Director's growth history

1101.251. Too Forceful

Zhai Xinwen looked at Han Suzhen with a smile: "Director Han, I agree with most of the positions of section chiefs in this list, and I will support it in the party committee. [ ] However, the political and engineering departments, youth league committees, and labor unions managed by the party Is it better for me to decide who is the head of the department?"

Han Suzhen smiled: "Xinwen, are you not satisfied with Chen Yueming I arranged?"

Zhai Xinwen said: "Section Chief Chen is a very capable section chief. It is not impossible to say that the political engineering department is not impossible, but from the perspective of work, after Sun Hongjun was promoted to deputy secretary, the political engineering section chief should arrange a person who is familiar with party affairs. Working comrades are more suitable. Section Chief Chen has been doing continuing education and training for teachers, and is not very familiar with party affairs.”

Han Suzhen said: "If you are not familiar with it, you can get familiar with it gradually through work! Who is familiar with it from the beginning?"

It seems that Han Suzhen is not willing to give in. Hey, you have arranged all the personnel affairs, so my party secretary will become a freelancer.Zhai Xinwen knew that political coordination and compromise should be emphasized, not just compromise by himself, and Han Suzhen also needed to compromise.In Ma Shuntian's era, didn't she also compromise?In terms of the appointment of section chiefs and the layout of the principal, aren't they also candidates arranged by Ma Shuntian in some departments and schools?Zhai Xinwen said: "Director Han, we have a total of 18 departments. This time, as the secretary of the party committee, I will strongly support your personnel layout for the core educational institutions. Judging from the list, Director Han, the candidates you have chosen are quite good. Not bad, so, this time, I unconditionally support the personnel layout of your 14 departments, but I think it’s better for me to decide on the two departments of the Political Science and Engineering Department and the Youth League Committee managed by the Party Committee. In addition, for the Personnel Department, Basic As for the candidate for the head of the teaching department, I also want to discuss it with Director Han from the perspective of work."

Han Suzhen's expression was a bit ugly: "Xinwen, the candidates I have identified are all based on work!"

"Director Han, I am fully aware of the fairness of your determination. Therefore, I unconditionally agree to the staffing arrangement of 18 of your 14 departments. This accounts for the vast majority of all departments. Today, Director Han asked me to discuss this matter. Candidates, this is Director Han’s respect for me as party secretary, of course I understand and support. My request is not high, there are only 4 departments, accounting for a small part of 18 departments, and I just ask to be determined by myself There are two candidates for the Political Science Department and the Youth League Committee. As for the Personnel Department and the Education Department, I will start from the overall situation of work and maintaining educational stability and put forward my own views. The candidates from these two departments insist on their own ideas, Director Han will not give me a little face as the newly appointed secretary of the party committee."

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