Director's growth history

1048.242 It's Important to Keep a Low Profile

"Well, I'll listen to you, Secretary Zhai. [|]" The appearance of a cute and pitiful little woman made Zhai Xinwen feel affectionate.Zhai Xinwen said: "Don't worry, I will take care of this matter after the deputy director's election is over. Now I have something to do, so you go first. Wipe away your tears, people see you go out with red eyes, it's not good!"

Finally seeing off Kong Lili, Zhai Xinwen went out without saying a word, took a notebook and a pen, and went straight to Han Suzhen's office.Behind him, Sun Quan, the deputy director of the supervision office, shouted: "Secretary Zhai, I have work to report to you!"

Zhai Xinwen turned around and said, "Director Sun, I have something to tell Director Han. Wait until I come back."

Sun Quan looked disappointed, but he replied immediately: "Okay, Secretary Zhai, I'll wait for you."

Zhai Xinwen hurried away while thinking: This Sun Quan belongs to Ma Shuntian and is also someone Han Suzhen doesn't like.In the future, I can take anyone who Han Suzhen doesn't like for my own use, but now is not the time.Sun Quan has been the deputy director of the supervision office for many years, and he is fully qualified to be the director of the supervision department.Because the director of the supervision office is at the deputy director level, Han Suzhen doesn't like him. Naturally, he will always raise objections when it comes to Sun Quan's promotion. Although Ma Shuntian is the secretary, most of the other party committee members still look at Han Suzhen's face. When Sun Quan was recommended as the director of the supervision office, it was always rejected.Sun Quan probably has a lot of opinions on Han Suzhen in his heart. Ma Shuntian has retreated to the second line, and Sun Quan's backer has collapsed. , I will not show goodwill to Sun Quan easily.

Gently knocked on Han Suzhen's door, and heard Han Suzhen shout from inside: "Come in!"

Zhai Xinwen adjusted his facial expression, pushed the door open and walked in: "Director Han, I'm here to report to you."

"Hey, Xinwen! Come on, please sit down." Han Suzhen stood up, "Xinwen, we will be equals in the future, and we can no longer say the word 'report'. We are discussing a problem. It's just a negotiation!"

"Where, Director Han, in my eyes, you are still my leader! Without your strong recommendation, Xinwen would not be so easy to improve."

Apparently Zhai Xinwen's words made Han Suzhen very happy. She smiled and said, "Xinwen! It is also necessary to find someone who can do things well and get along with his temper! At the party committee meeting, in many important events In fact, we can all think of going together, even if we have different opinions, I, Han Suzhen, am also a democratic person, as long as the reasoning makes sense and is conducive to the development of education, I will adopt it."

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