The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 625 Meeting Prelude

At Hankou Wharf, a young man in a gray robe squeezed into the crowd and looked left and right. The wicker box in his right hand swayed back and forth with the crowd of people.The agreed pick-up person was late, and he walked aimlessly in circles along the long pier street. First, he was unfamiliar with the place, and second, he was afraid that the pick-up person would not be able to find him when he arrived.

But until it was getting late, the person who picked up the station did not show up.The young man was cold and hungry, and he tightened the brown scarf around his neck to keep his cold body warm.He suddenly remembered that his brother had given him a phone number, so he went to the phone booth by the river and dialed that number.The phone was connected but no one answered it for a long time. He called again and again until cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and someone behind him urged him impatiently.

"Could you hurry up, I haven't seen you say a word after calling back and forth..."

The young man turned his head and smiled apologetically at the person who urged him, and had no choice but to put down the phone in his hand and leave the phone booth.The sky was completely and completely dark, and the methane lamps on the street shone with pale light. The crowded pedestrians in the daytime seemed to disappear at once, leaving only the empty street.Suddenly a gust of wind blew up, and it was warm and cool in late winter and early spring, and the young man involuntarily wrapped his robe tightly again.

"Sir, are you staying at the hotel?"

It was a woman's voice, and the young man nodded hesitantly.He was afraid that if he left, the person who had agreed to pick him up would not be able to find him, but under the pressure of cold and hunger, he really couldn't bear the suffering, so he decided to find a place to stay before talking, anyway, he had that person's phone number No., I'm not afraid that I won't be able to find him.

"Then come with me!"

The young man followed the woman into the alley, farther and farther away from the tall buildings by the river that he longed for.The woman seemed to see what he was thinking, and said with a charming voice, "Don't look, it's a concession, and it costs ten silver dollars a night!"

Although the words were straightforward, they were true. The young man only carried ten silver dollars with him. If he didn't save some money, he might not last until that day.Thinking of this, his body, which was blown through by the cold wind, felt his blood boil.

The sound of high-heeled shoes stepping on the stone pavement echoed in the quiet alley. The young man followed behind with a wicker box. Only the biogas lamp glowed pale, watching the man and woman silently.The woman was wearing a high-cut cheongsam with a waist that is very modern in Shanghai. Perhaps it was too tight, and she could even faintly see the outline of the bra printed on her back.Every time she took a step, a piece of snow-white thigh was exposed at the split, which made the young man dizzy.

The young man knew it was wrong, but he couldn't help but glance at the woman unscrupulously.

"Here we are! Mr. Chen is waiting for you inside!"

The young man's attention was always on the woman, and he couldn't hear what she said clearly, and seeing her looking at him playfully, knowing that his presumptuous behavior just now would be seen through, his face immediately blushed.

"You, what did you just say?"


Seven days before the conference, Wu Xiaoliang arranged several intensive press conferences, inviting journalists from all over the country to Han, explaining to them the original intention and purpose of the conference, as well as the outlook for the future direction of the country.Although the first two items should be intended, the latter is a far-fetched promise. It may or may not be possible in the future, but at this moment it has greatly boosted the morale of the Chinese people, and even made the three towns of Wuhan There was a considerable enthusiasm for General Wu.

All major newspapers in Wuhan that published photos of General Wu sold out within a few hours and had to reprint them.In this way, a crazy cycle was formed, so that it became difficult to find a newspaper without General Wu.

Zhang Xueliang threw the newspaper in his hand on the table, and sat down on the sofa, sinking his whole body comfortably.

"Brother Weizhong is a good means. Looking at the three towns of Wuhan, there are photos of you all over the city, but there is no photo of the leader..." He pointed to the newspaper on the table with a smile on his face, "Occasionally I can see One, here, there is one the size of a tofu block in the corner. Maybe our Generalissimo Jiang is going to be in a bad mood these days."

Zhang Xueliang and Jiang Zhongzheng had a honeymoon period, but after the Songhu War and Jiang Zeng blatantly wanted to detain him, the two gradually drifted apart.Until now, the Northeast Army and the Shandong Army were two grasshoppers on the same rope, so he completely fell for Wu Xiaoliang.

Looking at some of Jiang Zhongzheng's deeds at this time, he didn't think it was anything at first, but now he hated it extremely. Therefore, whenever he had a chance in private, Zhang Xueliang would try his best to ridicule this former ally.

"Thanks to Hanqing's reminder, we have to arrange a meeting with the leader in the next few days! The newspapers have been saying that we are at odds with each other, so why not put on a good show that clears up the past?"

Although Zhang Xueliang teased and ridiculed Jiang Zhongzheng, he did not dare to underestimate the leader of the Republic of China, and he also felt that it was very necessary.

"I've seen a lot of people in the past few days, so I should go to hell and talk nonsense!"

Thinking of doing it, Wu Xiaoliang's confidential secretary contacted Jiang Zhongzheng's attendants on the same day, and they got a reply soon.The president is unaccustomed to the climate and is not feeling well, so I'm afraid he won't be able to make an appointment in the next three or two days.But three days later, it was impossible to set a schedule, so we could only discuss it at that time.

Zhang Xueliang laughed at Wu Xiaoliang's hot face and put a cold butt on his butt, but Wu Xiaoliang didn't care, he had his own way to make Jiang Zhongzheng submit.Early the next morning, major newspapers in the three towns of Wuhan published another big news.Nationalist government leader Chiang Kai-shek will hold the first meeting with General Wu three days later before the meeting.

People smelled a very different taste in it. It is well known that Jiang and Wu turned their faces after the Songhu War, and even had a confrontation with each other. Now they are going to have a private meeting. Have the two people's previous suspicions been resolved?

However, the reporters failed to find any news this time, because Wu Xiaoliang did not hold a press conference on this matter for the first time, and his subordinates kept their mouths shut.Not only General Wu's subordinates, but even Chairman Jiang's attendant remained silent on the matter, unlike in the past when someone would reveal the news soon.

That night, Wu Xiaoliang's confidential secretary received a call from the chairman's attendant room, telling them that the chairman's health was fine and they could hold talks in two days.

"It's a good one to kill first and then play, and get on the thief's boat. The chairman's mood today will definitely be terribly bad because of Brother Wei Zhong! Let's have a toast for this!"

Zhang Xueliang raised the wine glass in his hand, made a gesture to Wu Xiaoliang, then raised his neck and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.


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