Director's growth history

1125.254 Weak Secretary

Han Suzhen read the draft decision and thought it was good, so she signed and approved it. 【】Zhai Xinwen said that this draft was proposed by Deputy Secretary Sun Hongjun at the party committee meeting.Han Suzhen agreed.

Of the 7 members of the party committee, Zhai Xinwen and Han Suzhen sat on the left and right, taking the lead; Sun Hongjun, Yu Shengli, and Kong Lili were Zhai Xinwen's subordinates, and Zou Zhigang and Geng Qing were Han Suzhen's subordinates.As the temporary head of the political engineering department, Jiang Chunhua was in charge of recording the meeting.

Zhai Xinwen presided over the meeting: "Comrades, let's have a meeting now. Today's meeting has three items on the agenda. First, Director Han proposed a draft opinion on the personnel adjustment of the Education Bureau, and comrades are invited to review it; second, Secretary Sun proposed "** Binhai Comrades, please review the draft decision of the municipal education bureau committee on the selection of 10 principal assistants; the third agenda is about the division of labor among the party committee members of the bureau. Because the topic is very important, the meeting time this morning may be relatively long, please Colleagues, arrange the relevant matters, turn off the mobile phone, and we will strive to pass these three agenda items in the morning to make personnel preparations for the Binhai City Education Work Conference."

Several people looked at the materials that had just been handed out, and they were a little confused... This speed is too fast!Why is there no news in advance?Whose intention is this?Is it Zhai Xinwen's or Han Suzhen's?

Zhai Xinwen said: "Okay, I see that the mobile phones of all colleagues have been turned off, and now we will start the meeting. First of all, I would like to invite Director Han to discuss the idea of ​​this personnel adjustment based on the personnel adjustment list in the hands of the leaders."

Han Suzhen held the list in her hand and said in high spirits: "Comrades, now I will tell you about the considerations and ideas of this personnel adjustment." Han Suzhen did not explain too much about the remaining section chiefs, principals, and secretaries. For the newly promoted section chief, principal and secretary, Han Suzhen gave a detailed explanation, which sounds really clear and logical.Zou Zhigang, Yu Shengli, and Geng Qing looked at Zhai Xinwen, looked down at the materials without saying a word; The unimportant departments were gone, and the newly promoted people, except Jiang Chunhua from the political engineering department, who couldn't tell who they were, were all people Han Suzhen recognized.

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