The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 64 The Kidnapping Case

Changsha City South Grain Depot, Liu Youde, the head of the storehouse, is very proud recently. He was originally a local ruffian in the south of the city, and because his sister became a concubine for Ju Ye, he could be regarded as currying favor with the nobleman.A few days ago, the battle was fierce. The northern and southern armies came and left in a hurry.However, the former head of the grain depot was beaten to death by the rebels. Now that the market has stabilized, it is really beautiful to ask for this job.The grain depot he manages is responsible for the grain of all the troops around the entire Changsha Mansion. The quartermasters not only shouted at Mr. Liu, but also paid a lot of filial piety. Half a month is also commonplace.

Liu Youde set up a table of small wines in the concierge, drinking happily, when a servant ran in here suddenly.

"Master Liu, Master Liu, here we come, here we come!"

Liu Youde raised his neck and took a sip of the wine, making a squeak.

"You bastard, don't worry, why panic? It depends on your virtue. If you have something to say, you have to fart."

"Go back to Master Liu, the people from the fourth brigade are here."

Liu Youde heard that it was the fourth brigade, he slammed the wine cup on the table, his eyes lit up.

"Fucking bastard! What Master Ju told me has been settled." He slipped around the ground twice, and ordered the helper: "Damn bastard, go, go, tell some people to lock up the granary."

"Okay!" The helper ordered Xiao ran out.

Liu Youde picked up the white porcelain jug and filled the wine cup, and took another sip, feeling more and more proud.A few days ago, the fourth brigade was still walking sideways in the city of Changsha. Now that one of the warlords has fallen into another family, the grass dog has fallen into the water. What he is most proud of is kicking him hard.


Ever since the position of the Governor of Hunan Province fell to Wang Ruxian, the commander of the Beiyang Eighth Division, Wu Xiaoliang and the Fourth Mixed Brigade's position in Changsha became awkward.The logistics chief of the fourth brigade didn't get the food, but was ridiculed by the warehouse chief Liu Youde, and was furious. Because of the fourth brigade's military law, he didn't dare to do anything, so he had to rush back to the brigade headquarters to meet Wu Xiaoliang.

"Brigade Commander, these villains are too deceitful..."

Wu Xiaoliang could only comfort him with good words. In this matter, he couldn't follow his whims and move people in the local power faction. In the end, he didn't get the position of warlord.So when I called Tan Yankai, the other party refused to see him, saying that he was leaving for tea, and now it's just a warlord who has left another house, so they all put on such a face, whether it is tolerable or unbearable, this time Wu Xiaoliang will not do it .

"Old Yin, old Yin!"

"Here!" Yin Chengfu hurried in from the door.

"Take two companies and go to the grain depot to pick up grain!" Wu Xiaoliang gave the order.

"Yes!" Yin Chengfu immediately became more energetic when he heard that he was going to eat meat. In the past few days, he also made these villains angry.

The grain depot is located in the south of the city, and it is difficult for the army to move through the city, so we have to go around the city. There are more than two hundred cavalry in a mighty force, and the people along the way are not afraid. The banner of the Fourth Brigade all praised: "Brigade Commander Wu's soldiers are just different."

"It goes without saying that Master Qingtian's soldiers are comparable to the heavenly soldiers and generals."

"That's not true, otherwise Ma Yanwang could have been dealt with so easily?"

When the army arrived at Yatangchong, the pedestrians gradually became less and less. A black Ford car drove by in front of it. When it saw the army, it braked sharply, turned around and slammed on the accelerator before leaving.Everyone looked funny, when will the people of the Beiyang Army stop being afraid of the rich?

Wu Xiaoliang suddenly felt strange, and ordered: "May [-]st and June [-]st, you two bring people to stop the car."


The two took orders in unison, and chased after them on horseback.Seeing someone from the cavalry team chasing after them, the Ford car drove away from the road and drove towards the barren fields. The ground was uneven, the body bumped violently, and the speed became slower and slower.The distance between the guards Wu Yi and Liu Yi and the car became closer and closer, the windows of the car were rolled down, the muzzles of the guns were protruded, and they fired.Even shooting at the army, the nature of this has changed.

In the early years of the Republic of China, only the local dignitaries and officials could own a car, and it was already a great luxury for ordinary people to have a carriage.The suspicious thing about this small car is that it ran away when it saw the Beiyang soldiers. If it was a dignitary, it would pay tribute to the army chief.Shooting at this moment is to confirm the speculation that there is a problem, and it is likely to be a big problem.

Wu Xiaoliang thought of this and immediately sent another squad to chase after him, making sure to capture the person in the car alive.The chasing cavalry returned fire, and soon the tire of the car was blown out, and it hit the field ridge and couldn't start.On May [-]st and June [-]st, they rushed to the front of the car, pointed their guns at the inside of the car, and shouted, "Come out!"

Che ** fired bullets in response, and the two of them were so frightened that they quickly lay down to hide, and Li Wuyi scolded: "Damn, how dare you resist when you are about to die!"

Hu Liuyi made fun of him from the sidelines: "Yum's head is dead anyway, but anyone would want to drag two of them down as companions."

The two were inexperienced in arresting, so they almost got hit by black guns. The following cavalry followed, and several flower machine guns fired back and forth. The pressure in my heart shouted surrender.

"Stop it—stop it—we surrender! Surrender!"

Only then did the soldiers stop shooting, and the two men dangled out of the car, covered in blood, and couldn't tell whether it was their own or their companion's.

At this time, Wu Xiaoliang and Yin Chengfu rushed over with the brigade, and Yin Chengfu got off his horse and asked sharply:

"Who are you? Are you tired of daring to attack the garrison headquarters?"

The two of them heard that they were members of the garrison headquarters, and they couldn't help but shuddered. They looked at each other and lowered their heads, as if they were going to die.

Wu Xiaoliang watched coldly, without saying a word.Yin Chengfu also saw that there must be something wrong here, he laughed a few times, and pointed at the guards around him: "You guys, go and show them some color, if you don't pry these bastards' mouths open, you can get out. "

There were screams, but the guards who tortured and extorted confessions did not come back for a long time. Yin Chengfu was a little impatient: "It seems that these bastards are still quite stubborn. Brigadier, I will go and have a look."

"No, the truth doesn't have to come from the mouths of these people."

"Where did you come from?" Yin Chengfu immediately understood when Wu Xiaoliang looked at the Ford car full of bullet holes not far away.

"The humble job will arrange for someone to check the origin of the car."

Wu Xiaoliang nodded and said, "Zhenzhi, tell me, what is the origin of this car."

Yin Chengfu pondered for a while, and replied: "There are two possibilities. First, these people are kidnappers who kidnapped people to steal the car; second, this car was used by the dignitaries in the city to send their men to do some shady things."

"Now it seems that it should be the former!"

Only a faint cry for help could be heard from inside the car, but it was not from the gangster who was dead on the steering wheel. Wu Xiaoliang walked quickly to the car, and lifted the rear compartment lid violently. A heavily tied man looked at him in horror. Everyone outside the car.

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