After weighing things up, Wu Xiaoliang said to He Yaozu in a very sincere tone: "Brother Guiyan, how many people did you bring to the airport this time? The current situation has really reached the most critical juncture."

He Yaozu didn't know why, but he still replied very patiently: "It was originally to welcome the officials from all parties, who would have thought of encountering such unlucky things, this time He only brought a company of troops." Wu Xiaoliang felt cold for a while, A company of troops is simply not enough.Who would have thought that He Yaozu said again: "Although there are not many people brought, but He's subordinates have just changed defenses to the airport, and there is a regiment of thousands of people. I don't know what Chairman Wu intends to do. These regiments should Is that enough?"

Wu Xiaoliang can see that He Yaozu must have been run over by Chen Mingshu in Wuhan. This time, he must seize every opportunity to hug the thighs of other military and political officials. Only when he has a backstage can he compete with Chen Mingshu, who stands behind Jiang Zhongzheng. .Although this Chen Mingshu was also obedient to Jiang Zhongzheng, but he still had the same status after all, and if Jiang wanted to influence the situation in Wuhan, he had to rely on Chen Mingshu, who was from the Cantonese Army.

"Brother Guiyan is confused, how can you get away with such a big incident when it comes to investigation?"

He Yaozu laughed and said that what Wu Xiaoliang said was too alarmist, but he just laughed halfway but couldn't laugh any more, because the defense of this airport is in charge of a regiment under his command, and it is really hard for him to escape the responsibility.

"Well, what should I do? I said that the surname is Chen, how can he be so kind, and take the initiative to let out the defense area of ​​the airport. It turns out that he has dug a hole and is waiting for He to jump down." He Yaozu was in a hurry. Grabbing Wu Xiaoliang's arm, his voice became more emphatic due to nervousness.

"Chairman Wu, this is someone surnamed Chen who framed me, maybe it was someone surnamed Chen who destroyed the plane..."

Facing He Yaozu's accusation, Wu Xiaoliang thought it was reasonable, but the most urgent task now is not to find out who is behind the black hand, but to try his best to control the situation in his own hands. At that time, he said to He Yaozu: "Chairman He If you are willing to listen to what Wu said, please find out who the crashed plane belongs to as soon as possible, put out the fire as soon as possible and protect the scene for future investigations, and immediately block the airport and seal the news. The most important thing is, Immediately set up an accident investigation committee to control all stranded people in the airport, including staff, and everyone in the airport is not allowed to leave without permission, and anyone who violates the rules will be shot immediately, without penalty."

He Yaozu, who was aware of the seriousness of the problem, was very grateful to see Wu Xiaoliang willing to help him out. This at least proved that this military and political official who controlled the three provinces along the Yellow River would not stand idly by. He nodded and said: "Wu will do it now, and then I will do it..."

Up to now, He Yaozu knew what was at stake. It seemed that this time Chen Mingshu would definitely not give up such a great opportunity to suppress him, so he could only cling to Wu Xiaoliang's thigh.So, turned around and ordered:

"Come on, go and call that bastard Li Dongcheng to me, and let him find out who owns the crashed plane. Also, tell him to block the airport immediately, and anyone who violates it will be shot immediately. Kill him!" Li Dongcheng was the regiment leader in charge of several defenses, and his reinforced regiment had more than 2000 people, a military force that should not be underestimated.

He Yaozu's adjutant took the order to leave, and within a quarter of an hour, Li Dongcheng, the team leader who was in charge of several defense tasks, ran over panting.

"Master, sir, why are you here? The airport is already in chaos. You should leave this place as soon as possible, and leave the rest to the humble job."

"You handle it, you can handle a fart..." Don't look at He Yaozu nodding and bowing in front of Wu Xiaoliang, shaking his head and tail like a pug, but he is full of confidence in front of his subordinates. With a long leg, it looks like he has used all his strength, but in fact he is superficial and careless. It is obvious that he still cares about his subordinates, and his impatience at the moment is just forced by the situation.

After being kicked by Li Dongcheng, he reported respectfully: "Master, this plane has been found out, yes, it belongs to Yan Laoxi in Shanxi!" There was infinite emotion in his words, "The virtue of burning the plane, the people inside must definitely If he can’t survive, even the whole body may not be able to be picked out, this man, no matter how rich or powerful he was in life, he is just a piece of charcoal after being burned to death..."

"Where is there so much nonsense!" He Yaozu heard that it was Yan Xishan, and at that moment he felt his head buzzing and almost fainted.He wished he was dizzy, and he could close his eyes so that he could not see clearly, but he didn't, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and meet his unlucky fate.

At this moment, he regretted even his guts. He regretted why he was obsessed with seeking the job of the chairman of the Hubei government. Isn't this a reminder? , who will be the keynote speaker for him then?

After He Yaozu quickly made various arrangements, he turned to Wu Xiaoliang for help.

"Chairman Wu, is He's arrangement okay?"

Wu Xiaoliang was also shocked. He never expected that it was Yan Xishan who crashed the plane. This person has controlled Shanxi for more than ten years. He is an out-and-out king of Shanxi. In addition, Shanxi is close to Hebei, the gateway to Shaanxi and Henan, and he faces the Japanese army directly. Pressure is an important target for the joint conference. Only when Yan Xishan unswervingly stands on the side of the united resistance against Japan can the conference continue.Before Wu Xiaoliang came to Wuhan, he was full of confidence in this, because it was also in Yan Xishan's fundamental interest to fight against Japan.

But now that Yan Xishan died, the dragons in Shanxi would have no leader, and the fish on the chopping board would inevitably be eaten, and the Japanese would have it at their fingertips.As for the joint conference in Wuhan, because of the lack of a large support, I am afraid that it will really come to nothing.

When he was startled, he heard He Yaozu's question and nodded his head: "Brother Guiyan has dealt with it very well. Concentrate on putting out the fire first. I'm afraid the news won't be hidden for long. Tell the troops to prepare for battle. If someone wants to take over the airport, we must refuse."

He Yaozu was terrified, "What if the opponent attacks by force?"

Wu Xiaoliang asked back: "Do you want to sit and wait for death?"

He Yaozu fought coldly, if anyone wanted his own life, he would naturally fight him.But I only have this reinforcement group in my hands right now, how can I fight with others?However, what Wu Xiaoliang and the adjutant said was like a shot in the arm.

"Send an urgent telegram to Henan, ordering Li Youting to mobilize a provincial defense division near Xuchang to rush south along the Beijing-Hanzhou line and enter Runan..."


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