Director's growth history

1168.265 Women's Hearts Are Difficult to Understand

"Fangyuan, although the past has passed, I hope that if you have time, you can talk to me about things outside of work, even once a month. [-]" When Dong Mei said this, There was sadness and desolation in the eyes, Fang Yuan couldn't refuse, and it was hard to understand: Since he decided not to mention the past, why did he still have to accompany him once a month?But Fang Yuan still nodded in agreement.

Dong Mei left Fangyuan's office, Fangyuan returned to her seat and turned on the computer.Su Jinbo had to think about it carefully. Since the principal had proposed that Su Jinbo must be elected, he had to do his best to write Su's speech well.

Just as he was thinking, the phone on the table rang.Fang Yuan picked it up and looked, it was Kong Shuanghua calling.

"Shuanghua, going to work in the library today, how do you feel?" Fang Yuan thought that he hadn't called Kong Shuanghua all morning, and felt guilty: Obviously he didn't take Kong Shuanghua to heart!

"Fangyuan, is it because I didn't call you that you didn't think about calling me." Kong Shuanghua's tone contained some dissatisfaction.

"What's the matter! I'm busy this morning, first the school committee meeting, and then the teacher meeting, just finished." Fang Yuan quickly explained, "I'm still busy thinking about an official document for the school!"

"Oh, I know, you must be busy on the back-to-school day, so I wanted to call you very much, but I kept holding back. Fang Yuan, the work in the library is really meaningless. To me, it's an overkill. Far worse than school."

"Oh? What's the matter, Shuanghua?"

"After I went there, the leader introduced me to new colleagues, all of whom were unfamiliar faces, and some people seemed to be hostile to me, especially when the curator said that this was a key teacher from 68 Middle School who graduated from a university. I saw such hostile looks from some new colleagues."

"Shuanghua, it may be what you said, or it may be your misunderstanding. In a new unit, it is very important to get along well with new colleagues. We are here for the postgraduate entrance examination, not to compete with them, so try not to Go and provoke them, they can fight for whatever they like."

"Fangyuan, I really want to go back to school!" Kong Shuanghua pursed her lips in a low mood, "It's not tiring to be a librarian, but it's all simple and repetitive mechanical labor. There is no wisdom at all. I I'm really worried that if I stay here for a month, people will become stupid."

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