The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 93 Countermeasures

Dozens of officers, large and small, above the company commander of the Suidong Army were all called together, and the conference room suddenly seemed crowded, but everyone was silent, so quiet that one could almost hear the sound of a needle falling on the ground.

Wu Xiaoliang gave a detailed account of the general situation and analyzed it. At present, they are facing two problems: one is that Yin Battalion Commander was lured away by spies, how to rescue him?The second is that Potemkin, the commander of the Russian brigade of Shuangchengzi, has already discovered them. If the envoys fail to negotiate, they will definitely send troops to attack.

Yin Chengfu led the army to suppress the bandits, and the contact was lost. If it was placed in the fourth mixed brigade, it would not be a problem at all. The radio station of the fourth brigade has already spread to regiment-level units, and the battalion directly under the brigade headquarters is naturally equipped with a radio station as an elite unit.Now that the Ministry of the Army has tightened its pockets, the equipment level of the Suidong Army can only be regarded as a medium level in the Beiyang Army. The entire army has only two radio stations, one in the brigade headquarters, and the other in the Dongning office. to facilitate contact

Wu Xiaoliang first set the tone on the matter of Commander Yin, and must send someone to rescue him. The focus of current research is how to rescue him.

Everyone didn't say a word, and some people secretly worried that if the troops were divided to rescue, how would the Suidong Army Headquarters deal with Lao Maozi's military threat?It's just that they didn't dare to say it out, it's shameless to despise Pao Ze's life anywhere.

Wu Xiaoliang was disappointed by the silent protests of the crowd. If an army lacks cohesion, it will be difficult to survive in troubled times, and it will easily fall apart when faced with various difficulties and contradictions. He wants to strengthen the cohesion of the Suidong Army as soon as possible. And the current war is the best opportunity.The Suidong Army has a very good foundation, most of which are composed of military school students and college students, and there will be no embarrassment in most warlord troops today who serve as soldiers just for food.He glanced at the crowd, and said with emotion: "Qin Yan, don't you say that you have no clothes, and you share the same robe with your son, repair my spear, and share your hatred with your son. Yin Chengfu is the brother of you and me, and I, Wu Xiaoliang, will save him knowing that he will die. He One day, one of you here was trapped in the enemy's formation, and I, Wu Xiaoliang, also had no hesitation."

When Wu Xiaoliang said this, he sighed inwardly. Unfortunately, Fang Qidao was not here. He had always hoped to create the soul of the army with ideals and spirits, but now he was forced to use the feudal army brothers' robes, but the effect was amazing. Well, the military officers at all levels who still had doubts no longer hesitated, and responded to this seemingly fatal rescue.

Lu Ziming brought Li Zhengyi to the meeting, and he was the first to stand up and said, "Brigade Commander, Ziming is willing to lead the team."

The other company commanders also stood up one after another to challenge the battle, and the crowd was excited for a while, and the morale immediately rose to the peak.

Wu Xiaoliang signaled everyone to calm down and said with a smile: "Zhen Dongyang's name is nothing more than a bluff, and the regular army who meets our Beiyang is a local chicken and a dog, which is not worth mentioning. Company Commander Lu, you have worked hard to meet Yin battalion commander."

Lu Ziming was single-handedly promoted by Yin Chengfu, so he was very concerned about the safety of the old battalion commander, and now he was ecstatic to hear that the brigade commander really asked him to lead his troops to support him.

Seeing that Yin Chengfu's question was over, Wang Huaishi cleared his throat and began to speak: "Everyone, everyone, I am the mayor of Suidong, and I have the duty to guard the land. I swear to live and die with Suidong."

If everyone heard what he said in normal times, they would definitely tease him, Village Chief Wang, but at this moment, no one can laugh. For the Eastern Army, the situation is bleak.Wang Huaishi's statement greatly boosted morale. All the officers were students a year ago. Although they have calmed down a lot after the experience in the army, they are still excited at the moment, and they all vowed to live and die with Suidong .

Wu Xiaoliang didn't expect that Wang Buchuan, who is usually unsmiling, would have these two things, so he couldn't help but look at him more, and then signaled everyone to be quiet.

"Shuangchengzi is more than [-] miles away from Suidong, and the White Russian army can arrive in a day and night. Now we face two problems. One is whether the White Russian army has colluded with the local bandits to plot against our army, and the other is to formulate a countermeasure. Everyone talks about themselves. opinion."

In fact, Wu Xiaoliang had an idea long ago, but the results of the previous meetings where he took the lead in expressing his views were always unsatisfactory. There were not many people who supported him, but there were quite a few people who opposed them. He learned how to be good, not to raise it right away, but let everyone express their opinions first, and then support them when someone puts forward the same opinions as himself.

It's just that Wu Xiaoliang didn't expect that this time Wang Huaishi firmly stood on the opposite side of his own, only to see him start to express his opinion again.

"White Russia is strong, and our army has just established. I suggest that the entire army in Suidong should shrink, stick to the city, and send a telegram to Dongning for help."

His opinion was supported by the majority of people, and there were very few opponents. Wu Xiaoliang remained silent and continued to wait for everyone to speak, and finally someone expressed a different opinion.

"Holding on and waiting for help is the worst policy. There is no dangerous terrain, a snow wall as high as a person can turn over, and there is no food and grass for long-term support. The morale and combat effectiveness of the army will be greatly reduced after being besieged for a few days. It is even more ridiculous to say that waiting for help Talk, may I ask which domestic warlord has the guts to go to war with foreigners?"

The people who asked one sentence were speechless, Wu Xiaoliang was shocked when he saw this person, it turned out to be him.

This person was Qian Mingjun, who had just been promoted to platoon leader. He had never found an opportunity to confront Wu Xiaoliang. A few days ago, he was rewarded by Wu Xiaoliang by chance, which made him feel very humiliated.This time he saw that everyone supported Wang Huaishi's idea, and Wang Huaishi had always been Wu Xiaoliang's mouthpiece, so he stood up and talked about the opposite opinion, but this opinion was really what he thought in his heart.

Wu Xiaoliang patted the table and said: "Okay, what Qian Hefu said is good, I agree with him. Standing firm and waiting for help is no different from binding your arms and waiting for Potemkin to be sent to capture him."

Qian Mingjun was dumbfounded, did Wu Xiaoliang take the wrong medicine?He had the feeling of being punched in the air for an instant, and for a moment he didn't know what to say next.

Wang Huai was shocked and dropped the warm handbag on the ground. If he didn't stick to it and wait for help, would he take the initiative to attack?Isn't that hitting a stone with an egg?He hurriedly stopped and said: "Brigade commander can't do it. Belarus has a large number of people and well-equipped equipment. How can you hit a stone with an egg?"

Qian Mingjun pointed his gun at Wang Huaishi when he failed to object to Wu Xiaoliang, and said disdainfully: "Wang Buchuan, don't grow up the ambition of others and destroy the prestige of our Suidong Army. You know that Chen Qingzhi in the Southern Dynasty defeated the Northern Wei Dynasty with a mere [-] soldiers. An army of one hundred thousand is waiting to surrender? Our Suidong army is strong and strong, and its morale is high. How can we not fight Belarus?"

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