Director's growth history

1210.283 White cat black cat

The inspection by the Municipal Education Bureau came to No. 8 Middle School on time at 68 o'clock, led by Zhai Xinwen, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Municipal Education Bureau. 【@】For this inspection, the Municipal Education Bureau divided into 6 groups, one group led by a deputy director or above, and the personnel were drawn from the Municipal Education Bureau, the Municipal Teaching and Research Office, and the Municipal Education and Science Institute.Zhai Xinwen voluntarily asked to come to the junior high school group to watch and guide. In fact, it contains multiple meanings. On the surface, Han Suzhen will go to the high school, which shows his humility. Han Suzhen also hopes that she can go to high school. Such trivial things are not necessary Compete with her.Then the remaining deputy secretary and the three deputy directors led a team each to go deep into the city's Longwan District, Dongjiang District, Yongning District, and Shunyi District to inspect the primary schools and kindergartens under the jurisdiction of the education and sports bureaus in each district.During the study at the director's office meeting, there was no objection at all, because Zhai Xinwen had already disclosed his thoughts to Shen Jun, the chief of education, before the meeting.Of course, there is a meaning, Zhai Xinwen didn't mention it to anyone, that is, he wants to go to No. 68 Middle School for inspection. After all, that's where Yao Changqing works, and he should give this school more support, even if it's just a moral one. .Therefore, at the director's office meeting, No. 68 Middle School was not included in the itinerary. Zhai Xinwen pointed out: "The progress of No. 68 Middle School in 2006 is obvious to all. Yao Changqing's new semester is also his first truly complete semester. The Municipal Education Bureau should reflect the new Because of the support of the principal, the first school to be supervised by the junior high school group should be designated as 68 Middle School.Sun Hongjun and Kong Lili agreed, Han Suzhen also said that Yao Changqing should be given some encouragement, and the others had no objections, and the decision was smooth.

During the whole office meeting, Zhai Xinwen did not speak much, and Han Suzhen was heard in the whole meeting place.In fact, this made Zhai Xinwen feel very ridiculous. The initial inspection and guidance is just a routine job, which must be done at the beginning of each semester. There is no need to emphasize it in such detail.As the saying goes, the flowers are different every year, but it is actually the original tree.Zhai Xinwen just listened silently, watched silently, listened to each deputy discuss some ideas with Han Suzhen, and listened to some section chiefs report some new ideas.At the end of the meeting, Zhai Xinwen made a request from the aspect of party discipline. He said: "Our Municipal Education Bureau went to the school to inspect the work to better urge the school to return to the right track from the idleness of the holiday, not the officials and gentlemen. Therefore, I emphasize three points: First, we must establish the image of the government as serving the grassroots. We are not officials and lords, but public servants serving the grassroots, teachers and students. We must always keep this identity in mind; It is to put forward more developmental opinions for the development of the school. Problems will definitely be found during the inspection. The problems found are not to reflect our level, not to criticize grassroots schools to reflect the authority of our Municipal Education Bureau, but to mention more construction. Thirdly, all government staff should not eat and drink too much, and must go back to the government cafeteria to eat at noon, so as not to add so much financial burden to the grassroots. A dozen people, two tables, several thousand yuan No more, on the surface, the school’s leaders are respectfully accompanying them, but in their hearts they may be scolding their mothers.” Zhai Xinwen’s awe-inspiring speech made it clear that even if some section chiefs have opinions on these three decisions of his, it will still spread to the public. In the future, in the minds of the principals of grassroots schools, it will be a different evaluation.This is what I want.

When Zhai Xinwen and his entourage arrived at No. 68 Middle School, the principals Yao Changqing and Fang Yuan were still studying the report materials, and did not expect that these early leaders would arrive.However, Zhou Susu had already been waiting in the school's reception room. Seeing the motorcade from the Municipal Education Bureau turning in, she quickly asked the receptionist to open the door, and rushed out by herself.

Adjusting to the brightest smile, Zhou Susu saw Zhai Xinwen coming out of the car door, and quickly stretched out his hands: "Secretary Zhai, hello." Zhai Xinwen smiled and stretched out his hand: "Hello, Chairman Zhou." Zhou Susu Said: "On behalf of the school, on behalf of Principal Yao, I welcome the leaders of the Municipal Education Bureau to come to our school to guide our work." Zhai Xinwen smiled and said, "Okay, where is Principal Yao?" He said in his heart: You can also represent the school?Didn't know he had already been reported.

Zhou Susu said: "Principal Yao is working with Fangyuan. He didn't expect the first one to come to No. 68 Middle School today. I had a premonition that the bureau leader would come very early, so I waited downstairs. .” The very proud expression made Zhai Xinwen feel that this silly young woman is really cute and silly.Zhai Xinwen said: "He is a very smart chairman of the labor union. He is fully equipped with the qualities of being a principal and has foresight." Zhou Susu thought that Secretary Zhai was praising himself, and quickly thanked him: "Thank you for the praise from Secretary Zhai. I will continue to work hard." Zhai Xinwen smiled. Yes, Jiang Chunhua, chief of the political engineering section, and Chu Guoxiang, chief of the personnel department, who followed Zhai Xinwen all laughed. They all understood what Zhai Xinwen meant.

Zhou Susu said: "Leaders, please come in quickly." Zhou Susu walked in the front with great interest, leading a dozen people from the Municipal Education Bureau into the office building.In the small conference room on the third floor, after Zhai Xinwen and others were arranged to sit down, Zhou Susu said, "Secretary Zhai, leaders, please take a seat first, and I will call Yao Xiao and the others over immediately."

Zhou Susu went out in a hurry, and Zhai Xinwen looked at Jiang Chunhua, who had become more and more tacit, and smiled.Jiang Chunhua knew the meaning of Zhai Xinwen's smile, and said, "Chairman Zhou, he is quite an interesting person."

Yao Changqing was a little dissatisfied when he got the news from Zhou Susu that the bureau leader had arrived: why didn't he tell himself immediately?Especially when Secretary Zhai led the team, he should go downstairs to meet him.What does Zhou Susu mean?She brought all the bureau leaders to the small conference room by herself, and told herself that she did all the things to show her face by herself!But Yao Changqing did not show any dissatisfaction, and said with a smile: "Chairman Zhou, you have already settled down the leaders! You are very capable. Now, you go and call President Dong and Principal Jia, and then go back to the office to report to the teaching office, Make a phone call from the General Affairs Office and the Political and Educational Office, and call all those above the middle level and those who have not attended class."

Zhou Susu didn't expect Yao Changqing to deliberately distract him, so he happily agreed.Yao Changqing took Fang Yuan with him and rushed out of the principal's office in a few strides to the small meeting room.Entering the small meeting room, Yao Changqing cupped his hands: "Secretary Zhai, Section Chief Jiang, Section Chief Chu, and the leaders of the bureau, I'm really sorry, I should really go downstairs to pick up the leaders, it's all because Changqing didn't do it well. Please forgive me, leaders." Zhai Xinwen chuckled and said, "Changqing, sit down first. Do you know? I am very satisfied that I didn't see you coming to pick us up." Just as he was talking, Jia Ming , Dong Mei and other middle-level and above leaders of the 68 Middle School also came in one after another, interrupted Zhai Xinwen, and said hello to Zhai Xinwen and others.Everyone had big smiles on their faces.

Zhai Xinwen said: "Everyone sit down, let me say a few words." Zhai Xinwen thought: I have to give Yao Changqing a big face, I didn't finish talking just now, it's good to say it now, I want to tell everyone, especially Zhou Susu.

Everyone takes their seats.Zhai Xinwen said: "When I came to No. 68 Middle School today, my first impression was very good. The school is in good order. The cadres and teachers are busy with their own work. The school has just started, and the school must be very complicated. Comrade Yao Changqing is full of attention on work. It's just that the director of the school's office is arranged to be responsible for the reception. It's not like other schools in the past. All the cadres stand at the door and wait for the comrades from the Municipal Bureau to come over. It is very worthy of learning and praise.”

Heh, Yao Changqing was feeling a little frustrated that he didn't go downstairs to greet Zhai Xinwen and others in person just now. He never thought that Zhai Xinwen would say such unique but reasonable and high-level words.Hearing it, I was busy researching and reporting materials with Fang Yuan, forgot the time, forgot to go down to pick up Zhai Xinwen, and turned into hard work, and became so focused on work!This is really a big deal, and it also hit Zhou Susu's arrogance at once, and pushed Zhou Susu's welcoming behavior to the aspect of my Yao Changqing's work arrangement, which really shows that Secretary Zhai Xinwenzhai's speech level is really extraordinary.There are so many things to learn by myself.

Fang Yuan was also dumbfounded. He thought that Secretary Zhai would at least be unhappy, but he didn't expect that Secretary Zhai was able to talk so convincingly. He not only gave Yao Changqing a high evaluation, but also gave 68 Middle School It is really admirable to give a high evaluation for the practical style!Fang Yuan suddenly thought: Is it a black cat? Secretary Zhai can also call it a white cat when he needs it?

Yao Changqing quickly expressed his gratitude: "Thank you Secretary Zhai for giving Changqing and 68 Middle School such a high evaluation! From the bottom of our hearts, we really want to do a good job in the school, and we want every student who enters 68 Middle School to be able to Become a good student with qualifications and special skills, and turn 68 Middle School into a high-quality school that the people are satisfied with. But all leaders know that although 68 Middle School has made some progress in recent years, compared with some brother schools and famous schools in provinces and cities, there is still a lot. There is a relatively large gap, so I, Yao Changqing, are very eager and hope that the bureau leaders and experts can often come to our 68 Middle School to inspect the work and point out our existing problems so that we can better improve our work. Here, on behalf of the school party The branch and the school on behalf of the school would like to express their sincere thanks to the leaders of the bureau for using 68 Middle School as the first school to be supervised at the beginning of the term, and express their warmest welcome to the arrival of Secretary Zhai and all the leaders."

There was warm applause in the small conference room.Fangyuan’s heart can’t be calm: Yao Changqing said so well, everyone is afraid of inspections, but Yao Changqing expressed the meaning of inspections to promote work; boasting about the school’s progress, but expressing so modestly, and at the same time expressing that the 68 middle school The determination to become a famous provincial and municipal school.This kind of speech level is not far behind Zhai Xinwen!In the future, I should really learn the experience of dealing with people from Principal Yao, so that I can grow faster.

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