The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 629 Ending?

With Wu Xiaoliang's repeated insistence, the National Congress was finally held in Luojia Mountain in the middle of Wuchang as scheduled.The location of the venue is also unique. It is located within several villas in Luojiashan. On the one hand, you can choose a spacious house as the venue, and on the other hand, you can arrange nearby centralized accommodation for important officials from all over the world.More importantly, this place is far away from the hustle and bustle of the city. It only needs to mobilize a group of people to protect the entire Luojia Mountain.

Due to the bomb attack on the Hankou Wharf three days ago, He Yaozu, Chairman of the Hubei Provincial Government, and Chen Mingshu, the Commander of Wuhan Police, put aside their previous suspicions for the time being and joined hands to make the meeting a successful conclusion. They cannot bear the accusation of traitors.

In the past few days, the students in Wuhan City have been eager to move, colluding in private, claiming that the government and the police headquarters have connived at the Japanese and puppet spies to create chaos in the city, in an attempt to break the overall situation of national reconciliation.However, there were other noises. For example, some radical students sharply pointed out that Jiang Zhongzheng, Wu Xiaoliang, and Wang Jingwei were new warlords born after the Beiyang government. To put it bluntly, it is still to use the name of anti-Japanese to implement the fact that the Kuomintang consolidates the one-party dictatorship, and it is not sincere anti-Japanese.

Not only that, but some students went on to point out that the real national reconciliation should be achieved by all parties and all ethnic groups working together, otherwise, the joint meeting will fail, the disputes will continue, and the unified anti-Japanese war will be far away.

The sages from all walks of life still have great expectations for the reconciliation of the various factions this time. After all, the warlords are in chaos, the people are struggling, and their lives are not easy.Now there are more Japanese whales and nibbles, swallowing the four eastern provinces with one mouth open, and swallowing the entire North China with another mouth open.What about the third, fourth opening of your mouth?The Yellow River is in danger, and the Yangtze River is in danger.

The conference was unprecedentedly grand, and newspaper reporters from all over the country gathered in the three towns of Wuhan.The big explosion three days ago made them dig up enough material, and they even spared no expense to send long telegrams back, just to grab a timeliness.But then, under the arrangement of the preparatory committee of the conference, the party, government and military officials settled in Luojia Mountain in Nanchang one after another. The Garrison Command and the Provincial Defense Force were jointly stationed inside and outside the mountain. As a result, the news from all parties was cut off, and the reporters could no longer find anything valuable. We can only wait for the opening day of the conference to take a few more photos of important party, government and military officials across the country.

However, the preparatory committee was very strict about the admission of journalists. Not only did the newspaper office need to issue a certificate of employment for more than three years, but it also needed a joint guarantee of local gentry and celebrities to obtain the initial qualification for admission.In addition, after the first round of screening, journalists who have obtained preliminary qualifications will be interviewed by the review team specially assigned by the preparatory committee, and only those who pass the qualifications will be granted final qualifications.

After such a series of trials and tribulations, after hundreds of people had gone through fierce and brutal fighting, only a mere 48 people finally obtained the admission qualification.This also includes reporters from Western countries such as the United States and the British Empire, a total of nine reporters.

In this regard, the journalists who lost their access qualifications complained, but there was nothing they could do.

On the first day of the meeting, Wu Xiaoliang arrived at the venue early, but after looking around, he did not find Jiang Zhongzheng.

"Commissioner Wu, please sit here!"

The secretary of the conference preparatory committee invited Wu Xiaoliang to sit down.He heard the voice familiar, and at first glance, it was He Yaozu's adjutant. This person was also in charge of Wu Xiaoliang's reception work before, and now he is in charge of the preparations for the conference. It seems that he is He Yaozu's confidant.

This officer was like a chattering housewife, constantly directing a group of temporary service personnel in the venue who were temporarily filled by military police. These people were all clumsy with guns and made frequent mistakes.

"These things can't be put here. What if someone knocks them over later..." The gendarmes were in a hurry, sweating profusely.

"Hey! Speaking of you, this reporter, the venue is not open to the public yet, and there will be arrangements when it opens later!" The reporter nodded at the secretary, and then turned to go out. Wu Xiaoliang, who was watching, felt that the secretary and that The reporters made eye contact, as if they had known each other for a long time.

Until the important officials from all parties arrived, when these warlords who had been fighting each other in China for more than ten years gathered together, they greeted each other eagerly like old friends who had not seen each other for many years. Nothing to do with them.The first topic of the meeting was to discuss the ceasefire, which mainly involved the heavy troops on the border between Jiangsu and Shandong, especially the main force of Wu Xiaoliang's Shandong Army and Chiang Kai-shek's Central Army.

However, Jiang Zhongzheng, one of the protagonists of this conference, delayed his attendance due to his poor health.Naturally, it was impossible for the participants to reach an agreement on this matter without bypassing the leader of the national government.However, under Wu Xiaoliang's difficult mediation, a joint statement was finally issued at [-] o'clock in the afternoon.We call on all parties in the country to let go of their differences and turn their guns to the outside world.And therefore as the basic principle, in the future, all parties will conduct their own detailed rules to discuss.

The first day of the meeting was coming to an end. As the landlord, He Yaozu stood up and proposed eagerly: "Everyone, the chairman, the generals, and the sages, I am very glad that the meeting went so smoothly. I suggest that we all work together as a group. Shadow, as a souvenir?"

Attending the meeting were not only warlords from all over the country, but also many veterans of the Kuomintang who voted idle. Perhaps taking pictures would be the only way for them to seek a sense of presence, so they readily agreed.

"Since it's just for taking pictures, why not invite Mr. Jie over here, just sit and sit, and it won't take much effort." The first one to propose was Lin Sen, the supervisory member of the Kuomintang and the legislator of the national government.His proposal was approved by Dai Jitao, Zhang Ji, Zhang Jingjiang and other veterans. Taking pictures of such a big event must be published in the newspaper. If the leader does not appear, it will cause unnecessary speculation by outsiders.

So they entrusted the Premier Wang Zhaoming to go to Chiang Kai-shek's residence to invite people. Chiang Kai-shek's residence was just a wall away from the venue, and Wang Zhaoming went happily under the enthusiastic recommendation of everyone.However, within a quarter of an hour, Wang Zhaoming returned alone. When everyone asked the reason, his expression became a little unnatural, and he slurred a few words to deal with it.

"Since the leader is not coming, let's take pictures!"

Zhang Ji, a political member of the Kuomintang Central Committee, thought it was inappropriate, "If the leader doesn't come, you can't take a picture of an empty chair. Mr. Jing, why don't you clean it up again?" He turned his attention to the silent chairman of the Kuomintang Central Executive Committee, Zhang Zengcheng.

Zhang Zengcheng reluctantly refused, and everyone waited for another half an hour before Jiang and Zhang arrived one after another.Someone in the crowd muttered meaningfully, "It's still Zhang Jingjiang's face!"

Jiang Zhongzheng looked good, with a smile on his face, and shook hands with all the dignitaries in the venue.When Yu Wu Xiaoliang shook hands, he even joked bluntly.

"Wei Zhong lost weight, it's not good, I still have a lot of refreshments at home, just come tonight..."

Wu Xiaoliang knew that Jiang Zhong was sending him an informal invitation, so of course he couldn't ask for more, so he readily agreed.

At this time, the photojournalists had already been organized, and when they arrived at the steps outside the venue, the moment they had been waiting for for a long time came.These reporters directed the party, government and military officials on the steps to arrange their seats according to their official ranks.

The flashing lights crackled, and the exciting historical moment was forever frozen in this moment.Without warning, a gunshot rang out, and Wu Xiaoliang, who was sitting next to Jiang Zhongzheng, could even feel blood splashing on his face.Immediately afterwards, he saw Jiang Zhongzheng's distorted face in pain, and his heart sank suddenly, and he still let the assassin sneak in.

The assassin's other shot was obviously aimed at Wu Xiaoliang, but Wu Xiaoliang suddenly leaned over to help Jiang Zhongzheng who fell to the ground, and Wang Zhaoming, who was on Wu Xiaoliang's left, also leaned over with concern, saying that it was a coincidence that a bullet penetrating his chest.

When Wu Xiaoliang raised his head, he saw a young and thin face, which was distorted and deformed by the excitement and tension at the moment, and the body wrapped in the black windbreaker was also shaking involuntarily, shouting "Down with the traitor" in his mouth, with delicate hands The gun was raised again, and the muzzle was aimed at his chest.

Zhang Xueliang was the first to react, and threw himself on the young man, trying to snatch the pistol away.Young Marshal Zhang's bravery stunned all the party, government and military leaders present.Is this still the dude whose body has been hollowed out by opium smoke?

At this time, military police from the security headquarters rushed in to assist Zhang Xueliang in arresting the struggling young man.

Wu Xiaoliang was still in shock, and when he checked Jiang Zhongzheng's wounds, he found that he had been shot multiple times, one on his chest, one on his cheek, and one on his left thigh...and his left leg was showing an extremely The incredible posture, one can imagine that the bullet must have shattered the thigh bone.

The incident happened suddenly, and there was no professional medical staff on Luojia Mountain, so everyone had to carry the unconscious Jiang Zhongzheng into the house. At this time, someone exclaimed: "President Wang, President Wang is also injured!"

In the same way, a gun went straight to the chest, people were unconscious, and life and death were uncertain...

The next day, a piece of news that shocked China and foreign countries was published outside.Jiang Zhongzheng, Chairman of the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government, and the Chief Executive of the Nationalist Government were assassinated. They were seriously injured and unconscious, and their life and death are unknown.It is unknown who deliberately disclosed such important news.

On the same day, the Ninth Division of the Japanese Army, which had not withdrawn in time during the Battle of Songhu, launched a surprise attack on Shanghai without announcing the war, and the national situation took a turn for the worse.

The bigwigs of the government in Wuhan are as anxious as ants on a hot pot. At this moment, they are like shabby houses under continuous rain, and they urgently need someone to stand up to withstand the precarious beams. Opposition forces, who is willing to stand at the front and take the trouble to clean up this mess that I don't know how to clean up?If you don't pay attention a little bit, you will end up in doom.

A member of the Central Committee of the Kuomintang took the lead in proposing that it would be better for Wu Xiaoliang to temporarily take over the post of chairman of the Military Commission to command the national army to fight against the Japanese army in Shanghai.The performance of Wu Xiaoliang and his army in the Songhu War was too eye-catching, so it is not surprising to have this proposal.It was originally a casual sentence, but Yan Xishan, the king of Shanxi, raised his hand in agreement, and Zhang Xueliang, the leader of the Northeast Army, also agreed...

In just one day, Wu Xiaoliang was pushed to the top of the storm, and calls from all walks of life for him to take over as chairman of the committee were raging.As the protagonist, Wu Xiaoliang was contemplating with frowned eyes. He habitually lit a cigarette, went to the window and opened it, and the crisp air rushed in...

People from all walks of life in the three towns of Wuhan, especially the three circles of business and academia, marched against the Japanese, demanded that the murderer be punished, and called for Wu Xiaoliang to come forward to preside over the overall situation.

Hankou Wharf is more bustling than in the past, no one noticed that there are pair of melancholy eyes on the side of the Han River gazing at the river, a drop of clear tears falling down, following the river to the east.


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