Director's growth history

1037.241 A daughter-in-law becomes a wife

Now that the joke was made, Zhai Xinwen didn't dare to be careless: It seems that the wind outside has been blowing very loudly, is it true that the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee has passed the study?Zhai Xinwen wasn't sure, he said it politely, but he was as uneasy as if he had a rabbit in his heart. 【 】

Finally, on July 7st, the Municipal Party Committee Organization Department notified the Municipal Education Bureau one day in advance that it would announce the appointment of the Municipal Party Committee Secretary of the Education Bureau Party Committee, and asked the Education Bureau to organize a plenary meeting above the departmental level. Everyone must attend.However, the organization department did not say who the person appointed was.On this afternoon, the atmosphere in the Education Bureau was extremely tense.

At 9:00 in the morning, the party and government cadre meeting of the entire education system was held in the large lecture hall of the Municipal Teaching and Research Office. Cadres above the department head of the Municipal Education Bureau, secretaries and principals of schools and institutions affiliated to each bureau attended the meeting.Qunfeng, executive vice minister of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, attended the meeting. The only people who accompanied Qunfeng on the rostrum were Ma Shuntian, secretary of the party committee, and Han Suzhen, deputy secretary of the party committee and director of the bureau.But there was still a chair left on the rostrum, which was obviously intended for the new secretary to sit on.

Han Suzhen presided over the meeting.When it was 9:00, she said loudly in front of the microphone: "The venue is quiet now, and the meeting will start soon."

The entire meeting place fell silent immediately, the principal, secretary, and section chief who were still whispering just now immediately shut their mouths, and the overall atmosphere of the meeting place became dignified.Han Suzhen said: "Comrades, today we are holding a meeting of the party and government cadres of the city's education system here, and we will announce the appointment of the new party secretary of the Municipal Education Bureau. First of all, let us welcome the speech by the executive deputy director of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee with warm applause. "

Qunfeng looked at the audience of more than 100 cadres of the education system with a degree or above, and a sense of majesty rose from the bottom of his heart.Having gone through too many such moments, Qunfeng knows that sitting here, he represents the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, representing the Municipal Party Committee, and the majesty of the leader is naturally revealed in the 40-year-old deputy head of the Organization Department. face.

"Comrades! Today I was entrusted by Minister Sheng of the Organization Department to announce the appointment of the new party secretary of the Binhai Education Bureau. I feel a heavy responsibility. Originally, Comrade Ma Shuntian should have retired from the second line in early September, but the municipal party committee considered the education system. Particularity, the beginning of August will be an important moment for school personnel transfer, the new semester education work conference will be held in mid-August, and by September, the school has already started school, therefore, after friendly consultations between the Municipal Party Committee Organization Department and Comrade Ma Shuntian , Comrade Ma Shuntian took the overall situation into consideration and agreed to resign one month in advance. We express our deep respect to Comrade Ma Shuntian!"

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