Director's growth history

1201.276 Almost Hitting Someone

When a Jinbei Bread and a Changan Micron drove into the campus of No. 68 Middle School, they immediately attracted the attention of the whole school, even the workers who were finishing the construction on the campus. 【|】Jia Ming and Su Jinbo got out of the car one after the other, with bright smiles on their faces.Su Jinbo had already called Yao Changqing when he was about to arrive at the school, and Yao Changqing brought everyone from the office and teaching office to the campus to see the two new cars slowly driving into the school gate.

Jia Ming got out of the car and came directly towards Yao Changqing: "Principal Yao, according to your request, the van is 8 yuan, with a Mitsubishi engine; Is it a little longer than the Chang'an Star that you usually see?" Yao Changqing looked at it, and it was indeed a little longer, apparently able to carry more goods.Yao Changqing said to Su Jinbo: "Old Su, the choice is good, the rear compartment is so long, it can carry a lot of goods!" Su Jinbo said with a smile: "Yes, I reckon it can pull more goods than the normal version of Chang'an Star." 5 catties is no problem." Yao Changqing said: "Okay, it is dedicated to the canteen and the general affairs office, and there are many times to pull things, so you chose well!" Su Jinbo said: "Principal Yao is still wise in his decision-making, high quality and low price, economical and practical "Yao Changqing said: "Although this car is used for hauling goods, Director Su will clean it up like a small passenger car in the future! When necessary, we will also take this Chang'an Star to go out for meetings and activities. Su Jinbo said: "Principal, don't worry, I will definitely clean up this car every day, as if I have no clothes on." Yao Changqing said: "Pay attention to civilization!" Everyone laughed together.Dong Mei said: "Director Su, you treat this Chang'an car better than your wife and my sister-in-law." Su Jinbo said: "This car is new! My wife is all old, it is not new without this car!" Everyone I laughed again.

Yao Changqing said: "This Chang'an Star is a good buy. In the future, the teaching office will go to the teaching and research room to collect books and materials. If my Poussin can't be used, I can use this Chang'an! Fangyuan, go up and drive it, and feel it. "Yao Changqing deliberately sold a good deal to Fang Yuan, so that Fang Yuan could feel how much he valued him.Fang Yuan is a little bit hesitant, after all, he learned a large truck, which is different from this little Chang'an in many aspects, and since he learned how to drive, he has never touched a car again.Fang Yuan said: "Principal, I'm not very good at it." Yao Changqing said: "Didn't you learn the driver's license? Go up and drive. Of course, there must be some places where the novice does not cooperate well. Old Su, you sit in the co-pilot and give pointers to Fang Yuan."

Fang Yuan got into the car, and found that this car was different from the Jiefang large truck used for learning to drive in many places. The same place was the three stepping points under the feet, and the position of the electric door key was roughly the same.The stalls of Changan are small and exquisite, which is completely different from the big irons of the truck.Su Jinbo said: "Fang Yuan, you just learned how to drive this summer vacation." Fang Yuan said: "Yes." Su Jinbo said: "You start the car first." Trembling slightly, Fangyuan's forehead was dripping with sweat.Fangyuan said: "Director Su, why is the steering wheel so straight and steep?" Su Jinbo said: "The car has just started, and the idling speed is not stable, and it will be fine soon. You step on the clutch and brake, put the handbrake down, put in first gear, and go It's gone." Fang Yuan did as Su Jinbo said, but just as he let go of the clutch, the car suddenly turned off.

Seeing that Chang'an Star looked like an old man who had been suffocated, "Tong Tong Tong" gasped a few times and then breathed away, Su Jinbo was so distressed that he said angrily, "Fang Yuan, what are you doing?" Did you drive? When you were learning how to drive, didn’t the coach tell you how to move in a row?” Fang Yuan said, “I was nervous just now, so I forgot.” Su Jinbo remembered that Fang Yuan was the vice-principal, and he was just a middle-level student. I was quite busy, and my attitude calmed down: "I'm sorry, I felt sorry for the car just now, and my attitude is not good, please forgive me." Fang Yuan said, "It's my fault." Su Jinbo said, "Start it again." Fang Yuan turned the key, but it won't turn. When he was about to turn it hard, Su Jinbo felt distressed again: "Principal Fang, you need to turn the key back to the starting point first, and then start the ignition; if you force it like this, the key will be twisted." Too much, he said: "Director Su, I'm sorry!"

Fangyuan turned the key counterclockwise, then turned right again, and the Chang'an Star ignited again.Su Jinbo said: "Pay attention to the position of the half-linkage. When you get to the half-linkage, release the brakes, pump the fuel, release the clutch, and the car will move forward." Fang Yuan followed what Su Jinbo said, shifted to first gear, and felt the semi-linkage very carefully. The position, the clutch is loosened little by little, but where is the semi-linkage?Su Jinbo's words were like timely rain: "The position of the semi-linkage needs to be felt. One is when the sound of the engine changes slightly, and the other is when the car shakes slightly." Fang Yuan found the position of the half-linkage, and dared not move his left foot. Slowly released the brake, stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed out suddenly.

Not far in front of the car, a construction worker yelled in fright, and Su Jinbo also yelled: "Step on the brakes!" Fang Yuan also panicked when he saw that the people in front were too close to the car. What are you doing? I heard Su Jinbo yelling "step on the brakes" and slammed on the brakes. This poor Chang'an Star drove Su Jinbo and Fang Yuan's heads forward with inertia and suffocated again. Turned off.

Su Jinbo pulled up the handbrake, and said to Yuan Yuan angrily: "Get off quickly, it's just you, don't drive my Chang'an Star, if you drive it a few more times, it will break." Fang Yuan knew I'm sorry, but when I heard the words "my Chang'an Star", I was not convinced: Why do you say this is your Chang'an Star, this is the school car, not your Su Jinbo.

After getting out of the car, Dong Mei walked up a few steps: "Fang Yuan, you gave me a fright just now, do you know that you almost ran over someone to death just now? If you drive like this on the road, my God, you are a real road killer. "Su Jinbo said: "How did you learn this car? How did you get your driver's license? Principal Yao, I don't think Fang Yuan will drive any cars in the near future. Let's use a new car. I'm afraid it will break down. Then Poussin, I'm afraid something will happen to him while driving!"

At this time, Yao Changqing also felt that Fang Yuan's driving skills were really bad, but he couldn't let Fang Yuan lose face, so he smoothed things over and said, "Principal Xiao Fang needs to continue to practice his driving skills now, so let's not touch these two new cars for the time being. In the future, the school will After school, when there is no one on the playground, if I haven’t left, Fangyuan can drive Capsang to practice. Although I am not proficient, I will be even less proficient if I don’t practice. It’s really not good to go on the road.”

Fang Yuan knew that Yao Changqing had given him a special preferential treatment, but he felt quite depressed: How could this car drive like this today?

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