Director's growth history

1063.244, come on stage

"I believe in you, Xiaosi. [-]" Zhai Xinwen smiled brightly, temporarily forgetting the annoyance of personnel adjustments that the Education Bureau will face.

The news of Zhai Xinwen's arrival in the office quickly spread throughout the building. Perhaps all the departments knew about it, except for a few leaders above the deputy department in single rooms.There are quite a few section chiefs and staff members who want to report on the work. Everyone understands that there is still a vacancy for the deputy director, and there may be multiple section chief positions. Larger personnel adjustments - some section chiefs may go to other departments for rotation. Although they are all section chiefs, their actual powers are far from each other; The principal can barely accept it, but being a secretary is really meaningless.From the perspective of management authority, this personnel adjustment is a matter for the party secretary. Although the opinion of the director is also very important, the current policy of the party's management of cadres is determined. Zhai Xinwen is the newly appointed party secretary, but in terms of cadre adjustment and appointment. Still very vocal.

Zhai Xinwen had just sat down in the office when there was a knock on the door.Zhai Xinwen said, "Please come in."

Sun Quan, deputy director of the supervision office, walked in with a smile on his face: "Secretary Zhai, hello."

"Oh, Director Sun. What's the matter?"

"I have some work to report to you!" Sun Quan had a flattering expression on his face, as if he was begging Zhai Xinwen.

Zhai Xinwen smiled: "Director Sun, sit down and talk."

So Sun Quan reported to Zhai Xinwen the work of the supervisory office in the first half of the year in a very brief but concise manner. It can be seen that he has made careful preparations.After the report was over, Sun Quan said: "Secretary Zhai, I know that there are still many shortcomings in the work in the first half of the year. Please give more criticisms, and I, Sun Quan, will definitely implement them; If there are any instructions, I will definitely implement them into the supervision work plan for the new semester and put them into practice."

Zhai Xinwen suddenly felt a little ridiculous: "Director Sun! I am in charge of party affairs, and it seems that I am not in charge of these tasks. Isn't it a bit inappropriate for you to ask me to report on the supervision work?"

Sun Quan was a little embarrassed, his face turned red.But he quickly came out of the embarrassment and said sincerely: "Secretary Zhai, I sincerely support you as the party secretary. As one of the two top leaders, I should report to you at any time. If Secretary Zhai you If you need me, Sun Quan, to do anything, just tell me! I am determined to do it with you."

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