Wu Xiaoliang didn't react for a while.

"What? The Japanese and the Soviets are in conflict? How is this possible? Where is it?" He said as he left the chair, came to the curtain on the east wall, and pulled it open forcefully. What appeared in front of everyone was a A huge map of East Asia.

Zhang Xueliang followed closely behind, and drew a circle along the coast of Heilongjiang in the northeast, and finally clicked on one place vigorously, "This is here, this is good, the Japanese and the old Maozi work together, and the pressure on our Yellow River line can be relieved at the same time." Intangible, the two of them had better have a big fight like they did more than [-] years ago."

Zhang Xueliang is very interested. The old Maozi is not Chinese. Although the Russo-Japanese War was defeated miserably, it is said that the current Soviets are no longer what they used to be, and their defense strength has far surpassed that of imperial Russia. There is a fight and there is a good show to watch.

"It's best for us to add fire to both of them, so that we can take advantage of it..." Zhang Xueliang was in high spirits, but suddenly found that Wu Xiaoliang was standing in front of the huge map of East Asia, staring at the northeast. , the cigarette in my hand is still smoking...

"How? Brother Wei Zhong, don't you think about the war between Japan and Russia?"

The location of the Japanese-Soviet conflict this time is not elsewhere, but Khabarovsk at the confluence of the Heilongjiang River and the Ussuri River. This is the border between Suidong and the Soviet Union. Regarding military power, if the flames of war continue to rage, will it affect Suidong?And the Soviet Union has been coveting the land of hundreds of thousands of square kilometers in Suidong for a long time. If it comes to drive away the tigers and wolves, wouldn't it be...

Speaking of Suidong's ability to survive in the cracks until now, Wu Xiaoliang's later generations concluded that the rise of the Soviet Union was inevitable, so why not form an alliance with the Soviet Union while it was still at a disadvantage in fighting the White Bandits everywhere? negotiation.Sure enough, in order to end the civil war as soon as possible, Soviet Russia at that time hastily signed a draft treaty with the Suidong local government at that time, recognizing that the Suidong military governor government exercised administrative power over Suidong on behalf of the Republic of China, and guaranteed that the two sides would not invade each other.

However, this draft agreement actually had great loopholes. For example, the Soviet Russian government at that time only recognized in writing that the Suidong Warlord Government had administrative power over the land south of the Ussuri River, but it had no sovereignty over the land. Attribution is vague and does not acknowledge that he has waived his territorial claim to the land.Then, once the current situation changes, the Soviets may regain this land.

After listening to Wu Xiaoliang's heavy statement, Zhang Xueliang's originally high interest was like a discouraged ball, and he said dejectedly: "The loophole is so big, why did you make a contract with him in the first place?"

Wu Xiaoliang sighed: "In the first version of the treaty, it was true that the ownership of sovereignty was clearly stated, but perhaps it was due to the number of days. Denikin in Soviet Russia was severely damaged by the Soviet Red Army, and the situation has greatly reversed. The Red Army of the Soviet Union was much calmer than before when facing Kolchak in the Far East, and the bargaining chip with us has also increased accordingly, so we had to compromise and sign this treaty."

After a long while, Zhang Xueliang said with great difficulty: "Brother Wei Zhong, what do you mean, we, we still have to try our best to mediate the conflict between Japan and the Soviet Union?"

Wu Xiaoliang folded his arms and frowned.

"It's hard to make a conclusion right now, but the expansion of the conflict between the Soviet Union and the Japanese is indeed not good for us! Moreover, there is a more serious consequence in the country!"

After Wu Xiaoliang's reminder, Zhang Xueliang seemed to wake up suddenly, suddenly realized, and slapped his thigh vigorously.

"Could it also affect the National Reconciliation Conference?"

Although what he said was a question, he clearly already had the answer in his heart.Wu Xiaoliang nodded, "That's true!" Then he turned his head and ordered to the adjutant: "Immediately send a telegram to Suidong and tell Fang Qidao that there are two points that must be prepared for a rainy day. Prepare comprehensively. The second is to exercise restraint as much as possible, and do not start a war with them!"

Wu Xiaoliang felt powerless at this time, even if he was unable to protect himself in the country, how could he have the extra strength and experience to help Suidong?What's more, last year's war with Japan was also won with the support and assistance of Suidong's entire province.

Zhang Xueliang suddenly slapped his thigh again and said: "If the conflict between Japan and the Soviet Union expands, they will inevitably transfer troops from North China to the Northeast, and the pressure on our front line of the Yellow River will also be reduced. If we take the opportunity to break through the Yellow River line of defense, and then unite with Yan Xishan, we will not worry about North China. ah!"

Wu Xiaoliang didn't express his opinion based on it. It's not that he didn't think about Zhang Xueliang's method, but it was too risky to do so, and he looked like a big gamble.The current situation is stalemate, and we can still use this to make arrangements and wait for opportunities to move, but if a big war breaks out, our own side is not fully prepared, and the various forces in the country are intertwined and hostile to each other, where will the war situation develop?Uncertainty will become greater.

"Hanqing is right! But the first prerequisite is to hold the National Reconciliation Conference smoothly. All parties form a National Front Alliance, and the guns are unanimous. Take the opportunity to counterattack North China, and there may be a battle!"

Wu Xiaoliang and Zhang Xueliang turned around at the same time, only to see that it was Yan Xishan who came.

"Uninvited guests, uninvited guests, Weizhong and Hanqing, don't blame them!"

Yan Xishan's sudden visit and this statement undoubtedly gave Zhang Xueliang another shot in the arm, and his previous depression was swept away.

"Yan Baigong came at the right time, and with Shanxi's strong support, he will surely succeed in one battle!"

Wu Xiaoliang asked Yan Xishan to sit down on the sofa in the south of the room. As the whole person sank into the soft sofa, a strong contrast was formed in his mind between the comfort of his body and the anxiety in his heart.

"Yan Baigong must have known about the conflict between the Soviet Union and Japan when he came here, but I just wonder if the Nanjing side can still come to Han as promised!"

Yan Xishan raised his nose and waved his big hand vigorously, "Come, I will definitely come. If there is no conflict between the Soviet Union and Japan, I am afraid that someone will hesitate for a while. In this case, the internal pressure will not be relieved." Therefore, domestic public opinion of war weariness and external public opinion will not weaken because of this, and it will even intensify. At this time, the pressure and risk of unanimous external cooperation will be reduced, and Jiang will be very happy to cater to public opinion!"

It was really a word that awakened the dreamer, and Wu Xiaoliang had a great sense of seeing the sun behind the clouds. If the united front is successfully formed, then the counterattack to North China that Zhang Hanqing said is not impossible, but Suidong needs to face huge pressure.Can Fang Qidao withstand the pressure and preserve Suidong's sovereignty?

Suddenly the adjutant pushed open the door excitedly and came in: "Jiang Zhongzheng's plane has arrived over Wuhan!"


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