Director's growth history

1228.295 Yao Changqing was drunk

The teacher's day celebration dinner of Dongzhou 68 Middle School was hosted by Zhou Susu, chairman of the school union. [-] With the help of Tian Qiaoqiao and Zhao Gang, the cadres and teachers took their respective positions.All kinds of dried fruits, snacks, and snacks have been placed on the table—these were purchased by Su Jinbo on a trip to the Longwan Vegetable and Non-staple Food Wholesale Market in the afternoon.These foods cannot be provided by the restaurant, otherwise they will be astonishingly expensive. The same is true for cigarettes. Su Jinbo also bought two cigarettes at the wholesale point designated by Xiangyan Company, two boxes per table.Of course, the wholesale price is relatively cheap. Although Su Jinbo was sent some various dried fruits by merchants and sent some back home, the price is still cheaper than that in big shopping malls like Carrefour, Runtong, and Wal-Mart, and the quality is also quite good.

After Zhou Susu arranged for the teachers to sit down, she went straight to Yao Changqing and asked, "School Yao, is it time to start?" Yao Changqing said, "Chairman Zhou, organizing activities is one of your specialties. Is it okay tonight? Arranged some interesting activities?" Zhou Susu said: "Xiao Yao, there are still some Teacher's Day gifts left in the afternoon, which can be used as prizes for the evening activities. Please rest assured, Principal Yao." Seeing Zhou Susu talking with him so cautiously, Yao Changqing was a little surprised, but still smiled gracefully: "Okay, Chairman Zhou is doing business, I don't worry. Go ahead, organize it, please President Dong delivered a speech on my behalf." Zhou Susu said, "OK."

This hall is obviously a banquet hall specially prepared for weddings, and it can accommodate more than 20 tables. There is a small table 20 cm high in the front, which is of course prepared for the bride and groom when they get married.The banner that used to hang Ms. xxx and Mr. xxx's wedding anniversary is now replaced by a banner with white characters on a red background of "Dongzhou No. 68 Middle School Teacher's Day Celebration Dinner Party". Many other facilities maintain the wedding appearance, and the whole hall is full of joy atmosphere.Because there are only 68 tables arranged in 10 Middle School, the gap between the tables is very large, people walking between the tables will not be affected at all, and there is still enough space around the hall, it seems that it is suitable for dancing. Absolutely no problem.

Yao Changqing knew that this hotel must have been contacted by Su Jinbo, and he had a better impression of Su Jinbo.Everyone has their own talents. Su Jinbo may not be good at teaching, but in terms of logistics management, coordination, procurement and sales, etc., he is really No. 68 in 1 Middle School!

Zhou Susu walked to the front desk, held a microphone, and said loudly, "Teachers, please be quiet." The hall, which was still a little noisy just now, slowly became quiet.Zhou Susu said: "Entrusted by Principal Yao, I will host the Teacher's Day celebration in our 68 Middle School tonight. Here, on behalf of the school leadership, I would like to extend my most sincere and warmest congratulations to all the teachers in our 68 Middle School. Happy Teachers' Day to teachers!"

There was warm applause, and several male physical education teachers shouted "yes" a few times.Zhou Susu liked the feeling of all the attention, and felt a little regretful: If I were the principal, how wonderful it would be!Zhou Susu continued: "Now, we invite Principal Dong to speak for today's dinner on behalf of the school and Principal Yao!"

The teachers were a little noisy, and their eyes turned to Yao Changqing sitting at table one.Yao Changqing smiled and waved to everyone, nodding slightly.Dong Mei, who was sitting at the second table, stood up, walked to the front desk, took the microphone, compared the speech written by Fang Yuan, and gave a speech full of affection.

The speech was very touching. The speech reviewed the development of the school and gave a high-level summary of the remarkable progress the school has made in recent years. The speech attributed these achievements to the efforts and solid efforts of the previous leaders. The foundation is even more due to the teachers of all 68 middle schools.When Dong Mei said this, she was interrupted by the warm applause from the teachers.

In her speech, Dong Mei sincerely wished the teachers family happiness, good health, work progress, and post achievements. She hoped that all the teachers would continue to carry forward the spirit of 68 Middle School not to be afraid of difficulties, not afraid of challenges, to be brave in pioneering, and to strive for excellence in their respective jobs. Make greater contributions and achieve more achievements. I believe that under the leadership of Principal Yao, the school will definitely achieve the initial goal of creating a famous school brand. Every teacher will be proud of being a member of 68 Middle School!

The last words were added temporarily by Dong Mei, which made Yao Changqing feel very warm in his heart.The warm applause from the teachers made Yao Changqing feel that his hard work over the past few months has not been in vain and has been recognized by everyone.When everyone turned their attention to Yao Changqing, they all saw tears in Yao Changqing's eyes, so there was another warm applause.

Yao Changqing stood up, bowed deeply to everyone, and another wave of warm applause rang out.Fang Yuan also applauded vigorously. This is an applause from the heart. In Fang Yuan’s eyes, Yao Changqing is a role model for him to learn-hard work and dedication, maintaining the overall situation, based on development, and caring for teachers...all are worth learning by yourself. If you To be a principal, you must also be a principal like Yao Changqing, who is prestige, competent, capable, and caring.

The applause was so warm that Yao Changqing stood up again and bowed to the teachers.The teachers applauded more enthusiastically.This made Jia Ming feel a little sour: Yue Zhibiao told him something about Yao Changqing and the so-called vice president Liu Mei. It was obvious that Yao Changqing was not a decent person, but why did the teachers support him so much?In addition, I mentioned this matter to the leader of the Municipal Bureau who supported me. I believe there is a certain spread in the Municipal Bureau, and I heard the feedback from the Municipal Bureau. But Yao Changqing is not only fine, but also got a The title of the city's outstanding educators, how could it be like this?Jia Ming was also clapping his hands, with a smile on his face, and his gaze was directed in the direction of Yao Changqing.

At this time, Zhou Susu gave full play to her expertise as the director of the office, and said loudly into the microphone: "Teachers, let us welcome the respected Principal Yao to give us a few words."

I can't remember how many applause this is.Yao Changqing was a little intoxicated, yes!I work so hard, for what?Don't you just want to be recognized by the leaders and the masses?Sometimes it’s just like being a human being. If you think of ordinary teachers in your heart, if you create more benefits for them, the teachers will appreciate you; if you think of doing more for the development of the school, the teachers will feel that it is beneficial to follow such a principal. hope!

Yao Changqing stood up, walked to the front desk, took the microphone from Zhou Susu, and said with a choked voice, "Teachers, first of all, I would like to thank you all. President Dong's speech has already represented me and every member of the school leadership team. The voice of comrades. I don’t want to say anything else, I just hope that tonight, the teachers will eat well and play well, and everyone will have a happy Teacher’s Day!”

Yao Changqing bowed, and there was another warm applause from the audience.Yao Changqing was about to step off the stage, Zhou Susu already had a glass of wine in his hand, walked up to the front desk, handed the wine glass to Yao Changqing, and said, "Now, let us all raise our wine glasses, and invite Principal Yao to celebrate Teacher's Day dinner for our 68 Middle School There will be a seat!"

At this time, Yao Changqing suddenly felt that Zhou Susu also had something cute about her.Taking the wine glass and holding the microphone in the other hand, Yao Changqing said: "Okay, I announce that Dongzhou No. 68 Middle School's Teacher's Day dinner party will start now! Cheers!" Yao Changqing took the lead, raised his head and drank the beer in the glass, The crisp sound of the bottom of the wine glass hitting the glass turntable of the table could be heard on the tables below the stage.

That's how the dinner started.Fang Yuan toasted the third-year junior teachers on the table where he was sitting. He kept in mind the teaching of Confucius Tian: on the wine table, toast as little as you can, and never pretend to be a hero if you can pretend to be a son; When being toasted, it may be casual, but it must be casual; do not mix water with wine, it must be pure wine, but it does not have to be full, and it varies from person to person; remember, it is not yet the time to be the protagonist, take the opportunity to perform Give it up to others; always pay attention to the activities of the protagonist and adapt to the situation.

Fangyuan only toasted everyone with a glass of wine, and put his thanks, blessings, wishes and hopes in this glass of wine.After Fang Yuan drank the cup, he led the colleagues at the table to eat.But Fang Yuan's eyes never left Yao Changqing.

Yao Changqing was exceptionally quiet this evening, with a pleasant smile on his face all the time, chatting and laughing with the middle-aged and elderly teachers on table one, creating a harmonious atmosphere.

Fang Yuan turned his attention to the desk of Chinese and mathematics teachers in the first grade of junior high school where Dong Mei was. Dong Mei was also chatting and laughing happily with the teachers.Her smile is so kind and full of charm, which not only makes Fang Yuan's heart flutter - this woman who still looks young, is innocent and cute, persistent and kind.It's a pity that today's country does not allow three wives and four concubines, otherwise it would be a happy thing to have such a gentle, considerate and slightly silly sister as a wife.Fang Yuan not only thought that if she was wronged, she could throw herself into Dong Mei’s arms and cry bitterly. Dong Mei would definitely give her tenderness like a wife, comfort like a mother, and care like a sister. Kong Shuanghua’s feeling like this will probably last forever. You won't get it, let alone experience it!Thinking of this, Fang Yuan not only sighed slightly.

Fang Yuan turned his attention to Jia Ming.Jia Ming was clinking glasses with a male teacher. After the clink, he raised his head and drank it all. He really was a bold person.Thinking that Jia Ming has always been kind to him, Fang Yuan felt that Jia Ming was really a person to associate with, at least he upheld justice, and when Zhou Susu spoke sarcasticly to him several times, Jia Ming stood up to speak for him.

Fang Yuan turned to the fourth table. Zhou Susu was probably leading the third glass of wine. The female trade union chairman with a slight blush on her face showed good organizational skills tonight.From this point alone, she also has a lot to learn from her!Especially after Dong Mei’s speech, Zhou Susu took advantage of the warm applause from the teachers to invite Yao Changqing to the stage, who didn’t want to go on stage. You can really see her adaptability and wisdom, which is worth learning.

Looking back, Fang Yuan toasted everyone with a glass of wine, and led the teachers to eat again.Zhou Susu stood up again and came to the front desk to organize activities.She took the microphone and said: "Teachers, we must return home with all our heart tonight. Now, we are starting to organize a small competition. The prizes of the competition must be liked by everyone. The first prize is a 1000ml Head & Shoulders shampoo." bottle, plus a bottle of Pantene's conditioner essence; the second prize is Rejoice facial cleanser and Lux ​​body wash, the third prize is a large bottle of Kemi neutral laundry detergent, and the commemorative prize is three packs of Safeguard Soap. It’s the combination of prizes that we gave to the teachers at the fun sports meeting this afternoon. Everyone has a commemorative prize as long as they participate, and the other prizes depend on the results of the competition.”

There was enthusiastic applause at the banquet, and several male teachers even blew their whistles.Zhou Susu said: "The first competition we conducted was balloons above our heads."

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