The public opinion in Beijing was turbulent, but Wu Xiaoliang, the instigator, took his time to go to National Peking University in a rickshaw.In this wrestling among the top officials of the Anhui faction, he can only play this role, and what the result will be, we can only wait for the development of the situation.

The rickshaw bypassed the Forbidden City and headed north on Yanjing Shandong Street. He had previously sent personnel to approach Peking University in the name of the Ministry of the Army, hoping to enroll student soldiers at Peking University, but was rejected by the dean of education of Peking University. According to his opinion, the five members of the rank and file are all the lowest and most humble people in society. Now they openly enroll in the highest universities in China, but are firmly resisted by many conservatives. In desperation, he decided to negotiate with the principal Cai Yuanpei himself.

Turning around the intersection, there was a burst of sound, and the mixed line of male and female students was in a state of chaos. Papers filled with words were scattered in the air, and some students held up wooden poles to pull the banner.Seeing the battle, the coachman didn't dare to go any further, so Wu Xiaoliang had to get out of the car and walk. When the parade came in front of him, he flashed to the side of the street, but a female classmate grabbed him, wearing a long blue dress of indanthrene , with a white scarf wrapped around his neck, revealing vigor and sunshine.

"Student, which class are you from?" He was dragged into the parade without waiting for him to answer. No wonder, Wu Xiaoliang came to pay a visit to Cai Yuanpei, the president of Peking University. It is naturally inappropriate to wear a military uniform, so he wore a blue cotton robe. Wearing a brown scarf again, he looks like a student.

Wu Xiaoliang was wrapped in the student team and couldn't get out for a while, so he walked forward with everyone. He saw that the slogans in the team were full of words such as "gender equality" and "improving the personality of women". What kind of feminist movement was there during the Beiyang government?

As the parade marched onto East Chang'an Avenue, more and more students gathered, and pedestrians gave way one after another.Suddenly there was a piercing siren sound, and a large number of policemen in black uniforms came and set up wires in front of the students to forcibly block the turbulent flow of students.

Wu Xiaoliang was even more astonished, it was just a parade of feminist movement, and the police department had nothing to do when they were full, so why bother with such nosy business?

The two sides began to confront each other, and a policeman shouted with a megaphone: "Students, please calm down. Please submit a petition to the Prime Minister's Office or the Presidential Office. How can this kind of trouble continue..."

The students were at the age of youth and agitation. The authorities violated the students' freedom.

"If you hit the warlord government, give me back my freedom"

"Reaching the warlord government..."

The situation began to get out of control. The female student who grabbed Wu Xiaoliang on the East Street looked anxious, trying to stop the gaffe from getting worse, and shouted: "Students, calm down! Classmates, calm down!"

Unexpectedly, her shout was like a small boat in a tsunami, and she was quickly beaten by the huge waves without a trace. Wu Xiaoliang saw that the police had already opened the safety of their rifles, pulled the bolt, and the bullet hit the bore, and pulled the female student away. Just want to get out of the crowd.

"Go, the police may be about to shoot."

Unexpectedly, the female student broke free and said, "How can I leave my classmates and run for my life?"

Wu Xiaoliang blushed when he said these words, he was also an imposing major general and brigade commander, but he became what the female students called a deserter and coward.

A male student wearing glasses squeezed over, "Yingsong, come with me, there are policemen everywhere, they are going to surround this place."

"The classmates are all here, how can we escape alone?"

While a few people were struggling, gunshots rang out from the outermost periphery, and the students' line became more and more chaotic. People crowded from left to right and fell to the ground one after another. Before they could get up, they were stepped on by the students who crowded up from behind, crying and cursing. The sound is mixed together.

Seeing the chaotic scene, Wu Xiaoliang said to the female student: "Look, your classmates are running for their lives, are you still waiting to be caught?"

The male student with glasses kept nodding his head in agreement and said, "Yes, Yingsong, if you don't leave, you won't be able to leave."

The three rushed out under the leadership of Wu Xiaoliang. The students fled in all directions. The police began to arrest Lou Zhiyu. A male student was directly hit by the butt of a gun to the ground. His face was bloodied and he huddled on the ground in agony.

A female student named Yingsong went up to help him, but suddenly rushed past several policemen and grabbed her.Seeing this, Wu Xiaoliang rushed forward to snatch the female student back, but the muzzle of the black hole was pointed at the top of his head, so he obediently raised his hand and surrendered.It was even worse for the male student with glasses. In a panic, he even tripped himself, and was picked up by the police like a chicken.

Several people were crushed into a prison van and sent to a prison in the suburbs of Beijing.

In the Jingshi Police Department, Wu Bingxiang smashed all the teacups and vases that could be dropped. The results of the investigation of the Peking University students’ riots today made him feel very annoyed and powerless. It's just an event for women's rights, this is a big fool.

These days, Wu Bingxiang has been tormented by newspapers and public opinion. A large number of students have been petitioning and protesting, demanding that the chief of police should step down. Big oolong.The students are not easy to mess with. Nowadays, it is easy to ask God to send God away, and how to release it is even more difficult. I heard that some people have already started a hunger strike to protest.I don't know how to bombard the newspaper tomorrow. Thinking of this, Wu Bingxiang has a headache.

The prison is overcrowded, and the prison is full of arresting parade students. Everyone has begun to connect with each other in private and disclose the names of the classes to discuss how to fight against the prison authorities. Several activists were elected as student leaders. One of them impassionedly proposed: "Students , the authorities do not treat us students as human beings, we must not give in, I propose a hunger strike to confront the prison authorities."

"Yes, you can't give in!"

"Never give in!"

The prison guards were knocking on the iron railing outside, persuading them: "Calm down, it's nothing serious, you will be released in a day or two, don't make trouble..."

Wu Xiaoliang sat down in the corner, thinking: What's the matter, originally he was going to visit Cai Yuanpei, but somehow he was forcibly dragged into the team by parade students, and now he was arrested and imprisoned.

A male student with glasses sat down and introduced himself: "Liang Yuchun, from the English Department of Peking University, whose name is Yu Cong, what do you call my classmates?"

"Wu Xiaoliang, styled Weizhong."

The male student with glasses pointed at the female student sitting next to him, and said, "She is an English student, Tian Weilan."

Tian Weilan smiled and stretched out her right hand, and said, "Hello! Which department is your classmate from?"

Wu Xiaoliang shook hands with her lightly, and replied awkwardly: "I am not a student of Peking University, but just a passerby."

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