Director's growth history

1249.309、I Can't Stand It

Once again, I went to the small street outside the door to breathe the fresh air, and Kong Shuanghua felt much better: "Fang Yuan, the people in the village are really interesting! Do you still have the tradition of seeing new wives here?" Fang Yuan said, "Yes. In the past, this tradition was not very strong, but some people would come to see it. Now, the income of forestry workers is relatively low. A new daughter-in-law has come to the house, that is the glory of the whole village!" Kong Shuanghua said: "No wonder, no wonder.【|】I am embarrassed to be seen by so many people today, and I am also very happy at the same time." Fang Yuan "Oh".Kong Shuanghua said: "I feel like I have suddenly become the center of attention, just like you became the object of most attention of many female teachers after you won the first prize in the provincial class at school." Fang Yuan laughed.

Kong Shuanghua asked: "Fang Yuan, the red envelopes given by the eldest sister and the second sister seem to be different today! The red envelopes given by the second sister are thick, but the red envelopes of the eldest sister are thin. Is it true that the eldest sister is usually stingy?" Fang Yuan's expression became serious: "Shuanghua, the eldest brother-in-law She is a forestry worker. In the past, when she was just married, the income of forestry workers was not bad. At that time, she was called Lin Boss. But in recent years, with the closing of the mountain for forestation, the amount of cuttings given by the upper management has become less and less, and the life of the eldest sister’s family has become more and more difficult. It’s getting harder and harder. The second brother-in-law opened a motorcycle repair shop, and the second sister runs a small department store, and the family lives quite well.” Kong Shuanghua said, “Oh, I see. I almost misunderstood the eldest sister!” Fang Yuan said : "For the eldest sister's family, we should help them as much as we can in the future!" Kong Shuanghua said: "No problem."

Fang Yuan said: "Chunxiao is in junior high school, and if he doesn't get into college in the Northeast, he won't be able to do anything good. If Chunxiao gets into college, then I want to help him; if he doesn't get into college, if Chunxiao wants to rely on me Brother-in-law, I also have a duty to do so." Kong Shuanghua said: "Yes. But there is one thing, we can't live in our house." Fang Yuan said: "No. I will help him find a job and let him live directly in the factory or company. But this It will all be seven or eight years later." Kong Shuanghua said: "Okay, at that time, I asked my father to contact him." Fang Yuan said: "Xiaohua, at that time my father had already retired. I have the confidence to give this If my nephew finds a better job, I dare say that at that time, I should at least be the principal of a middle school."

Kong Shuanghua threw herself into Fangyuan's arms lightly, and said softly, "Fangyuan, I have confidence in you. I communicated with my mother, and my mother thought that you should at least be the principal at that time, and maybe you could do even better." Being embraced by Kong Shuanghua, Fangyuan thought of that kind mother-in-law, and felt warm in his heart: "Shuanghua, I will work hard, and I will not let you, father, and mother down." Kong Shuanghua buried his head deeply in Fangyuan's arms .

When returning home, Fangyuan said: "Shuanghua, you performed very well today. You are really a lady from everyone, and you have given me a lot of face. People from the city must have many things that are not used to when they go to the countryside. You are very good today. The performance can be scored 98 points!" Kong Shuanghua is very happy, but still a little dissatisfied: "Why should I deduct two points?" Fang Yuan said: "My father is a bit like a feudal parent. Waste, so today's leftovers are nothing in our Dongzhou family, but in my family, we should try our best to avoid leftovers in the future. I will ask my sisters to give you less food."

"What about one point?"

"The children's feet smell, this is normal in our family. Although you didn't say today that I became a villain, everyone knows what you mean. It is normal and should be clean, and I also support it I'm just afraid that the smelly feet of the child will affect the relationship with my sisters."

"Oh, it shouldn't be too stinky! At that time, it made me almost vomit." Kong Shuanghua was a little dissatisfied.Fang Yuan said: "You did a good job today, you just expressed it to me, but didn't say it in public. I'll handle things like this in the future, okay?" Kong Shuanghua said: "Okay."

Pushing open the courtyard door, turning the door backwards, Fang Yuan took Kong Shuanghua's hand and entered the house.Several children had disappeared, and Fang's father, Fang's mother, eldest sister, eldest brother-in-law, second sister, and second brother-in-law were all sitting on the kang or on a stool beside the kang, waiting for the young couple.Seeing Fangyuan and Kong Shuanghua come back, Mother Fang said, "Get on the kang quickly, girl. It's quite cold outside now, but the top of the kang is still warm." Kong Shuanghua took off his shoes and got on the kang, but he still sat on the small bench—the kind of cross-legged Or the posture of sitting with slanted legs is really impossible to learn.

Fang's father said: "Let's go to bed in a while. Juanzi's family will sleep on the east kang, and Pingzi's family will sleep on the west kang. Huzi and your wife, you and I will sleep on this kang." Fang Yuan said, "Okay." Brother-in-law and second sister are about to get off the kang, Kong Shuanghua is in a hurry, my God!Four people sleep on a big kang!And want to sleep with Fang Yuan's father and mother?How can this work?Thinking in my heart, I couldn't help blurting out: "How can this be done?"

Mother Fang said, "What's the matter, girl?" Kong Shuanghua looked at Fangyuan.Fang Yuan was also in a dilemma. In the past, when going home, it was arranged like this. The eldest sister's family had one kang, the second sister's family had one kang, and he and his father and mother slept on the same kang.It seems that Dad is still an old habit, so he wants to arrange it like this.But Kong Shuanghua lived alone in a room since she was a child, but this year she added herself and became two people. How did she experience several people sleeping together?

Kong Shuanghua's meaning should be respected, this is indeed inappropriate.Fangyuan said: "Dad, Mom, Shuanghua has been alone in a room since she was a child, and she is not used to this." Fang's father said, "They are not outsiders, what's the matter? I am Dad, she is Mom, and you are the old man ( Husband’s dialect), it’s okay to sleep on a kang?” Kong Shuanghua suddenly felt that Fang’s father really sounded like Fang Yuan, a bit like a feudal patriarch.The eldest sister said: "Dad, how about I come to sleep with Dalin and Chunxiao, and let Huzi and his younger siblings sleep in the Dongkang?" Fang's father said: "In the past, every time Huzi came home, he would sleep with us. That's it. Besides, Chunxiao is already asleep, so I have to wake him up."

The whole family is used to the old man talking.The elder sister said nothing more, and walked out of the main room with her elder brother-in-law in silence.Kong Shuanghua got anxious, pulled Fangyuan's clothes corner, and whispered, "Fangyuan, how can I sleep here?" Thinking about it, I feel embarrassed, undressing in front of Fangyuan, I have become used to it in the past two months, But if you want to take off your clothes in front of your father-in-law and mother-in-law, how can you keep your face?

Fang Yuan was a little helpless, and said in a negotiating tone: "Dad, how about I change things with my eldest sister?" Fang's father said, "I still have to flirt with you! No need to change, let my daughter sleep on the other side, Can't you just keep a distance in the middle?" Looking at his father's serious look, Fang Yuan said, "Okay." Turning to Kong Shuanghua, he said, "Shuanghua, let's go to the yard and talk about something."

Kong Shuanghua was full of displeasure, but thinking of giving Fang Yuan some face, she followed Fang Yuan to the yard silently.Fang Yuan said: "I'm sorry, Shuanghua. There's no way. Our family has been dominated by Dad for a long time, and he is the head of the family. I have wronged you today, but fortunately, we will return to Dongzhou in just a few nights." Kong Shuanghua Said: "Not even for one night! Do you agree to let your wife undress in front of other men? It's all under the light, so your father can't see clearly? Also, look The kang is so hard, if there is only a mattress underneath, how tiring it would be to sleep all night! Fang Yuan, I am not happy! I am your new wife. Judging by your father’s attitude, I seem to be a small person , or an old daughter-in-law who has been in the Chinese New Year for more than ten years, and she doesn't pay attention at all." Fang Yuan said, "I don't like it either! There is no way, my father has such a stubborn temper, and the whole family obeys him. Watching him, the old man will lose his temper and throw things. The old man also has high blood pressure. When he is angry, his blood pressure will be high. No one in the whole family dares to provoke him. Shuanghua, I know you have been wronged, but it's just for one night. My sisters will go home tomorrow, so we'll go to sleep on the Dongkang, okay?" Kong Shuanghua pouted, feeling really unhappy.Fangyuan came up with an idea: "Shuanghua, tonight, you just take off your coat, and you don't take off your close-fitting clothes. It will be a night for me, okay?" Kong Shuanghua said: "Okay. You know Living in such a poor place, we should really live in the town at that time, go home during the day, and go back to the town at night. Living in a hotel is much more comfortable than staying in your house." Fang Yuan said: "Long live the understanding."

As Fang Yuan said, after Kong Shuanghua took off his coat, he lay down with his clothes on.Papa Fang said that he wanted to chat with Fang Yuan (dialect: chatting), but a few minutes after the lights were turned off, Papa Fang started snoring like thunder.There is a cloth curtain between the rooms, okay, I don't know if it's the eldest brother-in-law or the second brother-in-law next door, and they also snore constantly. Together with Father Fang, they play a symphony of snoring, one after another, continuously.

Although the kang was warm, it was too hot and it was a bit scalding. Compared with Simmons, the kang was like wood boards compared to cotton, and the waist was also tight. After sleeping for a while, Kong Shuanghua felt his bones hurt; Father Fang , The two brother-in-laws slept soundly. The sound, like a wolf howling or an excavator digging a road, drilled into Kong Shuanghua's eardrum without hesitation, and blocked it with his hands, but he could hear it more clearly!

Kong Shuanghua was so annoyed that she tossed and turned, how could she sleep?At this moment, Kong Shuanghua really regretted coming to Fang's house, traveling thousands of miles to the Northeast, not to enjoy the happiness of a new wife, but to suffer!Thinking that he had never received such "treatment" since he was a child, Kong Shuanghua's teeth itch with hatred, and couldn't help but reach into Fangyuan's bed, and twisted Fangyuan's waist fiercely.

"Oh!" Fang Yuan yelled in pain.Fang's mother slept very alertly, and quickly asked: "Huzi, what's wrong with you?"He had no choice but to say: "Mom, it's okay. I just had a nightmare and woke up with a start."

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