xiaoliang, "Chairman, no, there are several forests on both sides of the railway, and the enemy's situation is unknown at the moment, and there may be people ambush in the dark." The curtains were pulled down so that the outside could not see what was going on inside the car.

Wu Xiaoliang also deeply agreed with this, and did it again, but this time he did not choose the chair by the window.

After a long time, the relevant battalion company commander came in to report.It turned out that someone had intentionally blown up the special train, but they were not so professional and the detonation was delayed, so Wu Xiaoliang's special train escaped.The suspect who bombed the car was shot dead by soldiers of the guard regiment when he was escaping. Two people were injured, one person was injured, and one person escaped. However, after the injured suspect was captured, he died not long after being seriously injured.

Moreover, there were no clues on the bodies of the suspects for investigation. It was obvious that they had been carefully conspired, but an unbelievable inference was also drawn from this.

"We can't go in the direction of Tongguan. I suggest that the special train return to Zhengzhou immediately to prevent criminals from coveting in the dark."

Although this place is at the junction of Shaanxi and Henan provinces, it is within Wu Xiaoliang's sphere of influence. The situation shouldn't be complicated, but something went wrong where it shouldn't be, and the Shaanxi side became cloudy.Yang Hucheng and Zhang Xueliang will inevitably become the first objects of suspicion. After all, they are not from Wu Xiaoliang's direct lineage, and they are all under Wu Xiaoliang's protection, timidly.

However, Shaanxi also has direct descendants of the Shandong Army. Dong Haibin's No.17 Division is stationed in Xi'an, but there are no villages or shops here.

Therefore, not only the guard officers, but even the accompanying staff tried their best to dissuade Wu Xiaoliang from going any further. The best choice is to turn around and return to Zhengzhou.

However, Wu Xiaoliang unexpectedly rejected this suggestion, and immediately ordered people to repair the railroad tracks ahead as soon as possible, and he wanted to reach Tongguan as quickly as possible.

Under Wu Xiaoliang's insistence on going his own way, the head of the guard had no choice but to send a cavalry company to repeatedly patrol the front railway to confirm that there were no suspicious persons.Fortunately, it is less than [-] miles away from Tongguan, so the scope of inspection is not very large.

Two hours later, the urgently dispatched road guards were repaired, and after repeated confirmation that there was no problem, the train began to add coal, the steam hissed and overflowed from the pressure relief valve, the locomotive restarted, and slowly moved forward...

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