The news that the battalion directly under the brigade headquarters was going to suppress the bandits spread quickly in the small area of ​​the police headquarters. Fang Qidao rushed to stop him. Recently he was arrested and interrogated.

"Weizhong, you can't be arrogant."

Wu Xiaoliang didn't continue Fang Qidao's words, and said quietly: "This is the last thing I can do for the people of Hunan, the officialdom is rotten, our fourth brigade has been tossing in Changsha, all the nobles regard you I am a scourge, and I wish the Fourth Brigade would leave as soon as possible. Brother Zhi, believe it or not, if we go ahead, these bastards will dare to set off firecrackers to celebrate."

Fang Qidao's gendarmerie has been shunned by various government departments in Changsha these days. Hearing what Wu Xiaoliang said now, he couldn't help saying bitterly: "Then investigate, if any problem is found, shoot one, and deal with it To help the son of a turtle must be dealt with severely."

Wu Xiaoliang shook his head and said with a smile: "When did Brother Zhi become so bloody? Can you kill them all? This is not realistic."

Fang Qidao sighed: "It's really unpleasant to be the warlord of this troublesome son. You can't move this, and you can't move that. Fortunately, we are going back to Beijing, so we don't need to be angry."

"This time, do you understand why I want to suppress the bandits?" Wu Xiaoliang smiled teasingly.

"This..." Fang Qidao was discouraged for a while, but he couldn't convince himself, did he still hope that Wu Xiaoliang's stubborn donkey would change his mind?

A local staff officer suddenly interjected: "It has been a headache for the officers and soldiers to suppress bandits over the years. They gather together, and there are guards on every mountain top within the range of their activities. Whenever they find officers and soldiers coming towards them, they will shoot as a warning. The rest They fled collectively, and if there is a whole team, I’m afraid they won’t even be able to fight.” Because the local staff officer has no backer and his performance is mediocre, he has been in the position of staff officer for many years, although the guard commander has changed more than a dozen, But because of his seniority, he became an iron-clad staff officer of the police headquarters. What he said was lost in memory, "In the first year of the Republic of China, the commander of the police ordered to go to the mountains to suppress bandits and deal with water bandits, and he continued to deal with them until the third year of the Republic of China when he left office. It still didn’t work, and millions of rounds of bullets were spent during the period, so the subsequent police commanders were all willing to suppress the bandits.”

Seeing what the staff officer said, Fang Qidao immediately supported him and said: "Weizhong, think twice. Suppressing bandits is not a head-to-head battle. If we can't catch them, it will not end well if we get disgraced in the end."

"Brother Zhi, I understand that you are doing it for my own good, but this Hunjiang dragon colluded with He Fengju to do such a wicked thing. If you don't go and suppress it, wouldn't it be a waste of time to come to Hunan? What else do I have? What can I do for the people of Hunan? Let me kill those filthy politicians? It’s better to suppress the bandits.” Wu Xiaoliang was a little excited, calmed down and said, “Look at Ms. Mei, you are such a good lady. , Xiuwaihuihuizhong, everyone's demeanor, in the end, the family was destroyed, how do you let me face her tears."

"..." Fang Qidao was speechless, unable to say a word.

"As a soldier in my generation, we should defend our home and country, let the dirty things make politicians a headache."

The directly subordinate battalion set off that night, Wu Xiaoliang followed the cavalry company one step ahead, followed by the infantry company.When Mei Yunting and Mei Jinxue heard that they were going to suppress the bandits, they also volunteered to go with them. Wu Xiaoliang refused, but Mei Jinxue blinked and gave a reason he could not refuse. She wandered in Mishui for half a year. She knew everything about the situation, and she even knew a few lairs where Hunjiang dragons often haunted.

In desperation, Wu Xiaoliang nodded and asked, "Can you ride a horse?"

"Can ride!" Mei Jinxue gritted her teeth and said.

"Okay, get on the horse and go."

Mei Jinxue got on the horse without anyone's assistance.

Wu Xiaoliang clamped the horse's belly with his legs, shook the reins, and the white horse galloped out from under his crotch.The cavalry company directly under the brigade disappeared into the dark night with the sound of horseshoes in a hurry, and the infantry also started to advance in an orderly manner. Mei Yunting, who couldn't ride a horse, followed Yin Chengfu desperately.

Wu Xiaoliang and his cavalry company did not go north along the Guangdong-Han Railway, but took the old road. After running in the middle of the night, when they were still more than ten miles away from Mishui, they were exhausted, so they decided to rest on the spot.Seeing the flames flashing in front of him, he immediately ordered people to check it. It turned out that there was a ruined temple in front of him. Unexpectedly, before the scouts approached, gunshots rang out, and the flames went out immediately. The shooter left a corpse and fled in a hurry.

After Wu Xiaoliang ordered a platoon to chase after the suspicious gangsters who had shot, they came to the ruined temple, where they saw fresh ashes and peanuts scattered all over the ground emitting a burst of aroma. It seemed that the gang was roasting peanuts here for warmth.After a careful search, two Hanyang-made guns were found in the haystack next to the temple, with bullets inside, apparently they had hidden them hastily.

Soon, some scouts came back to report: "Brigade Commander, the bandits were chased and fled into a nearby village. What should the platoon leader ask for instructions?"

In the old days of the Republic of China, bandits formed gangs when they robbed, and they scattered into familiar villages to disguise themselves on weekdays. Wu Xiaoliang ordered after a moment of pondering: "Surround the village and gather all men, women, old and children in the yard."

"Yes!" The scout led the way.

Not long after, the village heard the cries of children, and the sound of dogs barking was mixed with low curses. The villagers were gathered in the courtyard of the village, and there were hundreds of people.

The torches illuminated the entire courtyard, the soldiers were armed with live ammunition, and stared at them, some timid villagers trembled and said, "Forgive me", while some looked vigilantly at these foreign soldiers with dissatisfaction.The cavalry company commander had a headache for a while, how to find out the bandits from these villagers?

Wu Xiaoliang looked at the villagers in front of him deeply, without saying a word, and it took a long time before he said: "Go and check their mouths, if there are peanut residues, they will all be arrested."

As soon as the cavalry company commander's eyes lit up, he didn't think of this idea, and immediately ordered the soldiers to investigate.

After checking one by one, they really got eight people, and then screened other villagers and interrogated the suspects in detail. One of the leaders asked, "Why did you say that I was a gangster? What evidence do you have?"

Wu Xiaoliang sneered and did not answer.Today's food is scarce, and it is the middle of the winter night, how can ordinary villagers use expensive peanuts as snacks?Instead, he asked the old village chief who stayed behind to come and identify the origins of several people.

"Old Chief Zhuang, don't be afraid! We are the Beiyang officers and soldiers suppressing bandits. You only need to distinguish whether these people are from the village or not."

The old village chief trembled, looked carefully, pointed to one and a half children and said: "Only Gousheng belongs to Widow Li's family in Dongtou, and I don't know the rest."

Obviously, this group of people was attracted by the middle-aged son of Widow Li's family. Wu Xiaoliang said to the person who questioned him just now: "How is it? Tell me about the background, let's be polite, I just ask a few questions , I will let you go if the answer is good."

The leader was very disdainful, seeing that the officers and soldiers who captured them were at best a company, and the leader was at best a company commander.

"You are not worthy to talk to us. Our eldest brother is the teacher and the brigade commander, and he picks us up politely. What are you?"

As soon as the guard Li Wu heard his outrageous words, he wanted to step up and beat him up, but Wu Xiaoliang stopped him, and he had already guessed about his origin, and he really had nowhere to find him.

"Hun Jianglong can be regarded as the number one figure, but the brigade commanders and division commanders who can communicate with your elder brother have been executed a few days ago."

Wu Xiaoliang's tone was very easy-going, but the person who listened to him felt chills all over his body: he knew our origin and threatened us, could it be...

"Pa—" the outside of the village suddenly heard gunshots.

A soldier came to report: "Brigade Commander, a bandit escaped."

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