The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 623 Assassin

Jiang Zhong's face was sinking like water, and the flashing lights hit his face, making this powerful leader in China a little anxious.It was obvious that he was not used to the situation where he was exposed to the public and allowed to ask questions.However, in order to keep pace with the times and win over the illusory so-called public opinion, he had to reluctantly answer various questions patiently.

"Mr. Jiang, may I ask..." Jiang Zhongzheng pressed his right arm, signaling to everyone present to be quiet, and then waved his arm and made a gesture of invitation to the blond foreign reporter who just asked the question.

The foreign reporter smiled kindly at Jiang Zhongzheng, "It is said that this meeting is very important and can determine the future of China or the entire Chinese nation. I wonder if Mr. Jiang agrees with this statement?" With a somewhat Wusong accent, he must be a China hand who has been in China for many years, Wu Xiaoliang thought so.

Facing the question, Jiang Zhongzheng cleared his throat and leaned his head toward the microphone.

"As the president of the Chinese Kuomintang and the chairman of the Revolutionary Military Commission of the Republic of China, my purpose in coming to Han is to integrate all the armed forces that can and cannot be united in China, form a united front, unite against the Japanese invaders, and never Compromise!" At this point, he paused, and his majestic eyes glanced around as if waiting for something.Sparse applause gradually sounded, and soon the applause came like a flood, and it resounded enthusiastically in the entire waiting hall, and it lasted for a long time.

Until then, there was a hint of a smile in Jiang Zhongzheng's eyes, and it would be hard to spot if you didn't pay attention.When the applause gradually faded, Jiang Zhongzheng continued:

"I personally appeal to the peace-loving countries all over the world to sanction Japan to restore world peace. At the same time, I also thank you for your hard work, coming to Wuhan, and supporting China with practical actions to fight against the Japanese invaders..."

The blond-haired and blue-eyed foreign reporter asked again: "Thank you, Mr. Jiang, for your wonderful answer. Before coming to Wuhan, many people said that this meeting was convened and presided over by a Chinese general surnamed Wu. May I ask Mr. Jiang's opinion on this?" What comment?"

As soon as this question was asked, someone in Jiang Zhongzheng's entourage already exclaimed involuntarily. If the reporter who asked the question was not a foreigner, the secret police would have entered the venue and taken him away at this time.All of a sudden, the crowd of journalists who were still in a mess became quiet.

A trace of anger and embarrassment flashed across Jiang Zhongzheng's face. He didn't seem to hide his angry expression. From his obviously hasty tone, everyone present could feel the anger in it.When answering alone, he still used well-regulated diplomatic rhetoric, which seemed a bit funny.

"General Wu, look, that's General Wu!"

It wasn't just who yelled first, everyone turned their attention to Wu Xiaoliang who had just arrived, more than half of them left Jiang Zhongzheng and came in front of Wu Xiaoliang, which made the veins on Jiang Zhongzheng's forehead bulge , but in public places, there is no way to break out.

Facing Wu Xiaoliang, the reporters asked trickier questions one by one, but none of them were problems for him, and he answered them with ease.He has many years of experience in the military, business, and politics, which has enabled him to calmly deal with various doubts and incomprehensions.

Wu Xiaoliang still gave Jiang Zhongzheng enough face, admitted that Jiang was the leader of China, and emphasized that Jiang's core position in the united front cannot be shaken, nor can it be ignored...

When Wu Xiaoliang finally squeezed out from the surrounding crowd, he found that Jiang Zhongzheng's convoy had long since disappeared. It seemed that today's action to welcome Jiang was self-defeating due to the disturbance of the reporters, and turned into an embarrassment for him.Wu Xiaoliang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he expressed his goodwill with full sincerity today.

In the evening of the same day, the plane of Wang Zhaoming, the Executive Premier of the Nationalist Government, will fly to Wuhan early tomorrow morning.Wu Xiaoliang drove to the airport again with Zhang Xueliang to greet this revolutionary who dared to splatter three feet of blood to assassinate the regent of the former Qing Dynasty.On the way, the convoy of Wu and Zhang met Yan Xishan who also went to the airport to meet Wang Zhaoming. The two sides had a tacit understanding of their intentions, and naturally they intended to express their goodwill, hoping that Wang Zhaoming would stand on their side.

Jiang and Wang have always been at odds, presumably Wang Zhaoming will be happy to cooperate with all parties to add trouble to Jiang Zhongzheng.

Wu Xiaoliang is very familiar with Wang Zhaoming, and today is the first time he has met him.Different from the cowardly and smooth in the impression, Wang Zhaoming is dressed in a neat suit, with a tall and straight figure and firm eyes, and he is extremely capable.For Zhang Xueliang and Yan Xishan, they have met Wang Zhaoming many times.But Wu Xiaoliang, who met for the first time, secretly praised him in his heart, he really is a good-looking talent.If he didn't know that this person would be the number one traitor in China sooner or later, he might have been attracted and convinced by his demeanor.

Wang Zhaoming shook hands with Zhang Xueliang and Yan Xishan, who he knew well, one by one. When his eyes rested on Wu Xiaoliang's face, he looked surprised and said excitedly: "If Zhaoming's guess is right, he is the most famous Wu Weizhong?"

Wu Xiaoliang laughed, and stretched out his hands in a friendly way...

Wang Zhaoming has no soldiers in his hands. Except for some status in the Kuomintang, his influence on China's political situation has been minimal. Winning over this person is the first step in dividing Chiang Kai-shek's internal affairs.In fact, as Wu Xiaoliang expected, Wang Zhaoming responded enthusiastically to Wu Zhangyan and others' overtures.At the same time, he humbly expressed to everyone that as long as it is beneficial to the domestic united front, he will do his best to cooperate with you.

In fact, anyone can tell that this is just a fig leaf for his obedient words of allegiance. The victimized Wu Xiaoliang sighed and was also depressed. Live up to the boy's head" and serve the country's dead fighters.

The Wuhan Municipal Government held a grand welcome ceremony for Chiang Kai-shek's arrival, and Wu Xiaoliang and Zhang Xueliang returned to the temporary residence after a procedural appearance.It's just that as soon as he entered the door, he received a secret message from Shanghai transferred from Shandong.

The telegram is very simple, only five words.

"Wang Yaqiao left Shanghai!"

Wu Xiaoliang squeezed the newspaper in his hands, and couldn't help frowning.

Since last year, due to strategic needs, Shandong had briefly compromised with Japan. This person planned to assassinate Wu Xiaoliang, the leader of the Shandong faction, several times in the name of anti-evil.Because the intelligence and security work around Wu Xiaoliang was very careful, several operations failed.

As a result, Wang Yaqiao became a key surveillance target of intelligence personnel from all over the Shandong Army, and it is very likely that this person left Shanghai and came to Wuhan.


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