If it is said that joy and excitement have been stirring Fangyuan's heart, then there is still a strong feeling that has been troubling Fangyuan, and that is "tired". Sleeping for up to 5 hours a day makes Fangyuan feel that he has almost reached his limit. 【|】When school was off work on October 10, Zhai Xinwen came.After listening to Xie Bingguo's report, Zhai Xinwen said affectionately: "Although I have not been to the scene for more than ten days, I have been paying attention to the preparation of this class and have communicated with Director Zou many times. I I was transferred from an external system to work in the education system. Although I have worked for nearly 28 years and have a lot of knowledge about education, I am still a layman compared with the experts here. Therefore, I can’t do the guidance class, you guys Okay, I can’t come to lectures just because of my attention and support.” Everyone felt that Zhai Xinwen’s speech was indeed of a level, not only modest, but also not avoiding the defect that he was not a front-line teacher, which made everyone feel that Secretary Zhai was really approachable.Zhai Xinwen said: "Tomorrow, everyone will go to the expedition. I have discussed with Director Han. Tomorrow we will go to the train station to see you off in person. The national class is very important. It is the first time in the history of Dongzhou education that we truly represent Qingjiang Province participates in the national competition, so we must strive to do well in this class, show the best results, report to the people of Dongzhou City, and report to the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. Education that satisfies the people requires more educational achievements We need to have more teachers who are satisfactory to the people. After the competition, we will vigorously publicize excellent teachers like Fangyuan, and encourage all teachers in the city's education system to learn from each other and catch up with others, so that everyone can become a teacher that the people are satisfied with." The words of encouragement are quite ideological, and they are closely related to the activity of "strive to be a teacher to satisfy the people" carried out by the Party Committee of the Education Bureau. Many people here admire Zhai Xinwen's ideological level from the bottom of their hearts.

Zhai Xinwen finally said: "It's been 19 days and it's been too hard. Many comrades have reached the verge of overdrawing their physical strength and energy. So here, I make a request. Tonight, no one should work overtime, and all go home to rest. In addition, Bingguo, when you go to the provincial capital, do you want to give a trial lecture in the provincial capital a few times to listen to the opinions of the provincial teaching and research office?" Xie Bingguo nodded in agreement, and Zhai Xinwen said: "So, we More rest is needed. Give Comrade Bingguo a task, that is, before the national competition, Fangyuan must ensure 9 hours of sleep every day. If you can’t do it, I will ask you.” Sleep in a standard room, and I promise to complete the work assigned by Secretary Zhai."

Fang Yuan was about to go home, and Yao Changqing personally sent him off.Yao Changqing's heart was also tense all the time, he was afraid that if something happened to Fangyuan, it would be really difficult to explain.For nineteen days, Yao Changqing also abandoned his family and business, and leaned on Fang Yuan's body.He smelled huge political benefits. As long as Fangyuan can get good grades, Yao Changqing's credit will not be small. 68 Middle School will also attract more attention from the society because of the benefits of famous teachers, and he will also be good at discovering and cultivating talents. , Emphasis on talents and may have opportunities for further improvement.There is no effort in vain, and there is no work in vain.After parking at the gate of the community where Kong Shuanghua's family is located, Yao Changqing told Fangyuan: "Go to bed early, don't take the bus to school tomorrow morning, take a taxi directly, and all the tickets will be reimbursed."

The care of the leaders touched Fang Yuan's heart, but Fang Yuan was too tired. These [-] days were simply not the life of a human being.After dinner at Kong's house, I sat on the sofa and wanted to say a few words to Kong's mother and Kong Shuanghua, but fell asleep on the sofa unconsciously.At this scene, Kong’s mother was so distressed that she shed tears on the spot, and said to Kong Shuanghua: “We must understand Fangyuan more and be more considerate of Fangyuan. Every bit of Fangyuan’s progress is not easy!” Kong Shuanghua’s eyes were also red. He gently raised Fangyuan's head and placed it on his lap, staring at this lover who made him admire and caress him with loving eyes, his heart ached...

Three days after Fang Yuan left Dongzhou City, a hot post appeared on Dongzhou City's community forum, and the general public enthusiastically participated in the replies, with more than 2 clicks and more than 2000 replies in one day.This post shocked the minds of the Dongzhou education system, and terrified the left-behind cadres Jia Ming, Dong Mei, and Zhou Susu of No. 68 Middle School. know the post.

The post seems to be written by a parent of a student. The post did not mention the name of the school, nor the name of the main character teacher, but the leaders of the Education Bureau, school officials and teachers who are familiar with the content of the post know that this post is attacking Fangyuan, attacking No. 68 Middle School, is also indirectly attacking the Municipal Education Bureau.Moreover, there are already "good people" following the post, pointing out that the teacher in the original poster written by the host is Fang Yuan, the substitute teacher is Dong Mei, the vice principal, and the school where the incident happened is 68 Middle School.

The post was posted on the "Education Online" forum in Dongzhou City, and the title was very eye-catching: "A teacher who doesn't care about the students for a month is recognized as the best teacher by the Municipal Education Bureau. What is the reason?" 》, the post’s author’s name is “Injustice makes noise”.In his post he wrote:

"In today's society, what do parents value most? It's their children's education. Which parent doesn't want their son to become a dragon, and which parent doesn't want their daughter to become a phoenix? For such a child, as a parent, I can't wait to take out my heart and let the child accept the most High-quality education, so that you can be admitted to key middle schools or universities in the future. Choosing a good school and choosing a good teacher is the dream of most parents."

"It turned out that I always thought that I was a lucky father, because my child's junior high school has made great progress in recent years, and has entered the top 10 in the city from the middle reaches of the city. My child's class was not the so-called top class. , experimental class, but she was lucky enough to meet a diligent and dedicated Chinese teacher and head teacher. To be honest, I have a good impression of this head teacher until this semester. His lectures are good, and the students are willing to let his class ; His class is solid, and the Chinese scores of the students are always among the best in the whole grade; Ranked first. My daughter's grades are also good. Speaking of her head teacher, she can be said to be delighted and admired. In this materialistic society, in an era where only children are generally self-centered, a The teacher is respected and loved by the whole class, including my daughter, and we as parents are also very proud."

"At that time, when we parents communicated in private, we all felt that it was a blessing for the child to study under such a head teacher. But good luck does not always come, and good things don't last long. This semester, the head teacher was promoted. Listen It is said that he became an assistant to the principal and also the teaching director. He is no longer the class teacher of the child, although he still teaches Chinese. This school has changed the class teacher in the third year of junior high school. This is indeed a very ridiculous thing. The third is the most critical year of the senior high school entrance examination. At this time, if the head teacher is changed, is the school leader's brain broken? Fortunately, the head teacher who changed is the child's original math teacher, which is barely acceptable. But the most annoying thing is that ten A long vacation has just ended, and this "excellent Chinese teacher" will participate in the national Chinese teaching competition again, and the class will be suspended for a whole month! Although a substitute teacher is arranged, how can the level of the substitute teacher compare with the original teacher? The class habits of the substitute teacher students How can I adapt right away? When the child returns home and complains that learning Chinese is really boring, how can parents not be anxious? They are in the third grade of junior high school, and the Chinese New Year is about to take the senior high school entrance examination. For their own future, the Chinese teacher completely Abandoning the students who have been with him for more than two years, preparing for his national class, and abandoning it for a month, is such a teacher a truly excellent teacher? Don’t you think there is something wrong with his teacher’s morality?"

"At the same time, I have to question the school. The school not only ignores the teacher's failure to attend classes for a month, but fully supports it, and arranges a substitute teacher (it is said that he is the vice principal of the school's teaching); I also question the education administration. What makes teachers who should be teaching not to teach, and teachers who should not be teaching to substitute? Which laws and regulations of the country stipulate that this can be done?"

"If the school doesn't quickly call this teacher back to class, I will expose the matter to the newspapers and expose the school's light; if the education administration department does not act, then I will sue the school and the Education Bureau together! Sue the administration Inaction!"

"This is such an awesome parent!" wrote one post.Among the many comments, although not half of them support this parent, there are hundreds of them; there are hundreds of people who stand by and watch how the Education Bureau responds; there are also a few who support the school and support Fangyuan to participate in the national competition. There were hundreds of posts, and even some of the posts were arguing fiercely with each other.

Shen Jun, the chief of the education section, was probably the first person in the Education Bureau to discover this post.He usually has the habit of browsing education posts on major news stations in Dongzhou City every day.When he discovered this post, read the content of the post, and read dozens of follow-up posts, his political intuition told him: this post is of great importance.The deputy director in charge, Zou Zhigang, has already gone to the provincial capital to join Fangyuan and the others, what should we do?

Shen Jun quickly printed out a copy of the original post and took it away to follow up. He made a few steps and reported to Han Suzhen.After reading the post, Han Suzhen also gasped, feeling that the matter was quite tricky, and hurriedly arranged for Shen Jun to print 7 copies quickly, and at the same time immediately called the leaders above the deputy department to the small conference room for a meeting.

In the small conference room, smoke filled the air.Han Suzhen said sadly: "I really didn't expect such a parent to exist! Didn't the school already arrange vice principal Dong Mei as a full-time substitute teacher? It should be said that it was done quite properly. It didn't care about the class taught by Fangyuan. This parent also published Such a vicious attack on the school, on the Education Bureau, on Fangyuan, who represented Dongzhou City and Qingjiang Province in the national Chinese teaching competition, really chilled me as the bureau chief." Zhai Xinwen said: "Director Han is right! Dong Mei I know a little about this comrade, she is an expert in Chinese teaching in Dongzhou City, and her teaching level is quite good. If she can be the vice principal in charge of teaching, she will not be able to stand up if she does not have two talents in business." Han Suzhen said: "What should I do? Everyone has come up with ideas. This matter must be dealt with quickly and properly. It has already caused adverse social impact. We must try our best to minimize this impact; at the same time, it must not affect social stability, especially The stability of the 68 middle school."

The hall was silent.Tricky question indeed.Geng Qing, deputy director, said: "I have an idea, say hello to the editor-in-chief of "Dongzhou Metropolis Daily" and ask him to delete the post." Deputy director Kong Lili said: "If the post is deleted, this parent will definitely re-post Uploading, this method can’t be blocked.” Han Suzhen said: “It must not be published in the newspaper. After the newspaper is published, the social influence will be quite bad. Even if the management is on our side, the influence of the newspaper will make our Education Bureau It’s justified, but it’s very passive.” Deputy secretary Sun Hongjun said: “I think it’s necessary to report this matter to Mayor Deng, and ask Mayor Deng to come forward to coordinate the major newspapers in Dongzhou City. It is true that the newspapers cannot be published. Not to mention the bad social impact, if any decision of our Education Bureau or any work of the school, as long as a few parents are slightly dissatisfied, such a thing may happen again!" Deputy Director Yu Shengli Said: "This parent is really a piece of shit, no different from the hooligans in the society. I suggest that this parent be found out, don't you want the child to study with Fangyuan? Hmph, instead of letting him, he also transferred his daughter from 68 In middle school, go to the 68th middle school next to the 11th middle school, and see what he dares to do? To deal with those unreasonable parents, we must treat them in the same way as others. My attitude is very simple, and I must not shrink back. Once you shrink back, such things will happen one after another in the future.” Assistant researcher and labor union chairman Song Ping said: “What I am most worried about is that if Fangyuan finds out about this news, it will be affected psychologically. That’s a small loss.” Han Suzhen patted the table and said, “Old Song, you’ve said it very well. Xingbang, you should immediately call Director Zou and Xie Bingguo and briefly explain the matter of this post. Let's talk about it, and then ask Director Zou to call other people except Fang Yuan for a meeting. Fang Yuan must not let Fang Yuan know about this news. The national class is important, and we want to ensure that Fang Yuan can participate in the national open class competition without any influence, and strive for a good Achievement. This opportunity is not easy, comrades, representing the province to participate in the national competition is generally monopolized by Hangjiang and Ninghai, as the director, I cherish this hard-won opportunity very much.” Wang Xingbang, the director of the office, agreed and stood up Come on, get ready to go back to the office and make a phone call.Han Suzhen remembered one more thing, and said, "Tell Director Zou to confiscate Fang Yuan's cell phone for his own reasons, cut off Fang Yuan's contact with the outside world, and at the same time not make Fang Yuan suspicious of what happened." Wang Xingbang said: " good."

Sun Hongjun said: "Secretary Zhai and Director Han, I think it is necessary to disinfect the cadres and teachers of 68 Middle School. If the teachers of 68 Middle School can no longer control their mouths, those teachers who are jealous of Fangyuan will go to the society That's really adding fuel to the flames." Han Suzhen said: "Xiao Sun, you are right. Let's deal with a few important matters first. Secretary Zhai and I will go to the city hall immediately and report to Deng City Make a long report, ask him to take a big direction, and coordinate all newspapers not to publish anything related to this post; Secretary Sun, you and Director Kong will go to 68 Middle School immediately, do a good job in the stability and ideological work of 68 Middle School, and especially ask the school to stay behind The leadership team must talk about politics, the overall situation, and stability. No one is allowed to spread the matter of this post to Fangyuan in any way. Director Geng, go to Dongzhou Metropolis Daily to communicate with the editor-in-chief, and let Fangyuan out Tell the editor-in-chief about the importance of the national class. I believe that the leaders of these propaganda outlets can fully understand the importance of a national game. It is recommended to block this post. Several other comrades are working at home. After we come back, Continue the meeting. Secretary Zhai, do you think this arrangement is okay?" Zhai Xinwen said: "I fully support Director Han's opinion. Director Geng, the post is blocked, and it may be uploaded again, and it seems that our Education Bureau is relatively guilty. Please ask the editor-in-chief to arrange People have locked the post and can no longer reply, it is better to leave this post." Geng Qing glanced at Han Suzhen, and Han Suzhen said: "According to Secretary Zhai's instructions."

The meeting was over, and several giants of the Education Bureau went their separate ways.Zhai Xinwen and Han Suzhen got into the car and went straight to the city hall.

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